Tuesday, April 26, 2016

16 weeks comes down to this....running unapologetically

It all started back in January.

It feels like yesterday... but it also feels so long.

16 weeks.

The amount of time for training for a half marathon.

We are coming into the final week.  Race week.  The week that is full of excitement, anticipation, & for me, lots of doubts & questions.

Week 15 training

I know everyone is probably sick of all the training posts, or updates, or more importantly, the complaining about my knee. I'm pretty sick of it myself.  It is what it is. Real life of a 44 yr old with bad knees training for a half marathon.

I will say, all in all, I've been really thrilled with how my training has went. My running has felt better with the shredded weight of 39 lbs  - & my injuries were really minimal, even if it doesn't seem like it. Yes, I had aches & pains but like I've said on here a thousand times before, I'll never know what its like to run with good knees. Its just my life. I'm OK with that. I won't let it stop me completely. It may slow me down - but it won't stop me.

It was just 3 weeks ago though where I really REALLY hurt my knee. The ironic part - it wasn't even due to running.

You may remember the post I did where I talked about how bad my knee hurt grocery shopping & Ricky had to help me.  That's where I did something to my knee.  Walking. In a grocery store.  The medial meniscus.   You can sprain or break them pretty easily in life with just moving.  Twisting. Turning. Just doing your own thing.

& nope, it wasn't running 10 miles up & down hills... it was grabbing a grocery cart.

Welcome to my life.

That makes me so angry.  To think my training has went so well & now, I'm in this much pain with my knee, right at the time of the race because of a weird turn.

I think its the anger that is going to get me to the start line.  Just call me The Hulk.

Or call me She Hulk

I know a lot of people don't get it.

The whole idea of pushing myself in this & possibly aggravating things more.  ... but I also know a lot of people will totally understand it. Most runners will get it ... & appreciate the feeling having felt it before themselves.

& in all honesty, I'm trying to be smart about it.

My plan on Saturday is to show up.  Cross that start line... & see where it goes from there.

Any time goal I once had is REALLY out of the window now.  I just want to finish... no matter how slow.  If I have to scoot, I will...

& in saying that. I'm not going to be dumb. I'm really not. If I feel like its too much or my knee is getting worse (God forbid) I'll call it quits.  Ricky is already aware to be ready to come get me at any point on the course.

I will feel so much better about the whole thing if I try... & maybe I will finish.  Maybe I wont. But its better then sitting at home wondering if I could have made it.

I worked so hard to get to this point... how do I not even try?

I do plan on getting my knee KT Taped up AND I will be using a brace on it.  I'm going to try & keep my knee from as much impact as possible.  I want this knee to get me through many other races - I just need it to get me through this one right now.

A running buddy of mine always says that the 13.1 miles - or the 26.2 miles that some will run Saturday isn't about a race. It's a victory lap.  All the days, weeks & months of training - all the time invested - the schedules changed - the food ate - the days you didn't feel like getting in miles - the days that were hard - the days that were fun.... it all gets summed up in one more run for this period in your life... & it all begins at the Start line.  You get to do one last run to make it full circle.

I so love that.

I'm going to be heading into a new workout program next week which is more about weight lifting & sculpting this body now that I've shed 39 lbs (& hope to continue...25 more lbs to go!) & running won't be front & center like it is right now.  So I want to do a victory lap to say I've made it through another training program.  16 weeks of testing myself.

& if that victory lap is the full 13.1 miles - WONDERFUL... if not, that's OK too.

It's MY Victory lap.

So here we are... the end of the adventure of training.  Its always a learning experience - every time.

Learning what your body can do...
what your limits are...
the strength & endurance you can gain...
how you handle injuries...
where your strengths lie...

... I may not cross the finish line, but I'll be at the start.... & I'm going to try... & that to me?
I'll be proud of myself.

My friends inspiring me to run has not only been good for my health, but has also helped me work on developing my inner strength....:

Wish me luck....

If you're up on Saturday morning at 7:30am - lift up a prayer for me please!!! I have told many a person that prayers are what is going to get me through to the finish line.

I'm going to show this video... start it at 2:11... the words are powerful... & speak exactly how I feel at this moment.  It actually makes me tear up... but here I go

... running unapologetically  


.. & one last thing!!!

 lift up a prayer for our girl, Julie - who will be doing her own Half Marathon that same morning in Nashville at the Rock N Roll Half Marathon!  She's gonna do amazing!!!


