Wednesday, August 05, 2015

But I want it my way....

The big struggle in most marriages...

you know what it is...

come on. 

Let's all agree.
Its trying to decide on where to eat.

Me:  I'm craving Mexican
Ricky:  You're always craving Mexican...
Ricky: ... AND you just had it last night for dinner.
Me:  So?
Ricky:  I'm craving a black bean burger
Me:  (Silently proud he's craving a vegetarian dish)
Me:  But we just had that last week
Ricky:  But you had Mexican LAST NIGHT

... sigh...

The struggle is real people.  Real.

& guess what my sweet husband did ... let me have Mexican.

This is why I married him.

& let's get the record straight.  Some days, I'll give in & let him have his way.

But it's what we all ultimately want most of the time, right? 
To get our way.

There's something wonderful about getting your way.
A feeling of success.
A feeling of being right.

& the opposite of all that is true when we DONT get our way.

It's not a good feeling sometimes.

& then I'm reading my Bible this week & following Jesus in his time where he is in prayer to his Father...

Intense prayer.... prayers so serious that it's causing blood to run down his head.

Jesus knows what is ahead for him.

A path of torture. Of pain. Of a time God will put all the sins of the world on his shoulders.

& Jesus says to God, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me...." (Luke 22:42)

I don't want to go there.
I don't want to feel that.
I don't want to have to go through this.

Jesus, I see your human traits here....

"... yet my not will, but yours be done." (Luke 22:42)

Jesus, I know you are still Holy...

& God knows this is going to be hard on his son.
I don't think God wants to see someone he loves so much go through pain. 
Which would many, anyone.

But God sees the bigger picture.

God knew that while a struggle for one, there held the redemption for many....

It just made me think now of the times I don't get my way ...not about where to eat dinner... but about people I know that are suffering, when I see people I love hurting, sick, in pain... when I'm in that same spot...  there's a bigger picture going on.

When bad things happen, when pain occurs, when struggles are real, when things aren't going the way we want, God is in control... there is a plan... God will make it all work out for the good.

Reminder of the day:  The struggle you are in today, know God sees it all.  He will make it worth it.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord that we don't all get our way.


  1. Such a beautiful reminder. I think this is why Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite Bible verse - even when things are terrible, we can take comfort that this is his greater plan for us even if we can't understand it right now.

  2. Oh gosh agreeing on what to eat is always a struggle, but thankfully my husband will literally eat anything so I usually "win" :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. LOL Rick always does wants Mexican. I'm like I don't like it go with out me, he gets so upset ... lol. Oh the struggles of marriage :)

  4. we are the opposite. KC always wants Mexican (qdoba) and I always DON'T want qdoba lol

  5. Bahahahah... you're right - the struggle is real!!!!!

  6. I try not to get involved in those decisions anymore, I just tell him to choose. As long as I don't have to cook I good with almost anything!

  7. We're both just super indecisive so we always want the other one to choose haha! I think I'd almost rather have us disagree and then decide or compromise than no one wanting to decide!

  8. It's always hard to not wanna be right. Everybody wants to be right...constantly working on it! Love this post!!

  9. YES! We can ALL relate to this so thanks for this message! Thankful that He works ALL things out for good - what a sweet promise to hold onto!

  10. i am ready for the struggle to be over with. the struggle of being patient with my struggle! thanks for this lovely reminder.

  11. Hubby and I have the same Mexican food discussion at least once a week, if not more. I actually told him about your blog post as we headed to dinner last night. I'd had Mexican for lunch two days in a row but would have been thrilled to eat it for dinner too. heehee

  12. I am sort of different. I feel guilty if I think that I have gotten my way too many times recently, and then I can't enjoy whatever I wanted.


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