Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The weekend that was full of pictures & not exactly going as planned....

Anyone else just messed up with it really being Tuesday?

Oh gosh - it sure feels like a Monday. I just spent an hour & 15 minutes in traffic getting to work this morning... Monday, I still feel your pain.

... I am a tad green right now from car sickness... excuse me while I go hurl a little.

I'll do a little highlight reel for the long weekend... maybe that will make me feel better.


* Of course, you gotta celebrate a holiday weekend... So I boosted up with some caffeine.  Especially because I knew I had a long night ahead of pictures.  I ended up staying up past midnight doing nothing but working on pictures.  Thank you heart pumping iced coffee.

Apparently I am really in the push for Halloween in this outfit


* I was so thankful a friend from my church invited me to come hang out with her & her daughters Saturday afternoon.  I actually made a good enough dent in my pictures from staying up so late the night before where I could drag myself away from the computer for awhile.  Plus, I just missed these kiddos from the youth group... not to mention, I have had so many people tell me that me & their momma are basically the same person & we should get to know each other better.  After spending a couple of hours with her, yep... I think she's pretty awesome & I cant wait to get to know her even more.  I foresee a lot of friend-dates ahead & lots of laughter ahead.


* I cant wait to see my creation - I made Ricky & I a new "gratitude jar".  You cant see from the picture above, but its all sorts of polka dots around a heart... I'll let you know how it turns out next week.

* It was the hottest day we have had in such a long time & I had a maternity session.  Bless this poor momma's heart.  I asked if she wanted to reschedule but her boyfriend's work schedule, he would be gone for the next 20 days & she is already 9 months pregnant.  This was the last chance we had... so we went for it.  & actually, God blessed us because even though it was 95 degrees, it wasn't as hot as I thought it would feel.  And then, we ended up getting the nicest breeze & the clouds were coming in a little more.  It worked out perfectly & wonderfully.... especially because as we were heading back to the car, we could hear rolls of thunder.... & it wasn't a few minutes after I got in my car & the skies opened.  It all was just the best timing.  Thank you Lord.

Whew... that was close

* We were out of dog food so I ran down to Target after the photo session & it was just nice to be in Target late on a Saturday night.  It was totally empty.  & being husband-free in Target?  I got to spend lots of time in the journal section, the crafty section, the book section.  I totally took my time getting home.  & bonus with that, since I was late getting home, the hubs went ahead & fed the dogs for me. Double Bonus.

*  I got home & finished up enough where I could get my wedding preview up for my last bride & groom.  I always love when they finally get to see snippets of their day.  The bride messaged me immediately & said she was on the way home from the lake & cant stop looking at her phone.  That makes me happy.

I still cant over how gorgeous this bride & this dress is!


* So this is where the weekend went off track.  We had plans to get up & go to Nashville to see the grand babies... except Ricky was up all night feeling awful with stomach issues.  Poor guy.  & he knew I was extra stressed about falling behind on pictures.  So he decided we needed to stay home.  I so missed seeing all the Nashville faces & chase those boys around giving them kisses.... but I'm glad we ended up staying home for Ricky's sake.   He needed to stay home.  I think with all the stress on him at work & trying to do so much at home, it all caught up with him.  He needed to just relax at home & to feel better.  It kept me going on picture duty & I did really good making up time on pictures.... so why its not how we planned it, it ended up working out for us.

Basically my view ALL of Sunday
* We had been invited to go have church over our sweet friend's house with her & her family, our precious friends, but with Ricky not feeling the best, he didn't want to get around our dear friend that is immune deficient right now.  We ended up not going to church at all & it just felt so funny.  We both talked about it the whole day& the next that we didn't like that one bit....

* I watched Pearl Harbor for like the 187th time while editing pictures.  I just cant turn that movie off every time its on.

* I totally have been caught up in Bachelor in Paradise this year & if you haven't seen it yet ... SPOILER.... but when Carly got her heart broke, I seriously sat in front of my TV & cried for her.  What the heck?  I think all the time in front of the computer & no fresh air did my brain in for the day.


* After not leaving the house the day before,  Ricky & I headed out early on our day off to get some breakfast.  We hit Panera at the best time because it was still a cool morning, there was a nice breeze - so we sat outside & fed the birds our bread & just took in the morning.  We ran into another store & walked out & it was like the temperature went up like 30 degrees & someone cranked up the humidity.  It really was the perfect morning with the love of my life....


