Monday, August 17, 2015

The weekend that I went to Women of Faith...

I know most of my weekends are busy... this one was on overload... & I loved every minute of it.

Friday, I actually took off work because usually Women of Faith is typically up in Indianapolis & we usually take a car full of ladies, make a day of stopping at the Outlet Mall on the way, having lunch & then checking into our hotel - a whole days worth of 'girl time'.  With it being in our own back yard this year, we still didn't want to miss out on girl time so we planned to meet up for some pottery painting.

Before I even got to do that,  I got to meet up with my friend Erica who was visiting from Colorado with her Princess daughter, Emily.  It's been so amazing watching how the effects of medical cannabis has helped this little girl.  All the medication that Indiana & Kentucky could provide for her wasn't helping one bit.  Erica researched medical marijuana & how it helps people with seizures & they made the move - gave up everything for their daughter... & the results have been amazing.  I miss my friends but was so glad to spend a little bit of time catching up & hearing how exciting life has become for them. 

But I had enough time after seeing these lovelies to run down & get an Iced Coffee from Starbucks & head over to start getting creative.

It was great just sitting & creating things & just being able to chat & catch up on things. 

It was funny because we had a 'real artist' with us so she was just perfection with her project.... mine is all sorts of a mess.  But I love it - because it's just going to be a perfect memory of the day/weekend & these ladies when I drink out of it every morning.

I cant wait to see it fired up & in the 'real' color & to have the marker burn off

We headed out to eat & I was excited to try spaghetti squash for the first time in my life.  Why didn't anyone tell me how amazing this stuff is?  I have to now take the Pinterest plunge & make it myself at home.... YUM!

Off to event we go... & I said I know where I'm going, I'll take the lead... but then got so caught up in our conversation in the car, I took a wrong turn, lost the person behind me & nearly broke a few laws to get on the bridge I needed to. 


But we made it & it was perfect timing.  As soon as we sat down, the music started.

The night kicked off with Sheila Walsh & her little Scottish accent.  I had actually heard her story before that she spoke about but I never get tired of hearing the way God works through people's lives.

Next up was a little interview section with Corrie Robertson from Duck Dynasty.

Now I'm not a Duck Dynasty fan.  Never really watched it. I tried - once - & they were cutting tails off of dead possums in the road.  Oh HECK NO... that's the only thing I have ever seen of the show & enough for me to not watch again.  #sorrynotsorry

But I did enjoy the conversation with her - seemed like such an authentic woman.  Know what I noticed most about her?  She was just 'normal' - she didn't have on glammed up make up or her hair done & she just had on a t-shirt & jeans - just an every day mom who has her life being filmed - but all they want to do is bring Glory to God.  I may have to give the show another try.

Up last was Sandi Patty with her family... we all ended up taking out when she started singing.  We had one of our girls that had to head to work at UPS & no one wanted her to walk alone downtown to the parking garage & then no one wants her momma to have to walk BACK alone after taking her to the car, so we all just decided to call it an early night & all headed out.

I'm glad we did because it was already 10:45 when I got home & I was exhausted....

Saturday, we all met up again at 7:30 - my McDonalds iced coffee in hand - & headed back down for Day 2.

This time, we had an extra bonus.  A little 3 week old getting a taste of a woman's conference. 

I said that having a 3 week old baby in a woman's conference was like having a bright light in a sea of moths.  Attracted everybody over to her.  How could you resist this little baby?

First up was Patsy Clairmont.  Oh my goodness  - if you have never heard her speak, you've missed out.  She is just the spunkiest, cutest little grandma in the world.  She had on black leggings with black boots, a long crazy print shirt, a long pearl necklace, & a leather looking jacket.  Now, remember, she's a grandma... white hair & all... & I told my friend, if I wore that outfit today, I'd look like a crazy lady - but she can totally pull it off & make it look precious.  Everything about this woman is precious!

After Patsy spoke was the lady that everybody kept yelling for.  Jen Hatmaker...

