Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link up #38} ... its a long list this week!

Thankful Thursday

By acknowledging spirit with gratitude, you bring it joy & give it more strength do its work.
~Russell Eric Dobda

This week I am Thankful For:

... got to see these 2 girls in their first orchestra performance!  One is playing the violin & the other, the Viola - pronounced VE-ola - not VI-ola... I keep getting corrected on that. thankyouverymuch.  But I love seeing these girls get an appreciation for musical instruments.  So good for the brain!  I was telling them that they are at a great age to start learning it now... think college scholarship :) ... because goodness knows we will only blink & they'll be graduating.  (Don't want to think about it, don't want to think about it, don't want to think about it)


... Loved that the orchestra concert was all related to ROCK!  They played KISS, hence the make up & the shirts... but a lot of Zepplin & Beatles... It was really great & entertaining!  I could get down with this kind of orchestra music.

Now THAT'S a cool orchestra teacher!

... my mom.  I always say there is no one in this world that makes me laugh as hard as my mom.  During the twins concert, it was rock themed, right?... so they had everyone pull out their phones like a concert to light up the room. My mom doesn't have a phone, so she pulls out her flashlight on her key chain.  I was impressed at the ingenuity


... our new Women's Bible Study has increased by one in its first week.  Really - that's a trick statement - but one of our ladies gave birth this week to her daughter.  So now, we have 3 babies that will be joining us - with a bump still growing.  Side note - don't drink the water!!!

... Got to see some faces that I hadn't seen in awhile & enjoy a good walk with them.  We may all be going separate directions from the same church for this season, but its always good to know that sister in Christ are always sisters in Christ

.... love how my last venture to Earth & Fire resulted in a great new Gratitude Jar!  I'm usually a hot mess when it comes to all things artsy & painting, but I'm really happy with how this turned out.  I may just have to 'polka-dot-out' everything I do from now on.

... Pumpkin Chai Teas.  You will see this repeatedly on Thankful Thursday probably until Fall is over.

.... weekend breakfasts with my hubby

... the weather has still just been perfection.  Its usually like a nice day & then we bottom out ... & put that on repeat.  But its been over 2 weeks of nothing but wonderful temps.  It's been so nice, we haven't even had to run our A/C the past 2 weeks.  Maybe I won't be so afraid of my next utility bill.

... I received the most precious handmade card in the mail from an Instagram friend.  She is a "Bible Journaler" & we 'met' looking at the pictures of each other's Bible.  She has sent me in the past little cutsie add ins for my Bible & now, just a random "thinking of you" card.  How THOUGHTFUL!!!.... It's just so touching to me that someone thought about me & followed through with that by letting me know - in such a creative way.  I need to start doing that myself for others because I know how much it reaches my spirit when someone does it for me.

... I have 2 people that have trusted me with their 21 Day Fix journey & made me their Coach through Beachbody. I've loved hearing their stories & how this plan is working for them.  The changes they are already seeing is amazing!  I love being able to help others walk through this new way of looking at eating.

... My new Erin Condren planner cover!!! When I won a free Life Planner, it came not personalized & I was a little bummed. That's the point - right?  But I opened up the package & saw a card for a free personalized cover.  I didn't realize how easy it is to change the covers on this thing & now I see why & how people get ones for each holiday.  I'm in love with my cover.  I put my life verse on it instead of my name & am going to love seeing it in front of my face every day. ... & now I'm totally going to have to keep an eye out for sales for all the other holiday covers.  After all, you can use them over & over again. 

What are you Thankful For this week?


  1. How sweet and encouraging to receive and unexpected Thinking of You Card. That is such a cool looking handmade card too. Someone did a really good job making that.

    I'll try to make a post and link up on my lunch break. Thank you for continuing to do the link-up and reminding me to be thankful about things, no matter what is going on around me.

    Hope you have a great day

  2. What a great list!
    Love that your group grew by one - it's good to get them started young right?
    The gratitude jar is perfect. I so want to do this!
    Moms are just the best. Mine is quite hilarious too.
    And special weekend breakfasts w the hubby = so sweet!
    Trish - tales from trish

  3. I had NO idea that the Erin Condren covers were changeable! And I love the idea of a monthly budget book - I'm off to check that out now :) Happy Thursday!

  4. I have to admit, the thought of an orchestra concert sounds so boring. But with rock music?! That would be so much fun! And that is just the cutest card!

  5. Pumpkin chai tea?!?! Now that is something I have got to try!!! I love orchestra and band performances! I was a band nerd myself but I think string instruments are just beautiful! How fun that you won a planner!!! I am trying to see how much I use my current Target one to see if I want to splurge on a fancy one next year.

  6. I love that Erin Condren book, I may have to check into that! And your mom is hilarious, that's something my mom would do too :)

    I am loving your gratitude jar! It's gorgeous

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  7. Stop it... your mom with her flashlight... PRECIOUS!

  8. Pumpkin Chai tea?!?! Yes, please! Chai tea is my jam! And I love they played rock music. My brothers were in orchestra in middle school and we always dreaded their concerts. And speaking of 21 day fix, I was gonna email about that! I really want to start and need to know what all to order!


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