  1. do what you can! even if you have to walk the whole thing, at least you are crossing that finish line! don't mess with the joints, man! i am so scared of joint injuries (esp knees and hips) that the second i feel a tweak, i stop doing that and switch to something else. good luck!

  2. Oh this is such a beautiful post in so many ways! I know how awful it is to run with knee pain (or any pain) and I am so sad that you rarely get to run pain free. I know that you endure, but I hope you are not causing permanent damage by continuing to push yourself.

    When I was in so much pain during the race, I would skip. It subsided the pain and still kept me moving quite well. You can really pick up some speed with a skip (if you don't mind embarrassing yourself)!
    Good luck my friend and I will be up at 7:30 on Saturday saying a prayer for you. Heck, I'll say one Friday night too!

  3. GOOD LUCK!!! I'll be thinking about you & praying for you from my bed on Saturday morning!! No matter what happens, you're going out and doing something you love and working hard to accomplish it! And a stubborn ol' knee can't take that away from you!! I can't wait to hear about how things go for you on Saturday!!

  4. Good luck! So much of running longer distances is about the heart and the mind. They can definitely help push your body through.

  5. It's amazing how much you are pushing yourself to get yourself ready for this half marathon!! Wishing you so much luck on race day!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. YAY! you have come so far! good luck on saturday!!
    and yay for shedding the 39lbs! i've gained about that much since the last time i ran... probably b/c i stopped running! ;) you are an inspiration!!

  7. RJ, you look incredible! In so many ways, you've already "won" this race. You've trained hard and Saturday IS just the victory lap. Take pride is what you've already accomplished -- no matter what race day brings. It's my experience that whatever I am worrying over never comes about on race day. I hope you'll be thinking "what knee?" Good luck! I'm saying extra prayers.

  8. I love the victory lap mentality! You will be amazing -- because no matter how far you go, it'll be further than you were before. :)

  9. I hope all goes well and I will send good thoughts your way!! I feel the same way when I'm running sometimes - stopping running because your body hurts can be hard. I'm competitive with my own self and want to get better. My ovaries complain when I run and it sucks when everything else feels great and my brain wants to go. You have already done amazing, so whatever happens, you are still doing great!!

  10. I'm REALLY proud of you! You sound sensible but determined. I'm such a wimp - I would have given up ages ago. Go you!

  11. Your determination is so inspiring! I wish you lost of luck, and hope you're not in too much pain!

    xo, Kristina

  12. Just found your blog, and wanted to say how impressed I am with your mindset going injured into this half. You are approaching this so intelligently and I wish you the best!

  13. While I hope I'm not up at 730, I'll shoot out a prayer in advance & another when I wake up. Unfortunately sleeping in is not my forte.

    Getting to the start line of each race we race is a huge accomplishment whether we realize it or not. So often I forget that. That I made it through my training plan healthy, that I even made it through my training plan mentally. So many more people I'm sure start this journey, but never make it. Because they don't realize that the 13.1 or the 26.2 is the victory lap, not the end game. Training isn't a means to an end, it's the good stuff. :)

  14. I am so proud of your determination no matter what your knee throws at you. It is inspirational and I wish you all the luck in the world on Saturday!!! You can do this!

  15. I'm so glad you're being smart about this, and will stop if you have to. Although I sure hope you don't have to. I'll be praying for you as I'm running! Xoxo

  16. I DO wish you luck and hope your knee holds out for you to finish! Can't wait to hear all about it this weekend! You can do it!

  17. You've got such a great attitude about all this!! Praying God's best for you!!

  18. At the end of the day you should be proud of yourself. For the dedication and work you put in this 16 weeks of training. You've lost weight, gotten in better shape, and overall put yourself in better health. And that's important, regardless of how you do in this race. Although I fully believe you will kick butt.

    liz @ j for joiner

  19. 16 weeks of training is a huge accomplishment in itself, so you should be proud! I love your attitude going into this race--that you're going to try, be smart about it, and feel proud and happy with whatever your victory lap ends up being. I will be thinking of you!

  20. You are amazing. So much weight loss. Get it girl :) 16 weeks of training. THAT is dedication

  21. you've got this she hulk ;) i really hope this race goes well for you. all we can do is show up and hope for the best! high five!


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