Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link Up #24}

Thankful Thursday
“Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighborhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. Be thankful!”

This week, I am Thankful For:

... my dishwasher.  Ever since I've been cooking every morning & every evening doing this 21 Day fix, I'm running my dishwasher every evening.  I used to only run it once - maybe TWICE a week - just shows you how much I cooked before.  I'm so thankful I don't have to do dishes every night by hand.

... my sweet friend.  I got a card in the mail this week with a treat for Starbucks inside.  I seriously just stood reading this with my jaw hanging open & then got teary eyed at the kindness & thoughtfulness. 

... our rose bush.  It's been so fun having roses this year.  They've been growing so beautifully.  I almost want to cut them all as soon they bloom as so I can bring them inside & put in a vase.

... Finished my latest yarn project.  Now I get to pick out what to start next. That's always exciting to me.  A new creation waiting to be made.

... celebrating our Grandbuddy's first birthday.

... office drama has come to a halt... for now. I'll take a peaceful environment whenever I can get it.

... Can I once again mention how thankful I am for my 'walls' at work.  Y'all don't even know how hard I prayed for this to happen.  I feel like I can be thankful for this every time & it wouldn't be enough.

... Having church friends to do the Color Run with this year.  I'm also glad we all found each other so easily in that crowd of people.  I get nervous about those sorts of things.


... Cheap race pics.  I love that the Color Run had their pictures for such a deal.  High Resolution Downloads for $3.99... I know some races, just one picture is like $35.00 - $50.00 ... CRAZY!  Don't they know they'd sell a lot more if they were affordable?

... always thankful for those of you that take time to link up with me.  I have yet to have one week where I've done this by myself.  I love seeing what others are thankful for.  Joy is contagious.  #truth
What are you Thankful for this week?

You can link up with me & share with others...


  1. Well guess what? I'm thankful that you do this every week for us to join in with. I need someone to remind me to be thankful sometimes! So thank you friend.

    I love that picture of your grandbuddy. What a beautiful little girl and that cupcake is awesome!

    Love the color run photos too. You look like you all were having so much fun.

    Guess what? I'm thinking of doing one of these events at the end of the month. A friend from work just did one last week and I was talking to her about it and telling her that I'd like to try one sometime. Well, she's signed up for one in Cincinnati and it's 4 miles. I told her, I don't run, but I'd like to walk and she said she'd walk with me She runs some, but not a lot anymore. So I'm thinking of trying it. I'm walking this week to see if I can. I need something to motivate me back to walking and so far just the thought that I might do it, seems to be working. Now, I just have to get up the nerve to sign up and go through with it! lol

    Hope you have a great day!

  2. We have a couple of rose bushes in our backyard leftover from the previous owners but they didn't bloom this year! :( Not sure if there was something I was supposed to be doing to them... probably that's why haha

  3. Hey! Your mouth is closed in that picture!!! :D

  4. Wow, those are great prices for the color run photos! I had no idea they did that. I rarely buy race photos because they're so expensive :( I love that a lot of the local races I do have free photos.

  5. Snail Mail and a gift card? Yes please! So sweet!

  6. I love that you can have fresh roses whenever just by going to your garden! Still so happy you participated in the color run! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. What a sweet friend to send you that thoughtful gift! I would love to do the color run some day, looks so fun!

  8. First birthday cake smash - so fun :) and I am thankful for my dishwasher as well!

  9. That is so sweet that she send you that card, I know that meant a lot! Loved all your race pics, so fun :)

  10. What wonderful friends you have, as evidenced by the unexpected card and that post-race photo!

    This week (and every week lately), I am thankful for summer vacation...a time to recharge my depleted batteries.

  11. I'll be thankful when we have our dishwasher back! I'm tired of washing dishes in the bath tub! I need to know your secret of how people you work with don't read your blog. Well, I'm guessing they don't? It sure would be nice to vent sometimes!


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