Monday, June 15, 2015

The weekend that I was colorful....

Here we go.. into another week.  I was so not ready for the alarm to go off this morning.  Like, I was ready to cry real tears about it.  But you gotta put on your big girl pants & get out the door to tackle yet another day.

I tackled the weekend, that's for sure.

Saturday, I had to get up bright & early for The Color Run.  I was scared it was going to be miserably hot - & while it was quite warm, it wasn't miserable.  The humidity hadn't kicked in that early.  & maybe the distraction of friends helped too.

Ricky actually sat this one out knowing I was going to meet some ladies from my church... but ever the worrier for me, he stayed with me on the phone until I found them.

I really loved doing it with a group.  Every time we would run & then walk, I'd find myself with another person to talk to until we took off running again.  I love talking to people, learning more about them... & its not every day & with everyone you can talk about weak bladders with.

The funniest/saddest part of the race - well, this race is labeled "The Happiest 5K in the World"... which it is. Full of color, full of families, full of kids... but the course took us right past an abortion clinic where at least a hundred people were out protesting.  & I guess because we were an audience running by, a guy with a megaphone turned & was yelling at us.... "THERE IS A HOLOCAUST GOING ON IN HERE"... "INNOCENT LIVES ARE BEING KILLED RIGHT NOW"... all holding up signs & pictures of mutilated babies.  OK... I get you have your cause, but there are little LITTLE kids running right in front of you.  Really?  You have to wave your signs to everyone?  I was a little sickened about it & you don't know how badly I wanted to go over & tell the people to be considerate of the families going by... its a good thing I was with a group to keep up with or I probably would have.

But I said, Funniest part... none of that is funny - obviously - but as we're going by & this guy is just screaming, a lady next to me said, "Well, so much for the happiest 5k in the world".... I turned around & looked at her & said, "Well, that drama escalated quickly"... everyone around us started laughing.  I'm always one to throw out a line from Anchorman. 

Something had to lighten the mood.  Geez.

But we finished up our race, went to the color party where you are doused one final time with color.

I will say, I LOVED that they had the pretty glitter this year. It was so pretty.  On people with tan skin, it looked amazingly beautiful. On me, it just looked like a really bad fake tan.   But my car STILL has glitter blowing around in it.

I had to get home & scrub quick... we had a party to get to.

Our Grandbuddy, Emerson - her birthday party was going down.  Today is actually her first birthday... can't believe these babies are growing up.  We saw a video right as we were leaving of our youngest grandson WALKING.  Oh my goodness.  It brought tears to my eyes.  Babies don't stay babies for long, do they?

But the party went great.  I think Miss Emerson has enough clothes to last her for this whole summer. 

I forgot to take a picture... I ended up finding her some Nike running shorts... I didn't even know they MADE running shorts in baby sizes.  I want to frame them after she grows out of them... maybe put it on a key chain? :) haha they were so tiny!

Ricky & I ended up going out to dinner & decided to make it a date night & headed out to see Jurrassic World.  Well, we tried the first time.  The theater was sold out, so we went to Target to bide time... always costing me at least $50.00 to just enter & leave Target - don't ask me how that works... but we headed over to the movies a half hour early & do you know the theater was ALREADY like 95% sold out.  If we waited another 5 minutes, we would have had to wait for the next movie. 

OH MY GOSH... it was great.  If you liked the other Jurassic Parks, you'll LOVE this... & of course, Chris Pratt. Enough said.

Needless to say, we were ready to wind down quick when we got home...

Sunday was the usual day at Merge... Ricky & I had the best conversation with the kids in small group.  They were all talking, we laughed, we had some serious talk, some good prayers lifted... it was a great day.  Do I ever mention how much I love those kids?  I do...

& really, the rest of Sunday was getting things done.  We ran to the grocery, I had to meal prep for my 21 Day Fix this week, bill had to be made out... the usual grown up, adult stuff... yuck.

& then last night, I couldn't for the life of me go to sleep.  It doesn't help when you have this huge 65 lb dog who hogs the bed.  You think I'm joking when I say that Harvey Dent takes over the bed?  He loves to sleep right next to us, cuddled up on our pillows with us.  He'll lay there all night long.

... but I eventually drifted off... with a dog paw in my face....

& we're off to a new week!

Hope your weekend was great!!!
Did you see Jurassic World?
It is miserably hot in your area?
Have you ever done the Color Run?


  1. glad to hear of your good review for JW! i'll add it to my list.

  2. I've always wanted to do a color run - looks like so much fun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I love your photos from the Color Run, you guys look like you were having a great time! And we tried to see Jurassic World this weekend too but failed. There had been a fire at the movie theater and they had to evacuate everyone. Thankfully it was small and no one was hurt but it obviously pushed the rest of their schedule back and we weren't able to wait for the delayed movie time. But I still want to see it at some point.

  4. It's hot and I LOVE it! The color run looks SO fun!!! And so messy, haha ;) I need to look into that!

  5. Nope, I haven't seen Jurassic World. In fact, I haven't watched any of the others, except bits and pieces when turning channels on TV. That kind of stuff makes me too nervous to watch.

    Yes, it was miserably hot in our area this weekend.

    Nope, I've never done a color run. But I do think they look like so much fun.

    I love those pictures of your grandbuddy and of Harvey Dent. Sweet!

    Have a great day and don't work too hard.

  6. Doing a color run is definitely on my bucket list - I just need to start running first, haha. They look like so much fun! And how cute is that picture of Emerson - I feel like she was just born!

  7. Way to go doing that run! I love the color thing..... That is one adorable shot of Miss Emerson. I can't wait to see Jurassic Park but have to wait because Mark went out of town this morning. Hopefully we will see it on Friday before I take off to Florida for 17 days.

  8. I've never done a Color Run before, just Color Me Rad - looks like a lot of fun... except that whole abortion clinic thing - crazy!! Emerson is the CUTEST!! Cake smash photos are my favorite thing!

  9. I've done a Color Run they are super fun! Bummer on the protests, so not cool with kids around. I have heard great things on Jurassic World, glad it was good.

  10. It's hot here, but not miserably so ... but those days are coming. It sure sounds like you had a BUSY weekend ... but a good kind of busy.

  11. So glad you had fun at Color Run! Too bad about the protests going on. That's just awful.
    I can't wait to see Jurassic Park!!

  12. Emerson is so cute! and is that a giant cupcake?? Sometimes when I can't sleep, I have to pull a dog up into the bed to snuggle with me. Works every time!

  13. I have always wanted to do the Color Run...looks like a blast! I mean, getting splattered with all sorts of crazy colors...who could beat that?! Nope...haven't seen Jurassic Park, but plan to soon!

  14. I've been enjoying your Color Run pictures!! The last one posted (not here) was the BEST! I'm hoping to do a Color Run one day...

  15. I haven't seen Jurassic World yet, but i want to! I'll probably have to wait until it comes out on video.

    It IS miserably hot! Plus, we're on year 4 of the drought, so there are major water restrictions here. Praying for an El Nino Winter!

    I've done two color runs, and they're my favorite! So much fun-- like an athletic rave!


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