Monday, September 21, 2015

The weekend that I thoroughly enjoyed Fall weather....

Monday, you slay me...

It comes back so soon... & weekends go by too fast... it's all sorts of wrong.

But I really made the best of this weekend.  Between the weather being perfect & all the things I did, I'll mark this one down as a favorite.

Saturday, it was one of those perfect mornings again under a pile of blankets while sleeping with the windows open.  What wasn't so perfect - but still was in its own way - was Harvey Dent.  We're starting to believe he thinks our queen size bed is really just an oversized dog bed & he's allowing US to sleep in HIS bed.  He had me on the edge of the bed the whole night, even laying his head on my pillow & giving me a look like, "Please don't hog the pillow up lady"... but he doesn't mind when you wrap your arms around him & hug him, so in a cold room, he's a perfect way to keep warm... & give you the sense of adventure that you're going to fall off the bed at any moment.

But I got up & got ready because this Saturday, we kicked off our new Women's Bible study!!!!

I cant even begin to tell you how excited I am about this!  I have been wanting to be a part of a women's group, digging deeper into God's word & with each other, but just haven't had the opportunity - so when I asked a friend if she wanted to do Seamless with me, she said yes & then we just found God leading us to more people & we now have a cute little group of 5.  3 new mommas & 2 grandmas :) 

One of the new momma's is literally getting ready to hold her baby girl in her arms in the next few days & she said she wasn't sure she could join because she didn't know what it would look like with a new baby... I told her that between me & Sha, we have grandma arms - we will pass these babies around & love every minute of it.  I love that these 3 young mommas can share with each other all the info they are learning as they step into these new roles in their lives.

I just love these ladies so many ways.  They all bring such insight & wisdom in their own way to this group... I can't wait to see what God teaches us.

I headed home & the weather was so nice.  Sprinkly & misty but no hard rains & the temps were fantastic...  Ricky was cleaning up his garage & I thought I should start cleaning the house... but then came to my senses.

Instead, I laced up my running shoes & got in another 5k... my 4th 5k in a week.  I'm feeling like I'm getting back on track!


I got home & thought, "NOW I'll clean up the house"....

But the sun came out.  It was like God was telling me, "That house can wait"... OK God - I'll listen to you :)

I ended up grabbing my Kindle & going out on the back porch & just enjoying reading & the fresh air.

... or at least I TRIED to read...

I had someone vying for attention.


But soon enough, Ricky finished cleaning up the garage & came & relaxed a little bit & Harvey moved on from me to his daddy. Harvey Dent is totally a daddy's boy.

It was such a nice cool day, we decided that instead of going out to dinner, I would make some chili... only thing was, it wasn't the best.  #DinnerFail

Ricky ended up finding a can of chili in the cabinet & mixing the 2 together & deemed it edible.  Oh well, you can't win them all. 

I ended my night watching The Man in the Iron Mask... I am always a sucker for anything 3 Musketeers for some reason.  I guess that "all for one & one for all" thing just gives me warm & happy feelings.

Sunday had me sleeping in like a snug bug in a rug... I didn't want to get up at all... I was that comfortable... but had a busy day ahead.

Ricky & I were heading up to our friend's for home church & has become our tradition to have our breakfast at Panera... they're going to start knowing our names pretty soon.

& then we ran over to Target to get some stuff for Smores... it was nice being at Target early before the crowds started coming in.  Even nicer that this Target had a Starbucks.  That's a way to kick off our Sunday.


We had the best time at church this Sunday.

We started off by playing a game... & we have some competitive people in the house.  That makes it fun because while everyone wants to win, everyone can loose gracefully too.


Here's a little taste of our worship... & look at Miss Emerson ... she just loves that she can run & dance at her own leisure.  She brings so many smiles to everyone.

Just a quick little snippet...

Emerson had her own little church happening when she got to watch Veggie Tales in her own little recliner... complete with food on her lap & a drink under her arm.  That's the life right there...


