Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Favorites

 Favorite Journal

If you are a journal person, you need to just get a Moleskin journal.
I have used one for quite a few months - take it everywhere - & it holds up so well.
I especially love the ones that have squared pages in them - instead of just lines - it helps with keeping things more organized for me.
I really do have a love for these journals.
They are a little bit more pricey but they are totally worth the cost.

Favorite Picture

Melissa Vincent Karageorge's photo.
(Photo by my Sis in law)

Yesterday would have been my Brother in Law's birthday.
Some of the family got together & released some balloons for him, along with his son.
Oh goodness... the video of that little boy saying Happy Birthday to his Dada & blowing kisses to the sky... talk about heart wrenching.
But I just love this picture of my mother in law sending up a balloon to her son.

Favorite Beauty & the Beast Picture

I know... doesn't look like a typical Beauty & the Beast pic
... but I may have squealed when I saw the picture Josh Gad posted.
The cast of the movie together!!!
I'm still chomping at the bit to find out whose playing Lumiere!!!!
It's not even on IMDB ... I NEED TO KNOW!!!
For reference - In the picture is LeFou, The Beast, Gaston, Maurice & Belle
I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite Show

I'm loving Sunday nights!
To see the Bible up on the screen - makes my heart happy.
I love that they are taking the scripture from AFTER the resurrection - something that never really gets focused on in stories given to the public.
I'm so glad its going to be on for a few weeks!

 Favorite Dance of the Week

I am a Derek fan anyways
but this was just every shade of adorable!!!

With this as a close second....
It was so enchanting!!!


Favorite Crafty Idea

Cover a flat cookie sheet (Dollar Store!) with fabric and get an instant magnet board.

Cover a cookie sheet with fabric
& TA-DA!!!!
An instant magnet board.
Find some cute magnets, hang with a ribbon & you are good to go!

Favorite Funnies

Belt Problems

The Artist We Needed, Not The One We Deserved

Took a minute to figure this one out�

the stripes on the lady's shirt... lined up perfectly :)
Me hiding in the bathroom when my manager needs something at work

When I have a bug in the house & someone tells me to smash it

 Me trying to squeeze into my Spring clothes

 How I feel when everyone starts any sort of political talk


How it feels to be an adult

 HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. lol... the photo of the man riding the woman and the poor man with the hand gone... I literally laughed out loud! And is that Emma Watson cast as Belle? I had no idea but she's a wonderful choice :)

  2. the cookie sheet!!!! GREAT idea!!! I am so doing that in my new house!

    HOW do you find these clips and funnies...hilarious!

  3. Oh wow that picture with the guy and his gf (hand picture) i totally got confused!! Woo hoo for DWTS...Mark is a little scary to me! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. Sweet friend.. we released balloons for Kai's birthday too. I'm so sorry, but hope y'all saw some sweetness in the day too!

  5. I have yet to watch any of A.D., but a friend is DVRing it so I'll maybe get to watch it this summer. I've heard nothing but good things. It has to be better than Exodus. That was a good "story" and the digital recreations were amazing, but other than having the characters and general gist of the story...pretty much nothing followed the bible story. :(

  6. Aaaahhh I saw the same thing the first time with that guy's hand/that girl's shirt lol. I love the belt funny, too. I'm so sorry about your brother-in-law, but it was so nice for y'all to get together for him. Have a nice weekend, Rebecca Jo.

  7. No way, I am in love with Josh Gad and they are making a B&Beast movie??? I just Googled it....we have to wait until 2017....I want it now!!!

    Sweet photo of your SIL. My heart aches for all of you.

    Have a nice weekend.

  8. I need to remember to come back here every Friday, because you always make me laugh! That balloon pic is super sweet. I loved the pirates of the Caribbean dance (although Allison is not my fav...even though I loved her back when on SYTYCD), but really I loved them all. So creative. And I really need to catch AD ...that's not the same as some Dove Collector one right? My mom says there is some show on that is supposed to be between testaments, but is a little Game of Throney..? Have a great weekend!

  9. So many reasons to love that last video...

    Oh, and I'm totally disappointed that you didn't post my dance video as your favorite.

    Derek and I would match up perfectly, don't you think? heehee

  10. The Batman funny! And the hand...I just love pictures like that. Crack me up! Why is it that the good dancers like Derek always get the best pro dancers? Is it based off of how many times they've won? I always loves Mark's style! He's so creative.

    And that last funny with the girl cracks me up but man does it suck to have that happen to you! Haha!

  11. I hear that Ewan McGregor is going to be Lumiere... can you confirm?


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