Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link up #37} ... weather, books, friendship & Love... good stuff!

Thankful Thursday
“Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now.”
A.W. Tozer

This week I am Thankful For:

... Starting a new Bible Study. I've been wanting to do this ever since I heard Angie Smith was putting out a Bible Study. I just think she is everything adorable & I'm excited to do this with a group of friends.

... & speaking of Seamless - I was all sorts of giddy when ANGIE SMITH herself liked my Instagram picture.  I was totally fangirling!!!!

... a gorgeous, cool, perfect weather weekend! ... with beautiful weather trickling through the whole week!  I want to bottle it up & have this year round.

... this beautiful weather has had me outside all week long.  Like, I'll just sit outside & do nothing just to stay out in it.  But I even got to enjoy a good 5k walk with my friend Heather.  I am so thankful to get to know her better.  It's like an instant friendship there.  Love this lady & her family!  I'm just thankful God puts people in your life that you just know you're going to be best buddies with.

Funny add on - last night, we discovered her husband is from the same area of town Ricky & I are from
... & was a roller skater too...

...Dancing with the Stars is back on!  I know... that sounds dumb, but you have no idea how much I love this show. It makes me happy. Dancing always makes me happy.  So yes, I'm thankful for it.

... my last pregnant momma was OK during our photo session.  She got faint towards the end of the session & had to sit down & while we tried doing a few more pictures, she just felt bad so we had to cut it a little short. I luckily always have food in my car & a granola bar helped her feel better as her husband took her to get some food in her belly.  She text me later & told me she was perfectly fine. Whew! I was anxious to hear how she was.

...Ricky & I meet every Wednesday for lunch & last week, work kept him over where he couldn't meet me.  This past Wednesday, he called me & told me he probably wasn't going to make it again. 2 weeks in a row #sadface ... but I went to our usual place, our usual booth anyways & he came in - about 10 minutes late - but he made it. Made me happy. I love our Wednesday lunches.

... got my Kindle charged up. The past 4 or 5 books I've read have been paper books. I love switching back & forth because my eyes struggle with the little print in books. I love I can make my font on my Kindle bigger.  I'm also excited that I got The Royal We for only $3.99!  I have been wanting to read this for awhile & when I saw it was on sale, I was like, Yep - back to the Kindle I go for the next read. 

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Love the fact that you get lunch with Ricky every wednesday and he was still able to make it this week :)

    And yay for angie smith liking a picture! I don't know who she she is, but its important to you so yay!!

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  2. I was so excited on Monday night when DWTS was back on - I actually thought a lot of the stars did a great job - I'm seriously pulling for Nick Carter although the vine kid is adorable! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. What great things to be thankful for. I love my Kindle too!

  4. sometimes i wonder if i should go back to digital to much easier than a clunky book!

  5. I am LOVING the change in weather. I'm with you... I'd love for it to always be like this!
    That's cute that you and Ricky have a standing lunch date. I wish Pete and I worked closer and could do something like that!

  6. The weather has been SO beautiful this week - I'm clinging on to it because it probably won't last long (sad face)! And so glad to hear your mama was feeling better!

  7. I love that you guys get to meet for lunch (almost) every week, what a nice thing to break up your workday a bit. And I got The Royal We on sale too-- so excited to read it!

  8. I didn't know DWTS was starting back this week. I missed it. I'll have to see if I can catch it on OnDemand. I'll have to see who the "stars" are. That will make all the difference to whether I actually watch it or just catch videos of certain ones on YouTube. I did see on FB the dance that Bindi did. Looked to me and my definitely untrained eye like she may have some talent.

    I plan to be back and post with you next Thursday.

  9. Best kind of friends are often instant ones. I just got that bible study as well!
    Love you and your Groom meet for lunch dates, sweet and important :-)


  10. I'm glad the weather is good for you guys! That always improves my mood. I've been reading a lot lately, I love having my Kindle because we don't really have any more room for books!

  11. how cute are you! Love that you eat lunch together every week - so sweet!

  12. My husband and I used to have Friday lunches while he was in classes, but now he's back to work and I'm back to solo lunches, boo. But I still go out, anyway, most days, even if I eat by myself. I miss the company, but going out is still relaxing.


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