Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link up #32} - with lots of pictures

Thankful Thursday

Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to
say your nightly prayer.
~Maya Angelou

This week I am Thankful For:

....Let it be noted with Merge Camp this past weekend, I could literally have a whole list that could take days to get through... so I'll try & keep it simple & say I am thankful for every minute spent with these amazing kids.

... I'm glad the kids were together away at camp during the weekend.  Some things were happening in our church during the weekend & these precious kids were away from it all having no idea what was going on.  God's protection is amazing.

... that I have the opportunity to have a voice that may help others in their decision about Jesus.

The many faces of me teaching

... this girl.  I just love this sweet face.  It seems that every year when kids come in, all the leaders just connect with different people.  This young lady is my buddy.  She's always just randomly yelling out, "TEAM REBECCA"... She's funny, loves superheroes, books, is kind & helpful... I love getting to know amazing young people!

... my husband who made sure to bring me a cold Sparkling Water & a subway sandwich to camp.

... that I have no shame in taping a aluminum moustache to my face for a youth kiddo's scavenger hunt picture

I actually have it taped to my face with the tape going down my lip inside my mouth
... that baby hurt ripping off...
... running into an old church friend that so encouraged me in making future decisions.

... the bravery in others who aren't afraid to stand up against what is wrong, even when others don't see or believe it.  It takes a lot to stand up against things.  Especially when things are deceitful to others.  It makes that person an outsider in an unjust way... but they are willing to do it for what's right.  What an example of character.

... The Grands started school back.  So glad they had a great, safe summer!

How are these boys getting so big so fast!?!?!?!

... Harvey Dent & the way he depends on me & Ricky.  He's totally a member of our family.

... truth & how it always seems to come to light.

... sweet friends that give me such wise Godly advice & reminders of things I easily forget because I keep my heart too much on my sleeve.

... Getting lots of hugs & kisses from this sweet face.  It's been so fun seeing Emerson's personality grow as she does.  I just love this little Princess so much.


What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Emerson is SO BIG! Crazy how time flies. Lots to be thankful for this week!

  2. Oh my goodness... Emerson is just too adorable!!!! So is Harvey Dent, obvs. :)

  3. I can't believe kids are starting back up with school!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I'm grateful for another bright sunshiney day! Great list! And what cute kids! Trish - tales from trish

  5. What a beautiful list and great pictures. Little Emerson is adorable and I really can't believe how big your grandkids are getting.

  6. So much to be thankful for! Kids and dogs and friends and truth (and the others I didn't mention!)...great choices. :) And I love your tin foil mustache!

  7. Your grandsons are the cutest! Can't believe it's that time again!!!

  8. Wait. How are you old enough to have grands? What youth serum are you using?! They're adorable and I hope they have a wonderful school year.

  9. i'm thankful to make it through this week! the 5 yr old started kindergarten. whew! now off to work and then drive 5 hours to see my family. always worth it.

  10. Harvey can he be so cute yet destroy such good stuff?? And I can't believe how big Miss Emerson is getting!


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