* I wanted to see if anyone had any good sales for Labor Day so I ran into Old Navy to try & find some work clothes.... only to walk out with more work out clothes.  Who needs office attire - give me cool running clothes.  But I ran down & met Ricky who was in Target, who told me to get to the furniture aisle immediately.  There is a desk I have been wanting for months but I didn't want to pay $125 for it... & there it was - FOR $44!!!! WH-WH-WHAT?!?!?  I was so excited about it.  It matches my other furniture I bought earlier in the year for my office area.  My day was made.

Now I need a new office chair... mine is too low for this desk
... always something...

* I'm becoming a pro at putting furniture together. Except I did put on one part backwards & had to take it off & redo... sigh... live & learn.

* My dad was going to grill out for Labor Day but with the heat & humidity still about level miserable, my brother suggested pizza.  You can never go wrong with pizza - right?  I always love getting to see my nieces... & Ricky & I was able to show them how to play Battleship.  I had to remind them how to say, "You sunk my battleship" just like the old TV ads though.  Anyone remember that? :)  Old school games are the best.

* Speaking of old school games - my parents still have my old Donkey Kong arcade video game from when I was a kid.  I totally have to work on my skill level with this game.  I couldn't get past the 3rd screen.  I'm impressed this thing still works.  It is at least 35 years old.  Kids today have 3D games that they can talk to other people around the world playing the same thing... this is what I had growing up.  #IamVintage

Donkey Kong:

So how was your weekend?  Did you love having the extra day.. or are you like me - it just depresses you about going back to work at all :)

Give me the highlight of your weekend.  I need some good news to make this day better.


  1. I hope your day gets better! I'm with you on the workout clothes. I keep getting tempted and having to remind myself I do not need more work out clothes, not matter how cute they are! And that's quite the score on the desk. It looks great.

  2. OMG what a steal of a deal for that desk - so happy that it was able to come home with you!! Glad you had a productive weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. It def feels like a Monday... boooooo!
    I love the idea of having a gratitude jar! My planner has a spot every day where you can write down what you're grateful for and I love it... it's my favorite feature of the planner!
    Pregnant photo shoot on a hot day?! No thank you. I didn't even want to walk from our apartment to the car this weekend. lol
    Labor Day sales sucked me in... but not nearly as bad as it could've been! I made it out alive anyway. lol

  4. Totally loved my weekend, especially Monday! Hubby and I relaxed at home in the morning, went to Red Lobster (Endless Shrimp) for lunch and ran a quick couple of errands. Then home & put up new vertical blinds on our french doors and then relaxed. We actually both took a nap at one point. I did some reading (just started a book series by Francine Rivers), watched a movie and then had supper and just enjoyed the evening together. Perfect day!!

  5. oh my gosh, so jealous! that desk is gorgeous and what a bargain! i want.

  6. Yes I'm messed up about it being Tuesday. Especially cause my husband took it off. He leave for the UK tomorrow and wanted to go target shooting today. I can't believe how busy you are. You did so much. We seldom have weekend plans. Love the desk!

  7. 1) that DK game wins all the things....i wanted that game SO BAD when i was a kid but it was always sold out!

    2) great find!! what a steal. i love the color and style. i'm also looking for a new office chair so for now, i'm using my stability ball (works your core, improves your back) :D

  8. Sounds busy! I love me some iced coffee too! And yay for Lightroom. I love finding other users. The highlight of my weekend was watching my kids play with their cousin. She's finally old enough to play and it was adorable.

  9. I can't wait to be in a bigger place and get myself a desk! You got a crazy good deal on yours! Being in Target by yourself can be so nice and peaceful. I feel like when I go with Michael he looks at stuff so much faster and then he's just following me around, wanting me to be done!

  10. LOVE your new desk! Now I want to go to my Target and see if it's marked down to $44, such a steal! Glad to hear Ricky is feeling better!

  11. Your photos are so beautiful! I love seeing what you take.

    I can't wait to see the gratitude jar after your done. Glad you were able to get over and hang with the kids.

    Great find on the desk!

  12. So many good things in this post!
    The gratitude jar is so cute! What do you put in it?
    I LOVE that desk and that price!
    Love your photography! What an axing talent/eye you have!
    Trish - tales from trish

  13. Talk about perfect timing, glad the rain held off. The bride looked stunning. Sorry the end didn't go so well but great score on the desk.

  14. I definitely Had that same donkey kong game! I don't think ours survived though. Also, LOVE the desk!

  15. ok, i had a bunch of other things i was gonna comment on, but then i saw your DK game!! OMGGG! I had the Ms. PacMan one. My cousin had DK. I loved that thing and wish it was still around. My brother and sister and 13 and 18 years YOUNGER than me, and my mom throws everything out (grumble) so they never got to see my toys! this was an awesome trip down memory lane.


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