Wednesday, November 25, 2015


I Confess:

.... I really REALLY am loving not having to work.  So much that I know me. I'm going to be majorly depressed come Monday when I have to go back into the office.  #steerclearofme

... I have half of my Christmas decorations up.  I need one more tote that is too big for me to bring upstairs & I hate asking the hubs to do it when he's so tired from getting home from work.  Maybe I'll just open the tote downstairs & carry up everything one at a time.  #goodworkout

...I'm so thrilled at the results of Dancing with the Stars.  If you haven't watched it, you gotta know who won - right?  Its all over social media & taking over Good Morning America.... but I loved both Nick & Bindi & would have been happy with either one, but how could you not root just a little bit more for that sweet young lady?  #AlwaysCheeringforDerektoo

... I am a coloring addict right now. I think I spent most of Sunday & Monday coloring just one page in my book... & then messed up when I was down to the last color.  #storyofmylife

...I hate antibiotics #Stomachinknots

... I've been giving my dogs pumpkin for their bellies. It has seemed to help.  But now I need pumpkin for pumpkin pies & I'm betting the stores are out.  #atleastmydogsarebetter

... I need to make my Christmas shopping list tonight.  & watch my anxiety suddenly go up  #Toomuchtodo #toomuchtobuy

... I'm heading to the grocery early before it gets crazy with it being the day before Thanksgiving. Who am I kidding... I bet its still going to be crazy.  #tistheseason

OK - I gotta head out & beat the crowd to the pumpkin!

I know its going to be busy but the link up will be up tomorrow for Thankful Thursday on Thanksgiving!!!  
It don't get any better then that!!!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

More Coffee Less Talky


  1. I'm getting ready to go to the store, too. YUCK. I'm hoping if I get there this early it won't be too bad.

  2. Hope you get everything done and yay for being half decorated for Christmas. My tree spent a couple weeks in my car before I decided to carry it up the two flights of stairs, lol! Boo for messing up at the end of the coloring, were you able to salvage it? Flaws can make the piece!!

  3. ISN'T NOT WORKING THE BEST THING EVER?!? i love it so much. boo for mondays and having to go back into the office :( :(

  4. I confess - I've been done with Christmas shopping since before November. #earlyshopper #ihatecrowds

  5. I totally get you! I go back to work Monday too. I can't even imagine what's waiting for me after being gone 4 weeks. But I'm thankful I have a job to go back too.

    I've been coloring too and am on my second page since I bought my book. I used markers on the first and colored pencils on the 2nd. The pencils are much neater, but I love the brighter colors of the markers. I think it's time you show us a picture of one of your pages.

  6. I always dread the first day back at work after a vacation too :( But I guess the best thing to do is enjoy the vacation as much as possible while you have it! I've been coloring a lot this week too. I'm planning on taking my coloring supplies to Ohio with me so I can keep going :)

  7. I love having days off... Tomorrow and Friday are very much needed! You just reminded me that I need to go to the store, too... POOP! I guess I will have to brave the crowds tonight or tomorrow morning. -gulp-

  8. I didn't put up any of my decorations yet, I still have the fall ones up. I'll probably switch them this weekend!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  9. I have heard of lots of doggy treats with pumpkin in them... never tried them - good to know the pups approve!

  10. I am trying to hold out until Friday to put our decorations up...but it might have to happen tonight lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  11. wait, so the aussie won the american dancing with the stars? haha love it. her name though. i will never get over that! i wish i wasn't at work today. boo.

  12. I'm trying not to stress about gifts this year :). But got lots on the calendar in terms of holiday parties (company) so worrying about all that.

  13. I will be starting my decorations on Friday. I just heard who won DWTS and I couldn't be happier for them! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.....

  14. I'm glad the pumpkin seems to be helping the dogs! I don't watch DWTS but from articles I've seen online and stuff I really like Bindi (and it's of course so tragic that her dad died) so I'm glad to hear she won! Good luck at the grocery store and happy Thanksgiving!

  15. I started my adult coloring book a couple weeks ago and I'm addicted too! My only issue is my hand gets all crampy after I color for too long. Hope you survived the grocery trip, things were already nuts around here by lunch time when I ran an errand. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. I thought about giving my dogs pumpkin. I bet they would really like it!!! I am going to look for those coloring books at Walmart tomorrow. You coloring with pencils, markers or what? Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  17. I don't watch DWTS, but I was pulling for Bindi to shine, and it looks like she did. I am significantly behind schedule for my Christmas gifts that are going home to TX. I need to get on that.


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