OK - everyone & their momma has heard of this lady. I had never heard of her... & am so glad I know who she is now.  Apparently she's a blogger to so I'm going to be all about that.

But another woman that is just real.  Telling stories of her children & how the adoption of 2 of her 5 children showed her how God sees us - He's just a lovestruck father.  It was such a sweet message.

When we got a break, I was so happy that my friends came to our area so we could get in some hugs & some quick catch-ups.

That lady in pink is just precious to me... one of those friends that knows who you REALLY are... & still likes you :)  I love her insight, her wisdom, her humor, her friendship.  I always say she 'completes me' because while we are so much alike, we have things that she encourages me in when I get weak, confused, a little lost.  Her husband was our Elder at our church when they attended it & when he left we said, "nope, you aren't shaking us" & we call him our Elder for Life.  Sorry - but the title just will go with him forever.  & I feel like Lynn is the same way - she's my go-to place for girlfriend advice. I know her words are always coming from a Godly heart... not to mention, she's a yarn-addict too! YES!  #YardAddictsUnite

We got to close up our morning session with Mama T - or Thelma Wells to other people.

My very first Women of Faith in 2005, I saw Thelma. She is fantastic.  & I was so glad to see her back on the stage.  How one little lady can get everyone going - its a gift of the spirit - believe that. 

But she brought her granddaughter up on stage to sing "Jesus Loves Me"... these little moments tucked in the weekend is what tugs my heart strings.

The afternoon session ran over late & our lunch time was limited.  Now, we're in Downtown & there are lots of options... but apparently downtown went & got drunk because they were all sorts of dumb.  Every restaurant had open tables but they all still had 45 minute waits because they only had like 2 servers in each place.  WHAT?  You know a big conference is happening literally a block away from you & you don't staff your places?  Dumbest thing I have ever seen...

But after walking in the heat for 25 minutes, with a newborn baby, & bags & totes, we got desperate....

as desperate as one can get.

We found a White Castle.  That literally did not have one woman in it.  I think we were the bravest people of the conference to go in there.  I said this was all about memory making moments.  We laughed so hard about eating there & saying our husbands were going to be amazed...

& yes, they do have veggie 'sliders' - just the word makes me a little nauseated.  That's how desperate we were though.

We ended up loosing part of our gang after lunch because they had a wedding to go to... so we were down to 4.

We got back just at the tail end of the Building 429 concert but it worked out perfectly because we caught their big song "Take this world & give me Jesus... this is not where I belong"... good enough for me.

Up next - Marilyn Meberg

It always intrigues me to listen to this woman because you can tell she's basically a GENIUS.  The use of her words - the way she delivers herself ... but the way she's still got a warped sense of humor?  I LOVE this lady...

She talked about connections & our connection with God that can never be lost - I just loved this message. It was probably my favorite of the weekend.

Finally up - what I can come for... Lucy Swindoll!

Totally swiped my friend Lynn's pic

Lucy hasn't been on the tour in years... & I love this lady. She reminds me so much of my Mamaw that it makes me tear up.  But she's another one who is just so wise but funny ... I could listen to her all day long.

I was a tad disappointed because she was closing this up & I wanted to hear her 'speak' but they just did an 'interview' sort of thing with her.  I'll never be upset hearing her talk but just wanted to get a message from her.  If that's the worst of the weekend though, I'm totally fine with that.

But then it was over... 20 years of Women of Faith... all over.

Thanks Lynn for ANOTHER picture :)

I was kinda choked up about it all... until they sang the corniest song I have ever heard in my life.  I love my friend Elaine who also thought it was corny & we just were standing there going, "no... just no... no... stop it... no"

So much to process after a weekend like this...

especially when you get home & remember the world & how it has to much to throw at you.

it's why you need to take time to get your soul filled up with encouragement, to laugh with friends, to get in hugs when you can, to risk your life in a shady White Castle.

... these are the moments that make a great weekend...

How was your weekend?
Ever been to Women of Faith?
Whose your favorite Woman of Faith speaker?


