Friday, March 06, 2015

These are a few of my favorite things....

Favorite TV Show this week
I just love this show.  Funny, since I have always been the bigget advocate against country music.  Growing older & this show has softened me to it.  & every song that Rayna & Deacon sing together?  I instantly want to buy on iTunes.
Side Note:  Dear Nashville... if you kill off Deacon, I'm done.
Favorite New Product I'm using
Neutrogena Naturals Towelettes
I've never gotten on the 'towelette' band wagon before because my face is so sensitive to products.  Plus, I'm picky about ingredients that are in most of them.  Also, I think the word "Towelettes" is just weird.  Anyways. I found these & LOVE them.  They wipe off eye make up & clean my face.  I love that I can sit on my couch & finish watching my nightly TV while cleaning my face. #lazy
Favorite Beauty & the Beast Item of the week
haha would love this shirt.
Yep... I think I could put a new favorite B&B item every week
But I really think I need this shirt in my life.
Favorite DIY Idea
spray painting plastic stuff with metallic paint- also with solid white paint. Makes dollar store junk look like Pottery Barn chic!
Cheap to Fancy!
Buy cheap little plastics at the Dollar Store & spray paint them gold or silver.
Violia!  Instant Pottery Barn look for way more then half of what it would cost.
Favorite Kid!
This Kid Deserves A Big Hug
I just love the heart of kids... the sweet innocence
How we could learn from them.
Favorite Funnies
Yep. -- How To Exercise With A Dog
Staying Calm At Traffic Jams
I need to replace this every day Monday - Friday
Easy, Cujo
I've seen this look with my dogs in the snow... scary...
Some Doctors Know That Laughter Is The Best Medicine - 18 Pics
Your health tip of the day
Usually every Friday
I'm sorry... I don't know why but I have laughed at this for 5 minutes...
How I feel when the weatherman says its going to be up in the 50's & 60's next week!

How I'm going to walk out the door in the morning for my 5k
How I expect to feel AFTER I do the 5K
Hulking Out

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!

Don't forget - Tuesday is our LAST Link up for WINTER READING CHALLENGE!


  1. I remember those days when I tried to exercise at home when Abby and Toby were still with us. Only they would "attack" the minute I'd sit on the floor. ;-)

    Good luck on your 5K.

  2. Good luck on the 5k!! I LOVE Nashville, too! I can't wait to watch this week's episode that I recorded. I will also be DONE if Deacon is gone. ;)

  3. I've heard really great things about the Neutrogena Towelettes so glad to hear you like them too!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. Confession - I've never seen Nashville. The country music theme is ... I just can't deal with country music. I'm sure I'm missing out on something good but ... I just can't deal with country music. But hey -- good luck tomorrow! You will crush it! :)

  5. Good luck on the 5k! You should take a photo afterward to see if it matches up to this one :)

  6. I really have nothing clever to say except I laughed out loud at this and I love it!

  7. Fun post! Sweet boy. Love the exercise chart and that bubble wrap is a great idea.

  8. yayyyy 5k!!!
    love that gaston tank and you are making me want to watch nashville!

  9. oh my gosh! every single of these funnies! especially the exercise one. if I lay my yoga mat down, it's like a call for the dogs to come lay down on it! And that little boy! So incredibly sweet!

  10. That tank top is hilarious!! I'm sure it will give you little more pep in your step as you're KILLING your 5K! Your son is too precious, the word towelette is strange, and why do dogs get that crazed look in the snow? haha.
    I hope you have a great weekend! Happy Friday!!

  11. Love the bubble wrap on the steering wheel...too funny!


  12. haha the bubble wrap on the steering well is awesome!

  13. Aww that sweet little boy packing lunches for his classmates - I wish everyone stayed that kind forever :) That DIY gold or silver idea is fantastic. How come I can never think of awesome things like this?! I also LOVE that bubble wrapped steering wheel. Happy Friday!

  14. Ultimate FAIL...I've read nothing since the last reading challenge. BOOOO!!!
    I don't know where you find those clips, but they're hilarious! I'm waaay behind on watching Nashville. :(

  15. Oh these were so funny!! haha. And while I don't watch Nashville... little known fact is I was an extra for episode two... lol. But I don't think I ever made it on. Sadness!

  16. That kid i being raised very well :) And that picture about the workout is so true. I can never plank without a dog sniffing and licking my face. There was one time when my dog actually camped under me. LOL


  17. Your post made me giggle !
    Happy Sunday !


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