Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Don't be jealous of my phone....

I have a little confession to make ...

I look at people's cases on their cell phones.

I try not to judge people about them, but it is fun to see what people pick.

So many options to pick from.

I have on my phone one of those sturdy cases that protect your phone if you drop it off of a 10 story building.  That's my life. I need those things.

But it has its downfalls because it makes it so bulky.  It wont fit in some of my purses.  It definitely doesn't fit in my holders that I use for running.

So I was thrilled when someone contacted me from Caseapp & asked if I wanted to design a case for my phone.

These cases are so much fun!

I was even more excited to see that this would work for me.  Most places, as Caseapp does, has custom cases for iPhones - but they also had them for us Android users!


I ended up sitting on the computer for awhile playing with their templates.

They have so many cute ones from choose from.... & its fun designing the different looks.

& then I was getting confused.

Do I go with a running theme? A Beauty & the Beast theme?  my favorite scripture?

I wanted to personalize it even more... maybe a picture of Ricky & I?  But Ricky wasn't too thrilled with his face being against my ear for everyone to see.

& then maybe a picture of my dogs?  But I couldn't find one to fit just right....

& then I thought, I'm going to have fun with this....

& decided to pick this one....

My Peanuts self ...

I love it!

I was even more excited when it came in the mail & I was apple to just snap it on the phone.

I will say, it is a slim design - thumbs up
but it offers no protection to your phone - thumbs down
but now it fits in all the things I couldn't fit it in before - thumbs up

& also, its super duper cute!!!

& everyone will know its my phone!

Ricky says its looks just like me :)

I love it.

The cool thing?  They are offering a discount for anyone that orders in the next week.  20% off of your order!!!  BAM! That's awesome!

Just visit www.caseapp.com & use the code KNITTED20

... & have fun designing!

Let me know what you pick....

I can tell I'm going to want to order some more.  Why not change my phone with my mood?


  1. oh it's so cute! I love it. Phone cases say a lot about a person's personality. I have a $5 one from target....I guess that says I'm cheap lol!
    Trish - tales from trish

  2. SO cute! I have yet to peanut-ize myself, I need to get on it!

  3. So cute! I like the idea of a custom-made case. I searched and searched for something online but I just couldn't find anything that felt like me (and it's not like I don't have options, between the beach and quilting - ha!). My current case is a little thicker because it's got a slot where I can slip in 4-5 cards (my drivers license, a credit card, and my insurance card) ... so if I need to run an errand or run up to DD's, I can just grab my phone and I'm covered. Thankfully it doesn't add too much bulk as it still fits into my jeans pocket.

  4. What a fun idea for a case!!! I love that Peanuts Myself site. I played around on it forever!!

  5. That's cute!

    I need the life proof case. I've never regretted one!

  6. i have the most boring case - it's just clear silicone!!

  7. So cute! I love what you chose. I'm the same with phone cases. I always look at everyone's, just because I'm interested and curious and really into them...even though I usually use the same one forever until it either breaks or I get a new phone!

  8. I totally love it!! So cute.

    I have an iPhone and used to use one of those cases that make it so bulky. My case started having some issues so I ordered a cheap case off Amazon and totally love it. In fact, I dropped my phone on a ceramic tile floor last week and it is fine. So the case must have some protection to it. I love the slimness of it and it has a quote from 1 Corinthians 16:14 "Let all that you do be done with love. on the back.

  9. What an awesome phone case!! I love looking at phone cases, too. I've had the same one since I got this phone like 5 months ago, so I reeeeally need a change :)

  10. Oh - that's super-cute! I have the boring case that has no photo, no stand-out color, no nothing ... but I know I'd never be able to decide on a design if I got to put it together myself. Too many choices and I'd end up with something basic again. I hope it protects your phone better than you think it might!

  11. Oh my goodness, this is so cute and so you!!!! :D Mine is plain clear. lol :)

  12. I love your case!!! It's so cute. I really want another one but I don't need to be buying a billion cases.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  13. That's too cute! My computer background is my Peanut-self! I've had an Otter Box industrial phone cover since I got my iPhone 5 one year ago, but maybe it's time for a change... I never had a heavy duty case on my previous phone and it survived so I bet I could handle that responsibility! (Or I just jinxed myself...)

  14. I love my cell phone but I can't even hold on to it without a heavy duty case. It is too slippery in my hand and I do want it protected from being dropped. I can't believe you got your Peanuts design on your case. That is so freaking cool! Heading over to check out your link......

  15. This is adorable! Love your peanuts self! But I'm like you...I've got to have protection on my phone so I never can have the cute cases!


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