Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Favorites.... lots of Halloween goodies

Favorite Dogs

Is this the cutest thing you've seen all day or what?

 Favorite Halloween Makeup

Get together with your friends to complete the Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man costumes! This one is so easy, and the straw hat really ...:
This seem pretty simple, doesn't it?
& who doesn't have a flannel shirt?
Great for a last minute idea

Favorite Halloween T-Shirts

It's pumpkin season! Our epic "Great Pumpkin" t-shirt is back by popular demand."  Want something funnier for Halloween?  Make our "Friday the 12th" shirt yours!  SnorgTees makes super soft, comfy tees and hoodies for men, women and kids. Discover your favorite shirt today!:

Favorite EASY Halloween Decoration

Easy Halloween Balloons!:
Seriously - it doesn't get any easier then this
... but wouldn't these be cute lining a sidewalk on Halloween night where
Trick or Treaters walk up?
 Favorite Halloween Candy Idea

5 Fun Ways to get rid of your Halloween Candy

I was worried for my niece when we heard that she was diagnosed with diabetes & Halloween was just weeks away.  Of course she can have some candy, but you know how it goes - BAGS full.  I love these ideas to sell the candy back, or do science experiments on it & my favorite - send it over to troops.  What a great idea for the kids who gets way to much candy on Halloween


  Favorite Beauty & the Beast

 Favorite Craft Idea

 How easy & simple is this little cross design?
Wouldn't it be pretty with like 3 or 4 above the headboard of a bed?
Favorite Funnies

haha i can't stop laughing.:


 real talk:

gym humor:

Lol there must be:

That's accurate:

...when someone wants to learn how I edit my pictures
...basically how much I care about anything happening at work
 ... when I go for a run outside... & the temps are below 50 when the Real Housewives OC reunion came on

 ... me leaving the office today at 4pm for VACATION!!!!!!


Hey guys... I just wanted to pass this on before life puts me in vacation mode...
I got a lot of questions about my Jamberry nails...
I'm on day 6 & they still look like day 1 - perfect
I am in love!!!
So a friend of mine is needing to make her quota to keep her Jamberry Consultant status & is doing an emergency party.... if you thought about purchasing, this would be a great time to do it. 
The link to the party is right HERE


  1. Oh goodness - the Wizard of Oz cute!!! I also love that Friday the 12th tshirt. Hilarious! Happy Friday!

  2. Love the Oz dogs! You had a lot of really cute things today.

    The way you are today, is the way I'll be next Friday! Hope you have the best vacation ever!!

  3. I'm so impressed with how creative people get with their halloween makeup!!! Enjoy your vacation girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Those balloons are too cute!!! I haven't decorated much yet. I suck!

  5. enjoy your vacation! I wish I wasn't on a spending freeze (only can pay bills and buy groceries and gas until I'm use to my new budget) or else I'd be ordering jamberry right now. In a few months I may ask for your friend's contact information so I can get an order in. I love the halloween balloons and costumed dogs. Is Harvey Dent dressing up next weekend? Trish - tales from trish

  6. Love the cross idea! How cute is that?

    HAVE A GREAT vacation!

  7. OMG - the dogs. That is the cutest thing ever!! I can't decide if I'm going to try to attempt to dress Brady up next weekend or not, haha. Have a wonderful vacation!!! :)

  8. Woo hoo! Enjoy your vacation!! I love that fabric cross on wood. Maybe I could make 3, stain the wood to match our furniture, use fabric from the quilt I made for our bed, and hang them over our bed. I could do the same for DD, since I never know what she wants for Christmas!! Woo hoo! Do you have a link to the instructions by chance?

  9. That scarecrow makeup is the cutest thing ever! May have to remember it! I am trying to decide on a costume now and I totally don't want to spend like an ymoney haha! I would only need a hat.. so that is a definite possibility!

  10. oh my gosh THOSE DOGS! Haha so cute :)

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  11. I love those dogs in their costumes and that scarecrow face paint! Oh my gosh have SO MUCH FUN on vacation! Yay!!!

  12. My husband is great for pointing out the blushing. I hate that!!!! I used to break out in hives a lot when I got nervous. Also something I don't need someone pointing out >:-( Love that cat pic :)

  13. The Friday the 12th one made me laugh way too hard. The Oz dogs are adorable! Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. Just love the Wizard of Oz Dogs! That milk bottle is so funny. Love the Cross craft project, really great idea. That quicksand someecard is so true!!!!

  15. those dogs!! and that cat with the red light hahahaha. now i want some chocolate milk. have a good vacay!!

  16. Awe look at the doggies!!! And I love those tshirts! Happy weekend!

  17. The dogs cute. I love the beauty and the beast drawing so much, it's beautiful.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  18. Those dog costumes...I die! I've heard that Target has a cute lions costume and I'd love to get it for Charley. May have to make a special trip! And your funnies always make actually laugh out loud!


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