Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday {Link up #58}

This week I am Thankful For:
(The numbers correspond to my Gratitude Journal on reaching Ten-Thousand Gifts ... in other words, just ignore them) ;)

106 / Compliment about my hair color at a gas station.  The guy could have been my grandpa & told me in his 'younger days' he was a red head himself.  He just made my day on how cute he was.

107 / Texts from my former Merge Kiddos.  I have gotten some messages lately from kids asking advice, wanting to plan some get togethers, checking in on Ricky & I.  Those kids have my heart. It's such a blessing to hear from them & know they can always come to us for some Godly advise.

111 / Saved $118.00 at Kohl's on leggings!  BAM!  I got all 4 pairs of leggings for $24 & some change.  One regular pair is like $39.00...

115 / The Christmas tree FINALLY came down & is tucked away.  It's funny because on the same day Ricky took it down, on my Timehop, it showed the past 2 years, he took the tree down the same weekend.  So the beginning of February must be our 'go-to' date on taking the tree down.  (PS. I'm not going to push it - we still have our Santa/Jesus Christmas picture still hanging... we'll see how long that one takes)

 // Starbucks to kick off a weekend.  I love stopping on Friday & getting a drink - it really is like a mini celebration to let me know I made it through a week at work... &  SURVIVED!


116 / Hearing a friend preach a great sermon.

118 / BRONCOS WON SUPER BOWL!!!!! ... I typically don't care about anything sports related, but I'll always cheer on the Denver Broncos for my friends.  So happy they won.

119 / Had enough snacks at work to get me through lunch when we all of a sudden, out of no where, had a snow blizzard.

122 / Our furnace lasted through the night when it was down to 14 degrees. It all of a sudden started making the most awful noise & Ricky said its getting ready to go out.  ... during the worst cold snap we've had in awhile.  But we got through that night. I'll be thankful for that.

123 / My precious blog buddy Cathy recently found out she has Breast Cancer .... but so thankful that she just found out this week that it hasn't spread!  Thank you Lord!  (Visit her & send her some well wishes if you can!!)

Also, if you want to stop by & give some support to my other blog buddy Kathy - she recently found out she has advanced stage ovarian cancer.

Y'all know how important blog friends are to you. When they get bad news, it hurts everyone that has grown to know & care about them... we all need support where we can get it!  Love you ladies!!!

125 / Our work rule that if schools are canceled, we get an automatic snow day. It just makes work so much easier to come to when you can wear a sweatshirt, jeans & warm boots.

126 / Valentines card from my parents.

// I also am Thankful to be a Spotlight today in a Blog Hop ... so if this is your first time visiting, then Hey'ya!  Love meeting new blog friends & seeing all that there is to say from interesting people out in this big ole world.

So what have you been Blessed with this week?


  1. I got a Valentine's Day card from my grandma this week and it made me so happy! Heck yes on Friday Starbucks rewards! I wishhhh we had one in my town. UGH.

  2. Whatttt? I want those awesome leggings for super cheap! That's a great deal. :)

  3. I love the idea of a little Starbucks treat come Fridays & I also love your sweater in that picture, it looks SO comfortable!

    I'm thankful for having a busy week, but it's a busy week filled with seeing friends I love & am grateful for.

    I'm also thankful I found some new sunglasses yesterday. I've been searching for several months since my favorite pair is finally dying.

  4. Told you I'd be here today! So excited! Way to go on your awesome deal at Kohl's...I love that place! I join you in being so grateful that Cathy received good news about her cancer and will continue to pray for her and Kathy both. I agree with that are rockin' that red hair color!

  5. You SCORED at Kohls!! Gosh I love shopping there haha!

  6. Sorry your furnace is giving you trouble, that is not good in the winter. Hope you can get it fixed or keep it working throughout the rest of the cold days!
    Wow, you did find the Kohls deals!!!
    Hey some people leave their tree's up all year, I am not one of them. But my sisters mother in law has a huge pine tree she keeps up in their cabin all year, and they just decorate it differently for every holiday an season:)

  7. I haven't shopped at Kohl's in....I don't know how many years. I've gone in but haven't purchased anything.

  8. Cheers to compliments and new leggings, you really cleaned up lady!

  9. Your hair color is fabulous.

    I love a superb deal, and that's what you got on the leggings for sure!

