Monday, June 22, 2015

The weekend that we celebrated dads....

I know I get from a lot of people, "you weekends are busy"... & I'm so used to it, I don't think anything about it.

This weekend, even I was like, HOLY BUSY WEEKEND BATMAN!  I honestly felt like I was running the entire time. Last night, around 7pm, I finally sat down to try & relax before the week started again.  So about 2 - 3 hours of relaxing for the whole weekend?  I'm glad I got that....

Friday kicked it off for me.  I joined up with a virtual run with Gone for a Run - I have done a few virtual races with them. Their swag is fantastic if you want to check them out - they have a 4 mile race for the 4th of July coming up. ... but a few of my church friends said they wanted to do it as well so we set it up as an event together.

With it being Father's Day weekend & my Saturday already pretty full, we decided that Friday night at 8pm would be the best time.

I'm actually glad we made it that late.  First of all, it was the ONLY hour during the night that didn't get rain - thank you Lord.  & the humidity was so miserable that during that time of day, it was more tolerable.

It was pretty exciting because one of the ladies was just finishing up her C25K program & this was her first 5k.  I loved seeing her make a distance she's never done before. 


Nothing like getting a medal at 9pm at night...


Saturday had me up & out early with a photo session for our band at church.

Again - rain.  I hate you sometimes rain.

The only bad thing was, that limited our space in the church because, while our fellowship hall would have been a great place for pics - neutral walls, lots of light - there was a wedding shower going on.  So we were confined to the sanctuary that has not one bit of light. I'm not kidding. I am known to bring a flashlight to read my Bible in there.  It's THAT dark... plus, the colors are dark... & a dark red wall.  I know other photographers just wept at those conditions....  but while I grabbed pictures for what they needed to advertise, I'm not sure I captured what some were looking for. I was heart broken by the end of the night.  I hate when I can't meet expectations or where I'm limited & there's nothing I can do...

Troopers... it was lightly raining here actually

Momma said there'd be days like that...

But I ended up leaving the photo session & heading to celebrate a new baby coming in August.  I just love this family.  We've been neighbors since we moved to Greenville in 2001 & they are just the best family.  I keep asking them when they're going to officially adopt me.  Especially because the matriarch of the family makes these gorgeous quilts for everyone - I keep teasing her I'm waiting for my quilt.  She told me, "You have to do something amazing to get one".... well bummer, I'll never get one now.  haha

I left the shower to go meet up with Ricky & take care of a few errands we needed to do.  & by the time we got home, it was just enough time to edit pictures.

Sunday - bright & early - & Harvey Dent was ready to celebrate Father's Day.  it honestly was the funniest thing I have ever witnessed.  "Harvey" picked out a shirt for his dad.  I had it in a bag with a card from him & the other dogs.  I ended up putting it on his collar & told him to "Find Daddy'... he ran to Ricky so excited. I mean, EXCITED.  When he saw Ricky, he jumped up in his lap with this bag & Ricky got to laughing so hard.  Then it was like Harvey was trained... he jumped down & just sat while Ricky opened his gift.  When Ricky held it up & said, "Oh I love this"... Harvey instantly started getting excited, jump back up in his lap & was just trying to give his daddy kisses.  It was like he was really a small child looking for approval for the gift choice.  We laughed till we had tears in our eyes....

Then time to head to church... our friend Bobby was preaching.  We always love when he's up at the pulpit.  He just brings such fun & humor in his teaching & I think he's so relatable to everyone from little kids all the way to the mature adult.  I for one would NOT consider myself a 'mature' adult by the way.  I'm sure I'd have people second that notion.

Ricky & I ran out after church to grab some lunch & then it was time to go celebrate my daddy for Father's Day.

I don't understand my parent's house.  It was the hottest day... humid... yucky... but their house always has a breeze that just makes it so comfortable to sit out under trees on the porch & talk & drink tea... its like there's a AC unit God holds over their house.

it was time to play with animals while we were there... Ricky playing with the horse... me playing with all the bugs that were crawling up my legs eating the tar out of me. UGH! 

Time enough to get home & for me to just get a few things done around there & like I said... 7 pm I was like, Sit down a sec.  I ended up spending the rest of the night looking for crochet patterns for a blanket for our couch.  I bought yarn during the Fall last year to make me a blanket & I'm ready to do it.  Can't wait. Love this yarn....

So now I'm finally at my desk at work.  Glad to take a breather. I'm ignoring the pile of mail that is basically a foot tall (I wish I was joking) because I gotta get a break in here somewhere. 

I'll get started after I finish my iced coffee....


#standinCommand #Coffeeversion

How was your weekend?
Did you celebrate Father's Day?
Have you ever done a Virtual 5K?

Come back tomorrow - I'm going to talk about finishing up my first 21 days on the 21 Day Fix...


  1. That is so awesome. I wish I could run but since I can't I love that I can follow along with you running. Way to go! Baby showers are so much fun. Looks like you had a very busy weekend. I'm in Florida with my dad so it was fun being here for Father's Day with him and his 92nd birthday is Thursday this week.

  2. I've never done a 5K at all. ;-) We spent the day at DD's celebrating DH and DSIL. Everyone was exhausted but it was wonderful to be together, which is all that really matters.

  3. So wonderful that you were able to spend some time with your dad this weekend - so fun!!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Busy busy!! But sounds like a wonderful weekend! So funny about Harvey's Fathers Day present and hoping the pictures came out alright!

  5. You could've sent the rain down here! We've had it off & on, but not enough!

  6. No, I've never done a 5K, well at least not in the last 25 years or so. However, I did sign up for a 4 mile walk called the "Hyde Park Blast" on Saturday in Cincinnati. I'm getting really excited about it and a little scared. It's been quite a while since I've walked 4 miles all at once. We'll see how it goes.

    Have you considered making a blanket with the loom knitting. I've gone one started, however I haven't gotten very far. I've kinda been taking a break from knitting. Hoping I'll stop and pick it up soon again.

    Hope you have a great day.

  7. People say the same to me and i guess I'm used to it, things just have to get done! A medal totally makes the run worth it.

  8. Wow, so busy! I felt like the weekend went by quickly because we were 'busy,' but our busy was just doing whatever came to mind, not lots of obligations! Glad you got to take a little break though.

  9. Okay...what is a virtual 5K? I've never heard of that before! It really does sound just like Harvey Dent knew exactly what he was doing. So sweet!


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