Monday, November 30, 2015

The weekend that my world is spinning... literally...

Oh gosh...

I'm back to work after a week of sleeping in... not wearing any make up... staying in sweats, yoga pants & workout clothing.  I'm depressed to say the least.

& especially after seeing the pile of work waiting for me.

Didn't I just do this?

Its a two fold thing having 2 vacations back to back.

I'll get back to blogging tomorrow... hopefully...

I just need to get caught up on life... get back in the swing of things.

Yes, my Thanksgiving was nice.  We had perfect weather - I'll talk more about that tomorrow too.

Yes, my Christmas tree is up.

Yes, we started Christmas shopping.

Yes, Harvey Dent is feeling better.

& yes, I'm still falling apart.  Seriously.
My head has been killing me for about 3 weeks now with dizziness like I can't explain.  I'm used to being dizzy because I'm always the grown adult with ear infections that they try to get me to get tubes put in my ears.  But this has been a new kind of dizzy.  The kind that makes me sick & gives me migraines.  So I've had that to deal with for the past 3 weeks...

... on top of the tooth pain.  I'm scheduled to have a root canal retreatment next Monday on a day off work.  Great.  I'm still debating whether to do it because guess what? I have a NEW tooth pain on the other side of my mouth.

Is there someone playing a game with my life right now?

Needless to say, I've got to get back to work - even with the aches & pains...

things could ALWAYS be worse - right?

Even on a Monday.


  1. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished so I hope your workday is fairly easy today! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Yuck, I'm sorry about all the dizziness and pain. Hopefully it gets better after the root canal.

  3. Oh man, I hope you're feeling better soon :( I'm glad your pup is on the mend, though, and you had some relaxing holiday time. I hope the week straightens up for you!

  4. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Hope you get things straightened out soon.

  5. I hope you get to feeling better! Tooth pain can be the worst! Especially if you pair that with all this dizziness that you have going on.

  6. oh girl, i am so sorry. i hope you are feeling better soon! i know when my tooth was in crazy pain, it made me dizzy, so hopefully they are connected and the dizziness will disappear after the root canal. maybe your mouth is just sensitive and that's why the other side is hurting now. ugh you can't catch a break!

  7. Yay to a happy Thanksgiving but boo to all of the health issues! Hoping they can get figured out soon and REALLY hoping your day went quickly today! The first day back after a holiday and vacation is always brutal.

  8. yuck! Hopefully the dizziness will go away soon! I took today off from work to recuperate from the holiday - so I'm definitely not looking forward to my Tuesday/Monday. I feel your pain on that.

  9. I'm glad Thanksgiving was good and Christmas stuff is up and that Harvey Dent is feeling better, but I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope that goes away!!

  10. I"m glad that Harvey is feeling better but I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad! :(

  11. maybe once the tooth pain stops it might felt the headaches and dizziness? i hope you feel better soon. i am slowly getting back into the swing too.

  12. Coming back from vacation is always rough. Hope you get caught up and find out what is going on with your tooth aches. Mouth pain is the worst.


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