Tuesday, November 03, 2015

One Sentence a Day {October 2015 Edition}

1 sentence

October is always busy, full of celebration & always a favorite because it holds vacation time! YES! ... here's a look back at the month once sentence at a time.

1.  We celebrated my momma's birthday!!

2.  We found a puppy hanging outside of our door.

3.  I got to meet baby Sutton & take pictures of her precious & perfect face.

4.  I had an engagement session where the couple love their dogs & wanted them a part of the pictures.

5.  I got to enjoy doing my Bible Study at lunch sitting outside at Panera.

6.  We met up for our JOY Group & learned how important names & their meaning really are.

7.  I got to sit & talk with Chasity for the 5th day in a row.

8.  I got to take my twin nieces out to finish up birthday shopping at a Toy Store & loved giggling with them the entire drive home.

9.  I went to eat pumpkin pie with the twins for their birthday while Ricky had to deal with a flat tire on his car.

10.  I had a session with a Male Bulldog Senior!!

11.  I got to stand at the finish line & congratulate all the finishers at the Ironman competition while taking off their chip off their ankle for 4 hours.

Finish line:

12. I went out to run & made it home just before a storm opened up on me!

13.  I sat at my computer & refused to get up until I finished my last engagement photo session.

14.  We got to go visit our old friends Bridget & Russ & catch up on where life has been leading us over the years.

15.  I had 5 pans going at once making me feel like a real cook while I made the best Mexican dinner for Ricky & I.

16.  Typical Friday night of pizza & editing while catching up on my DVR>

17.  I was so happy that after the weather people said it was going to be cold, to see that 59 degree weather was beautiful & perfect when sunny for my Senior Photo session with Connor.

18.  I had a busy day with lots of driving to go out & talk to my next bride & then do a beautiful Senior girl's photo session.

19.  I was in dire pain with a new knee issue.

20.  I decided to give myself a break & I didn't turn on the computer one time to work on pictures & instead worked on knitting & watched tv all night.

21.  I was glad Ricky was OK after he fell off of a 5 ft. ladder holding a heavy piece of equipment!

22.  I went on a 4 miles walk with a friend & totally enjoyed the Indian Summer we are having.


23.  I literally took off running to the door of the office while I was waving my arms when the clock struck 4 pm ready for vacation.

24.  I actually had my first Saturday in months with absolutely no plans on my calendar.

25.  We enjoyed the drive to our in-home church & seeing all the amazing colors of fall everywhere.

26.  We headed out to the Outlet Mall & while I spent the whole day trying to find a purse, I ended up leaving with new running shoes.

27.  I changed over my closet & spent a half of a day cleaning out my bathroom & all the junk in the cabinets.

28.  We celebrated 20 years of marriage by shopping for kitchen redo things, enjoying a easy day & having a movie theater all to ourselves.

29.  Our sweet friend Vicki left this world after an 11 year battle with breast cancer.

30.  I finally broke down & paid the $10.00 for a carton of blueberries.

31.  While everyone else was dressing up for trick or treating & celebrating Halloween, we get no kiddos coming around, so we tried out a new Saturday church service.

What the thing that stood out to you the most during the month?


  1. $10 for blueberries?!? DO YOU LIVE IN CANADA? because we had a pint of strawberries from the store for $7. those are canadian prices, yo!!

  2. Sutton is precious!!!!!
    Bahahah... totally laughing at the visual of you hauling ass to the door at 4PM!

  3. Your workouts are really paying off - I love the picture of you after your run! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. lol i love the one about caving in to buying the blueberries. sometimes you just gotta. i don't blame you!

  5. Happy Birthday Momma! Love your photo shoots! You seem to meet some awesome people! And I love you share it with me. Trish - tales from trish

  6. happy birthday to your mom :)
    girl screw that for blueberries! what do you use them in? i buy frozen (from kroger or costco) and when they thaw, they taste normal (i use them in smoothies, oatmeal, pancakes) unlike other frozen fruit (strawberries etc) that taste gross when they thaw and are only good in smoothies lol

  7. You deserve a weekend off even if it is just one Saturday!

  8. So glad you got a vacation this month! You deserve it!!

  9. I love the one sentence for every day idea! When I look back at a month, I can only tell you maybe about half of what I did. And ummm $10 for blueberries???? Does it come with a bar of gold? Ouch!

  10. Cory's dad and stepmom are Bridgett and Russ too. Weird! Sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy with photographing! I thought about you on Sunday when we were in Sam's and I saw a carton of blueberries for $7.


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