Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link Up #21}

Thankful Thursday
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.  ~John F. Kennedy

This week I am Thankful For:

... Time Warmer FINALLY - FINALLLLLLYYYYYY - got our home alarm system working.  It only took 2 months. Geez.

... a few days off work.  I needed to get away from there... a break.

... Ricky got our yard looking so nice & clean... weed free!

& since we have flowers planted & hanging pots
I'm loving my clean yard right now

... Emerson (my grandbuddy) reaching out for me to take her & snuggling with me. Totally made my Sunday.

... Making it 27 days out of 27 days for the 10K challenge this month. I'm so close to the end of making the goal of 10,000 steps every day.  It's been tough. My shins are all a mess with all the extra steps.  But I feel so accomplished.

... Pinterest helping me out with ideas for the 21 Day Fix. 

... Isaac graduated Kindergarten last week.  He really did so much better this year & is so much more prepared to head into 1st grade.  It's been so amazing to see how this once shy boy has really come out of his shell.

... Seeing past photo clients.  I always love seeing people that I make fast connections with.

... my straightening iron... summer weather hair needs some sort of help with this humidity.

... tried Avocado Rolls at our Japanese restaurant.  I took a chance & it paid off. It was DELICIOUS!

...I'll also add in I'm thankful I was right about my avocado rolls.  Ricky was for SURE that was some sort of fish on the side.  We later found out (Thanks Instagram friends) that its pickled ginger.  It has a strong smell so I was afraid to try it. Now that I know what it is, I may give it a little go next time.

What are you Thankful for this week?


  1. Your landscaping looks so nice! Jeremy does all of ours around here, I just watch. :)
    That sushi looks amazing. I never eat the ginger- gross!

  2. You are killing your step goal - totally going to make it the whole month!!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Your yard looks beautiful. Maybe you all could come do mine? lol Afraid I'd have to pass on those sushi things, although, my youngest would probably like them.

  4. good for you for getting a break. and your yard is so pretty!!

  5. Snuggles are the sweetest! Love that! So glad you had a break from work - that is THE best!

  6. Your yard looks great!! Ours is on the to do list (again) this weekend - I think it's going to be an entire summer project!

  7. Ooh... your yard does look great! Ours is covered with weeds unfortunately. Have got to work on that. I'm a big fan of avocado rolls! I'm not a big fan of the pickled ginger though. I generally don't eat that part.

    1. Our yard so like 2 years full of weeks. so it was needed.

  8. So just couldn't get to writing today...... Yard looks great!!


  9. Those avocado rolls sound amazing!! I just love the work your husband is doing in the yard, too. You're definitely going to enjoy that this summer :) Have a great weekend.

  10. Your yard is just so pretty! Ricky's done a great job! Is your security system how you see your dogs during the day?


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