Our sweet friend Vicki was craving a cook out so that's exactly what we did.  I even had a veggie hot dog thanks for Chasity & it was just a perfect day to sit outside & laugh together... & I got a new 'best friend' in the youngest granddaughter.  Me & her were buddies on the play set in the back yard.  Throw around a child enough times & they'll become your best friend.  The cutest thing she kept saying to me, "You love me a lot, don't you?"... I do.

Ricky & I had to cut out before the smores because I had a photo session with some church friends.  This young man serves in the youth ministry as well & his wife is just everything beautiful & adorable.  They are also pregnant & expecting another son.  I'm telling you - all these baby bumps in my camera lately is setting a record!

Looks like I need to dust the back of my camera
As I was finishing up, I saw on a Facebook page I follow with some church ladies that like to walk together, they were going to meet up for a late night walk... who was in?

It wasn't like I had a lot going on during the day ... cough... cough... but I did think this was a good way to calm down the day, getting in some exercise, seeing some familiar faces & just enjoying the beauty of Fall nights.

I'm so glad I went... it was the perfect ending to the weekend.

Isn't this the perfect place for a evening walk?
I got home a little after 9pm... just in time to wrap up the weekend...

Whew ... crammed in a lot... rested a bit... enjoyed life a lot!

What was the highlight of your weekend?


  1. i am a sucker for all things 3 musketeers as well haha. you go with your 5k girl!

  2. I swear, dogs are natural bed hogs. Johnny Cakes weighs 10 pounds and somehow he still manages to take up most of the bed! lol
    I can't believe you left before the s'mores... I feel like I don't even know you anymore.

  3. That's awesome that you did 4 5k's in a week! And the photo from your walk looks beautiful, definitely perfect scenery for a walk with friends.

  4. Look at you and all your 5ks! go you!!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend, and you have me craving smores and Starbucks!!!

  5. LOL @ Harvey Dent in the bed - and he has nerve to hog the pillow! animals these days! I love that you're excited about your new group! and all the 5Ks you're getting in. sounds like life is good! Trish - tales from trish

  6. Great job on your 5K girl - you are rocking it!!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. You are always so busy!!! SO excited about your women's bible study - there is nothing better!

  8. Aren't all beds just big ol' dog beds? Haha! Get it girl with the 5k's last week. Rocking it!

  9. Great job doing a 5k 4x!! I can't wait to not be sick so I can run without sneezing everywhere. My cat does the same thing with my husband. He hardly ever sits in my lap, but loves to lay in my husband's lap, even though he's not even a cat person XD.

  10. Woo hoo congrats on another 5k! Emerson in her chair is the cutest thing ever :) Sounds like a great weekend!

  11. Way to go with the 5ks!! Awesome job! :) And on the spiritual side, also awesome about starting a Women's study -- that's definitely something that's missing in my life. Unfortunately, anytime I suggest it at church, they assume that means I want to lead it and organize it ... which is fine, but I don't seem to get as much out of a study when I'm concerned about the administrative side of it. I just want to study the Word! Sorry ... went off on a tangent there. :)

    1. When I put the call out, I told everyone I'm a Jr. High leader - not a women's leader - so I'll end up telling them all to shut up or I'll punch them in the face - so not to get offended ;) haha... but we all are going in knowing we are ALL leaders in this. It's a great way to know nothing is expected more of one person then the other. :)

  12. That is such a gorgeous place to have an evening walk! And oh my goodness, "You love me a lot, don't you?" makes my heart melt into a puddle on the floor! So so sweet!

  13. awesome with the 5K!!!! i ate and drank all the things this past weekend :)

  14. You fit more into your weekends than anyone I know! It's impressive! We ended ours with a walk last night, too and it really was a great way to wrap up a Sunday :)

  15. Awesome job on all those 5k's! I'm so glad you found a home church. Is this permanent or are you still looking? The view of that lake is gorgeous!!

  16. i need to start a panera tradition with myself and charlie! but there's a starbucks two doors down too. charlie is very social. i am shy. :) loved seeing a glimpse into your weekend :)

  17. Yeah I'm so glad you started a group! I love my ladies in mine they hold me up :)


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