  1. Wow, you really did have a crazy full weekend! It sounds like a great time. I love spaghetti squash but I've had mixed success cooking it at home. Sometimes it turns out really watery. It usually better when I drain the "noodles" a little bit before serving or mixing with stuff.

    1. I've got to learn the trick of making it at home now... its DELISH!

  2. I did a painting thing like that for a bachelorette thing for a friends wedding this summer. It was fun! I'm so glad medical marijuana is helping your friend's daughter. And spaghetti squash is sooo good! I've only had my mom's, but I kind of want to try making it myself!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend - I love the mug you made! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I love your description of duck dynasty ahaha! I feel the same! I will have to look up Marilyn! She already looks so cute and sounds like a amazing lady! Happy Monday!! :)

  5. Sounds like an awesome weekend!!!! Even the White Castle! Also: WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SPAGHETTI SQUASH!!!!!

  6. It sounds like an awesome weekend. I love WOF and my favorites are Marilyn, Patsy and Luci!! Unfortunately, I didn't get in on the last year, but I have so many wonderful memories of previous WOF Conferences I've been to. I'm so glad to hear you had such a wonderful time.

  7. Seriously so awesome! I went to their live broadcast and they were HILARIOUS! I haven't been to the actual WOF in 2-3 years, but it was so good! Love that you had this opportunity!

  8. I am so not good at the painting things because I am a perfectionist too, so frustrating. Spaghetti squash is so good and so much healthier! So glad you had a great time!

  9. Looks like a weekend I would have loved, no, I have never been. Glad that you had such a great time!!


  10. Looks like it was a great conference! I went to WOF in Columbus, OH in 2005 and to the one in Fort Wayne, IN ... a year or two later (can't remember) but was never able to get back to another one. I have to say that my favorite parts was visiting the bookstore ... and buying whatever bundle they were promoting. Great books! :) Do try Duck Dynasty again -- I have to look away when they do the hunting segments but the family life and their faith is just amazing.

    1. I do need to try the show again - but wouldn't you know THAT'S the episode I see first? haha...
      Oh yeah - I have to see what 'restraint' really feels like at those book counters. I did just end up with a t-shirt this time. I have so many books from previous women of faith conferences I still need to get around to read :) haha

  11. What a great weekend! Busy one it looks like. So glad your friend's daughter is doing well. I know many people don't like the use of medical marjuana, but I'm under the belief if it works for the person, it shouldn't be restricted. I love your mug though, even if it wasn't perfect, it's unique and that's the most important thing to take from that.

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  12. What an awesome, amazing weekend! I have never been to WOF. It's on my list of things to get to do. So glad you want to give my Duck Dynasty boys another try. The whole family is awesome. I've read all their books and they are the most sincere, genuine, transparent people I've ever come across. I adore their honesty and the strength of their faith. Watch them this Wednesday...Corrie's oldest is getting married!

  13. What an awesome, amazing weekend! I have never been to WOF. It's on my list of things to get to do. So glad you want to give my Duck Dynasty boys another try. The whole family is awesome. I've read all their books and they are the most sincere, genuine, transparent people I've ever come across. I adore their honesty and the strength of their faith. Watch them this Wednesday...Corrie's oldest is getting married!

  14. WOW girl what an amazing weekend! I so want to go to a woman's conference but working Saturday's always make it tough for me. I do love our church does a one night She event which is GREAT.

  15. this weekend sounds like it was exactly what your soul and heart needed. i love that there were lots of laughs, too.

  16. Your mug is really cute. I felt the same way two years ago when I made my first spaghetti squash. Why didn't I know about this!!!! Sounds like a great conference and having the baby there had to be so awesome. White Castle is the best thing ever! I haven't been to a Woman of Faith Conference.

  17. I've never been to WOF but I didn't attend the Extraordinary Women's conference last year. I love Jen Hatmaker ! I had never heard of her until after we got back from Rwanda last year and my aunt was telling me about her and her show on DIY and adoption. I'd love to hear her speak! So glad you had such a great weekend!


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