Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chocolate goodness, bug food & an accident snap that worked well .... Project Life / Week 4

So I have basically finished Project Life for June
... a picture every day of the month - if not more than one.

& I have loved doing it - I hope you all have enjoyed it aswell.
& you know now I'm wondering if I should do it again for July

After all, July holds a holiday & my dad's birthday & weddings... lots of good stuff
... it all deserves being captured, right?

Onto week 4


It's after 9pm at night... & I love that there's still light outside.
Why can't it be like this year round? WHYYYY?


Wednesdays are our "lunch date" & Ricky had to miss this past Wednesday because he had a doctor's appointment with his surgeon that morning - so no lunch for him. I sat in our usual spot... & it was a lonely lunch, for sure. 



I sat on the front porch the day before to read my book & noticed a bird that kept coming near ... I didn't know why.  & then I walked outside & saw a bunch of bird poop on the porch... look up & see this - a nest on top of our porch light.
I don't think there is an egg there... but we'll see.
Ricky said he's gotta knock it down with the mess the bird is leaving on the porch.
I told him if he knocks it down, I'm kicking him in the shins.  #MarriageCompromise


Trying to sneak out at night trying to see if a bird would peek out when the sun went down
... still nothing



I work right next to the airport so when I went out to lunch, planes fly right over top of me.
I heard one going over top of me & grabbed my camera
Fun Fact - I literally just pointed the camera towards the window & snapped - didn't even focus, wasn't even sure what I got in frame.
I was pleasantly surprised at the end result.


Sunglasses make me feel claustrophobic for some reason
... but I always keep them near just in case...
but I loved seeing the sky reflection in my frames when I was sitting in traffic.


If you know me, you know Friday involves a celebration of a trip to Starbucks to kick off the weekend.  Me, usually an iced coffee or a tea... Ricky's drink usually involves chocolate.
So why I can't drink it, I can photograph it.



I wish I wasn't so lazy to get up & go search out yard sales Saturday mornings.
I like my sleep too much though.
But when my neighbor had a yard sale, I was excited to have one just a few steps away from my front door. .... & even more excited to find some goodies for people I love.
My mom is a TAB nut - from the 70's through today - so when I found these glasses, I knew I had to get them for her. (I haven't given them to her yet - so SURPRISE MOM!)
& all those books? Perfect for my middle school niece that loves to read.
A kid after my own heart.
& yeah... so what... the lamb & cow are for me.
I actually buy little lambs to keep with my knitting stuff.... how could I resist?


Our little fluff ball... we love our little Zoe Girl


I hate bugs eat our rose bush away - but I do find the leaves that have holes in them beautiful in their own way.  Some of them that are basically just the veins left? I think they are so cool of some of the designs they make.  Nature's Art.



I love so much the morning drives when the sun is up. One of the perks of summer.
I know it won't be long when I'm driving into work with nothing but headlights & streetlights on, so every chance I can get to capture a beautiful morning drive, I'll take it.



Coffee shops are just so beautiful to me.
& of course, I love my Starbucks that I spent half most of my paycheck...
I had to wait for Ricky after work to get a rental car while his car gets fixed from his wreck - so where's a better place to wait?


So, which picture is your favorite this week?

Should I continue on for July?


  1. Sunglasses also make me claustrophobic, but I do usually have one pair. I'll put them on for 20 minutes before remembering I hate sunglasses. I once read that sunglasses could actually make you more likely to get sunburned since it tricks your mind into thinking its shadier. Not sure if it's true or not. I like the airplane pic :).

  2. i love the weekly lunch dates with Ricky. we have something similar (sundays).

  3. Zoe is so cute!! I totally understand the sunglasses thing, I'm not claustrophobic in them, but I do get headaches sometimes from things touching my temples LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Definitely continue for July!

    Also, could not LIVE without sunglasses. Pretty much the only time they're not on is at work, but even then they're only a few feet away. & sometimes I forget to take them off my head.

    The BF works a bunch of weird shifts this weekend, so I'm pretty much flying solo. I'm really excited to go seek out some new to me coffee shops. :)

  5. The plane pic is my favorite, but I love the night shot of the nest and Zoe's tongue and the coffee shop too!

  6. Birds are not my favorite (they kind of creep me out), but I do feel bad when they build nests above our porch. I want to let them be but Scott is like Ricky and wants to remove them. also he will fill in holes in our yard when he thinks bunnies are building nests there too. When we first moved into the house he was mowing and ran over a bunny nest. It was traumatic to say the least!

  7. The picture of the plane is so awesome! Zoe is so adorable.

  8. I love the Zoe pic- she's just the cutest little fluffy monster! Like a little muppet :)
    I'm a big fan of the evening picture of the bird nest. When we moved in to our house there were these weird spiky things in the upper corners on the pillars on our porch. I asked K what they were and he said his guess was they kept birds from making nests. I promptly disposed of them- I don't mind sharing my front porch :)

  9. You should continue into July just because you take great photos and I so enjoy seeing what you see! I can't name a favorite because I like each one for different reasons!

  10. Yes I think you should continue on! Your photography is getting better by the week friend! I really love the bug food one, not sure why, but it's just so pretty, the sun rise and sunglasses, and I so understand about the sunglasses! I am too, sometimes I can wear them and then other times I can't rip them off my face fast enough :)

  11. Definitely continue taking the photos into July -- I love looking at them! Hard to pick a favorite - they aren't just photos but come with a story/memory attached to each one. I might need to start doing this just to help me remember the little things since time passes so quickly.

  12. I love the morning sky and your fur baby. I also love the airport one.

  13. Ahhhhhh the doggie is so cute!!! I love the nest picture and the sunglasses one. I got the beach in Chris's glasses last summer and I just thought it was so cool. I think you should totally do this again for July!

  14. "I told him if he knocks it down, I'm kicking him in the shins. #MarriageCompromise" Hahahaha! I love it.
    I can't pick a favorite--they're all great! You should definitely continue in July!

  15. I wish it would stay light out until after 9 in southern California! I'm pretty jealous about that!

  16. Haha you cracked me up about the bird nest! I'd be too scared that I'd get flocked if I messed with it, so I'd just let it stay!- but that's just because I'm kindof afraid of birds... ;)

  17. I love the puppy picture. She looks so soft and snuggly. <3

  18. My favorite pic of the week is the sunglass reflection :) Of course, you should continue this project! I enjoy it as I'm sure others do. Zoe is a doll, and those TAB glasses are awesome!

  19. Oh my goodness...that pre_sunset sky is absolutely breathtaking. And your living room looks super cosy and inviting!

  20. My goodness, these photos are just incredible!! You take such good shots.
    I always love shots with reflections and stuff but have to say Zoe and the leaf photos are my faves!

    Danielle xo

  21. I have been enjoying more hours of daylight too. It is a trade off cause I'm usually getting in the bed later, but hands down it's better than dark at 5PM!
    I love all the pictures especially the one in the coffee shop! :)


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