Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In Other news... my dad ...

So yeah... in the midst of life kicking us in the gut the past week, I did mention my dad went in for a surgery on Thursday.

Lucky guy... just had another 8 inches taken out of his colon.

Sounds like fun....

Dad was so drugged up here before going into surgery... I'm sure he has no idea he took this picture

10 years ago, my dad found out he had colon cancer & we were very blessed that they were able to take it all out surgically & he has been doing fine every since....

except he never went back for any more colonoscopies.

Everyone... do this to my dad when you see him next

& people wonder where I get my stubbornness from?

But my dad & brother made an appointment together to get their colonoscopies done at the same time & they found a really big polyp in dad's colon that was too far to reach... so back to the hospital for surgery.

This was Thursday. 

The surgery actually went really well & really fast... it was the recovery that was hard for him.  Dad has sleep apnea but REFUSES to do anything about it (#men) because he says he wont be able to sleep with a mask on using one of those machines because he flips & flops all night long.  The nurse let him know that maybe he could sleep much more peaceful if he wore it & then he wouldn't flip & flop at all ... You go Lady Nurse!!!

But in recovery after the surgery, dad's blood oxygen just wouldn't come up.  Even his breathing is stubborn.

He spent twice as long in recovery as he did in the surgery.  My mom & I were getting nervous when the 2.5 hour mark was approaching since he had been in recovery & he was still in there....

They finally got him to the room & let's just say I'm sure dad was happy to be hooked up to a pain pump....

I think if they took 8 inches of my colon out, I'd want a pain pump as well.

Heck, I was ready for a pain pump just from sitting in the hospital all day long.

This may have been how I got my mom back to the car to go home that night

I hate it because I wasn't able to go to the hospital as much as I wanted to with Michael passing away, but that's where its good that there are nurses there to take care of loved ones.  If you are a nurse, kudos to you.

But dad finally got to come home yesterday... 5 long days in the hospital...

& we actually got the news back that the polyp was NOT cancer... YAHOOO!!!!!!

... & now, the doctor has dad on a schedule of planned colonoscopies in the future.  No more waiting 10 years.

So back to healing for dad... & real food... or at least soft food for the next few days.

& now Life, can I ask for you to ease up on us now?  Just for a little bit?  Thanks. Much appreciated.


  1. Such great news!! God is good! Still praying for you all - just wish there was more I could do!

  2. Oh hooray for no cancer! Sometimes I think it's a requirement for fathers in that age group to be stubborn. Mine sure is. You all have been in my prayers and I think about you often. I hope that you have been able to find some peace and comfort in this difficult time. Sending lots of love your way, sweet friend ♥

  3. I am sorry for all you are going through. Love the picture of you two xoxo

  4. So glad to hear it's not cancerous! But seriously, why are men so stubborn? Cory will complain over something but if I mention going to the doctor, he'll say no! Praying things ease up for awhile!

  5. So thankful to hear that the surgery went well and the results weren't cancerous. Hopefully the rest of his recovery goes smoothly. I've been praying for you!

  6. Whew! I have to admit that my heart was in my throat when I saw your post title in my reader. Praise God that it wasn't cancer. Praying that his recovery will go smoothly and that you'll get a nice long respite from "life".

  7. I'm so glad your dad got good news and is on the road to recovery! I have felt this way lately but I know it is nothing compared to what you've been going through. Perspective right??!!

  8. Hooray that it was not cancer :) praying for a speedy recovery for him!!

  9. oh, friend when it rains it pours huh? I am so glad that he it isn't cancer! I effing hate cancer. I try not to swear but I am passionate about how much I don't like it. xoxo

  10. I'm so glad your dad is okay. Hoping his recovery will be fast and complete.

    I totally get what you're saying about life easing up. I'm waiting for that myself. At least last week gave us a break. Hope you get one too.

  11. Amazing news!! So happy to hear that your dad is ok!!!

  12. So thrilled that your daddy got good news and doesn't have cancer...definitely reason to celebrate life's blessings!

  13. thank goodness it wasnt cancer! good to hear everything is good and i hope life eases up on you now!

  14. SO GLAD to hear it was not cancer!!!

  15. So sorry to hear about your dad! Glad to know that it wasn't cancer though and you can do a happy dance!! All of your GIF's are hilarious, love it!

  16. So glad everything went so well. Y'all could use some good news!

  17. I'm shaking my finger at him from atlanta! ;) i'm so glad you finally got some good news! whew!

  18. I'm so happy you're finally getting great news !
    I'll be praying that life eases up on you !

  19. I'm so happy you're finally getting great news !
    I'll be praying that life eases up on you !

  20. Glad to hear that it wasn't cancer and I hope he is continuing to do well!


  21. That is awesome news! Now hopefully if the nurse didn't already, you can talk him into wearing that mask and sleeping much better!


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