Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link Up 17}

Thankful Thursday

Gratitude turns what we have into enough.
~Author Unknown
Things I am Thankful For this week:

... the rain stopped after the wedding just in time for me to take my bride & groom out for beautiful pictures.

... Sketchers Go-Walk shoes. They keep my feet from crying from a long day of standing.

... Chasity helping me through yet another wedding. She keeps my mind straight, thinks ahead for me with areas to go to & poses on her phone, talks me down when I get ready to freak out & is the best at reminding me where I put my keys.  She is just amazing. I'd be lost without her on wedding days.

Someone took OUR picture at the wedding
...we said we never get our picture taken... it felt funny

... Seeing familiar faces at the wedding.  The bride was cousins with one of my past brides so it was good seeing family members that we grew to love at the first wedding.    I love when I go into a wedding & people all know how I work & know my loud voice :)

... a calm bride.  It makes a world of difference in a wedding day.

... meeting up with Ricky after the wedding for Penn Station. The BEST sandwich I had ever eaten.   I'm sure its because I had nothing to eat for 10 hours.

... Medals. I love race bling.

... Hair appointment days.  I think if I didn't have these days every 6 weeks, my hair would just keep growing in frizz.  I don't know how my hair stylist tames it back down, but she does.  I wish I possessed the magical powers she had.

A hair appointment day always calls for documentation..... #lovemyhairstylist #nofrizz #miracleworker

...Sharpie markers.  They really are the best markers.

...8 days in a row of making over 10,000 steps!

... for a blog friend Mia sending me a sample of Advocare Spark Energy Drink. I'm all about trying products that will help me preform better & gives me a healthy boost.  I love trying a product & testing it before I have to commit to buying it too. I've bought a few things with high hopes only to see my wallet just got a lot lighter & nothing worked with it... sigh...

... as always, thankful for those of you that link up with me! I love seeing familiar faces every week that take the time to share with me the blessings in your life!!!

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I love my Skechers Go Walk shoes! How did we manage before?

    I've never had Penn Station. There's one in the nearby big town (where DD et al live) ... we need to try it.

  2. Your hair looks great!! gets me excited for my appt on saturday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I'm wanting to try the Go Walk shoes, but they have a lot of arch support? I have plantar fascitis and need SERIOUS support.

  4. Yay glad you got it, I was planning on checking in on you tomorrow to make sure you did :) I hope you enjoy it friend! Your hair looks soooo good! I'm getting a Keratin treatment next month and I can't wait, I need some major taming over here!

  5. i swear it's using a hair dryer and a round brush to get rid of frizz. i can skip products now (but i'm usually lazy and don't hehe). i've got a tutorial on that monday, actually. 10 hours for shooting a wedding? dang! i would have been starving too. i bet it was the best sandwich! good for you for making your steps!!

  6. Calm bride? That's a thing?! ;P
    LOVE your hair! I agree... I can never get it to look even CLOSE to how a stylist can. Doesn't matter how many tutorials I read/watch! lol

  7. It always amazes me what my hair stylist can do. If I ever become rich and famous, I'm gonna pay someone to do my hair everyday.


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