Friday, February 06, 2015

Friday Favorites

Time for some of my favorites this week
Favorite Office Space Idea

Instead of a gallery wall, use Ikea picture ledges so you can swap out the art and frames whenever you want!

Office Organization: Everything has its place.

I want to redo my office/knitting room so badly. I'm getting a clearer picture of how I need to make that happen. I need a long desk that will accommodate 2 computers, a printer & has lots of drawer space.  & then I want a dresser that has even more drawer space.  But above the dresser, I want to use blank wall creatively that is useful & not just .. in the words of Taylor Swift... blank spaces.  I need to warn Ricky.  We're going to be furniture shopping soon.

Favorite Rings

Disney Beauty And The Beast His And Hers Ring Set
My friend sent me this link on Facebook the other day & I am no obsessed & MUST HAVE!!! I showed Ricky last night & he even loved them.  They come with a chain to wear around your neck too if they don't fit your finger.  How perfect is this for us?

Favorite LifeHack
Make an organizer with shoe box and toilet paper tubes, Creative Home Office Organizing Ideas,,

I have so many colored markers & pens... My name is Rebecca & I am a journal-holic.  This would be PERFECT to keep all my pens together.  I'm the nerd that would need to organize them by color though

Favorite Advice
Amen... need to remember this!
This is why I like to do Thankful Thursday...

Favorite Workout Mat

Train Like A Beast. Look Like A Beauty!

I gotta get this one too.
The internet is going to make me poor.

Favorite Motivation:
If you 'jiggle' at all when you work out, you'll love this video
Get your freak on!

 Favorite Funnies

When you're already off the clock & your boss asks for a favor

Sorry for the language - but I laugh every time...

Chair Illusion
Harvey Dent... every night
Dog Doesn�t Always Bark

I've got moves when the lights go out...

usually ends up with me crying because I hit my toe on something

How I feel about the Grammy's this Sunday

How I feel when I finish knitting something & show Ricky my beautiful new item..
he can only take so much knitting I guess


In tribute to my runny nose this week
How I feel about this time every year


Happy Friday everyone!

Don't forget - Tuesday is another link up to show what books you've read lately
The Winter Reading Challenge #3



  1. Okay, a couple of these actually made me laugh out loud. Not good when I'm sitting in my office alone. It can cause strange looks from others as they walk by. haha

    Just watched Groundhog Day last weekend. Love that movie!!

    I get about the same reaction from my hubby. I mean he's glad I'm knitting and he encourages me to buy whatever I want for it, but he doesn't get overly thrilled about the end product. I'll tell you what. You show me your completed stuff and I'll show you mine and we'll high five each other!! lol

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Love that quote - I need to frame it and put it somewhere in our house. Such a great reminder! And yay for updating your office! Can't wait to see what you do with it :) Happy Friday!

  3. That office inspiration is so pretty! Black and white makes everything look so clean and fancy.
    The quote you found really hit home for me. So many times we stay focused on the negatives and not the positives...
    That yoga mat you got it so adorable! I gotta get me one!

  4. OMG that girl looking at the boy is just hilarious!! I can't even deal!! Love your office inspiration - can't wait to see how it turns out!! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. I've been planning a new office for about a year now. I've got ideas but they're all just so expensive! I want some of those nice cubby looking things from Ikea! All the storage! Loved that video, by the way! And I totally can relate to the dark bedroom except mine is always my thigh on the corner of our bedpost! Ouch!

  6. Great post and great ideas. Love the quote about talking about your blessings.....

  7. That is such a cool workout mat! I think I need to buy that for my sister :)

  8. My dog feels about stray plastic grocery bags the way yours does about leaves : ) I want an office re-do as welll, and am collecting ideas. Fun post! Have a nice weekend!

  9. Those funnies are hilarious! I feel like I should care about the Grammys as well and I totally don't!

  10. I would LOVE to have a home office that looks like those! And that hack for the pens??? Oh. My. I'm going to do that...we go through tp like crazy around here! (TMI?)
    Have a good weekend!

  11. The little girl and the little boy with the sneeze, bwahaha! The internet is so taking all of my money. I should just call it my internet fund. also, when I've clocked out why is anybody at work talking to me except to say BYE! Love those rings, totally you!! Hope you had a great weekend!

  12. same way about the grammys...just not into their early for some reason. your hub about knitting is the same way everyone i know is about beauty stuff when i show it to them, hehe

  13. Omg that yoga mat- yes PLEASE!! Also, those Beauty and the Beast rings are AMAZING!!

  14. I love those shelves in the first image!!!! I want, but I know mine wouldn't look this good ;)


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