  10. I am so jealous over all the leggings you got! I have been blessed by being able to wake up each morning. Yesterday, I had a recheck for my concussion and I realized just how back it is/was, I am so thankful I will be okay (with more time to heal).

  11. Starbucks is a perfect treat to welcome the weekend! And you got an awesome deal on those leggings!
    I'm so sorry to hear about Cathy and Kathy. They're not blogs I've followed but I am going to go check them out and hopefully comment my support! I hate cancer. :(

  12. I love those leggings and you look so cute in them! It's always fun to get such a great deal!!

    Thank you for your kind words of support. It means so much to me to know my blogging friends are praying for me and really care. The oncologist told me we are going to be very aggressive cause we are going for the cure!! Yay!!!

    I hope you furnace keeps working for you. Then, if necessary, you can get it fixed this summer when you don't need it. I'm going to ask God for that.

  13. Great job on saving all that money on the leggings! Looks like a lot of fun prints :)

  14. 4 pairs of leggings for less than $25?! what?! that is amazing.
    woah, you get snow days when school is cancelled? that is awesome.
    i'm sorry to hear about your blogging friends. cancer sucks.

  15. Thanks so much for thinking of me. Knowing that there are people (who I've never met in real life) praying for me means so much to me.

  16. Boo on your friends having to go through cancer. I definitely understand caring for blogger friends. By the way, a co-worker at work today said he got his girlfriend a beauty and the beast figurine for valentine's day and I immediately thought of you!

    Explain to me this snow day thing. If schools are closed you get a "snow day" but do you still have to go or you work from home?

  17. I love thankful Thursdays. Always great to remind yourself of why you should be thankful!

    (also, nice boots)

    Hi from the blog hop!

  18. Dang, you made out like a bandit at Kohls with those leggings!

  19. Girl - that is some serious savings at Kohls! We just took down our tree last week - no joke! And you know I'm ALWAYS grateful for starbucks!!! Love it!!!

  20. Awesome leggings and savings! I have a friend who left up their tree for an entire year and just changed the decorations! So glad you stayed warm and toasty- bummer on the furnace. We have been very fortunate this year with the mild winter. I feel like I am back in Arizona. Cheers to Starbucks! Have a toad-ally blessed weekend!

  21. Whoa....clearly I need to get to Kohl's!!!

    Took my tree down 2 weeks ago...

    Yeah Denver!!!! I am so happy for Peyton!!

    Thankful Thursday....what a great link up idea....will be stopping by soon


  22. Checking in from April's blog! I will be watching and will try to remember to join your Thankful Thursday next week! Nice to meet you!

  23. You are killing it with your leggings purchase, that wins everything!!! And getting complimented always feels good, not matter what they are complimenting or where it happens :)

  24. I have been reading a lot about the Khols sale this past week! We don't live in an area with Khols, but you better believe I am going to stop by over the weekend when traveling back home! We didn't put up a tree this year :( With traveling, a toddler, and a destructive dog - it just wasn't in the cards this year! I cannot wait for a little Starbucks this weekend :)

  25. Wow, praise God for the news about your friend. To live is Christ! To die is gain, and I pray that she would be able to rest in Jesus and His comfort. I'm so grateful that we got to do the blog hop. I think I've found at least 8 new blogs to follow. :)))

  26. Stopping by from the blog hop. I'll definitely be praying for your friends. I've lost some friends and family to cancer in the last few years and it's definitely a scary and humbling time.
    Your parents send you Valentines cards too? That's awesome. My mom sends me cards for most occasions too and it always makes me happy.

  27. I love when I get to save money on a purchase! It feels so great! :)
    It's awesome to remember to be grateful! We all need to do this more often!

  28. so many thankful things this week! love that!! starbucks is a great way to kick off the weekend.

  29. What a relief that your furnace didn't go out that night! When I was a kid, we lived in a very old house with a very old furnace and I remember it going out on occasion during the coldest winter nights. Also, great find on the leggings!

    Stopping by from the blog hop! Blog:

  30. You have awesome things to be thankful for! I think it's important to be thankful for the little things, because those are the things that make up life! I also enjoy kicking off my weekend with Starbucks. It's a fun little ritual that always starts the weekend off right.

  31. I recently had coffee flavored yogurt, so I think that smoothie would be good, too. :)


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