Thursday, June 02, 2016

Peanut Butter, sweat, outside playing & a surprise coffee mug.... {Thankful Thursday 74}

This week I am Thankful For:
(The numbers match my One Thousand Gifts Journal ... in other words, ignore them)

461 / Sitting in my rocking chair watching it down pour rain. I love sitting & watching rain. It's just soothing to me. The sounds. The smells. As much as I hate gloomy skies, I don't mind sitting & enjoying a storm roll through.

463 / Peanut Butter.  That's simple enough, right?  I love PB on apples, throw it on toast, on crackers. It's just an easy grab & go food. & for a vegetarian, I love how filling it can be.

464 / Sweating working out.  While we had the AC off, I was sweating extra doses while working out but I was thankful for it because it reminded me that I am able to work my body hard to stay in good shape & better health.

465 / My Vacuum.  With my long hair, my husband's long hair & 3 dogs, we can keep a vacuum cleaner on its toes.  I can't imagine what my carpet floors would look like without using it daily.

467 / Caught up at work.  Month end & I am 100% caught up.  ... just in time to start a new month & be swamped again :)

470 / My Saturday appointment rescheduled. It actually worked out great because she moved it earlier in the day & it made it better for me with my Nashville gang coming in.

472 / Rain missed us.  Speaking of moving the engagement session, we had a good 3 hours & literally as soon as we got in the car & I drove out of the parking lot - DOWNPOUR.  We would have been drenched to the bone if we were caught in it.  Good timing was on our side.

Literally 2 minutes after getting in the car after my engagement session. The heavens opened up. Talk about good timing. Thank you Jesus ❤ #rebeccajophotography #goodtiming:

474 / Harvey did so well with the boys.  Even with William constantly grabbing him, petting him, squeezing him, Harvey just let it all go. We had Sydney with Isaac growing up & Bruno always was partial to Luke so I love that William loves Harvey.

475 / Outside playing with the boys. We had such a fun time Saturday night just playing with the boys in the drive way.  Pulled out frisbees & whiffle balls & just fun yard toys. I played some road hockey with Isaac & just loved playing outside like I was a kid again.

476 / Mom & dad having a cookout.  I always appreciate when people make time & open up their house for us.  The grands love Yaya & Papaw. I mean, one has horses & the other just wants to hug them constantly - what's not to love.

477 / Great day at Hubers.  It was so much fun just hanging out at the orchard & winery & the little kid area they have?  Seeing William just SHAKE with joy & excitement - the cutest thing I saw all weekend long.

479 / Iced Coffee.  After a long day in the sun playing & walking & on the move, iced coffee never tasted so good... & was never needed as badly as that day.

480 / Luke loving our house.  He was standing in the kitchen just staring at our cross wall & I asked him what he was thinking.  He looked right at me & said, 'I love Pappy's house'... that's what you want your grandkids to say.  You want them happy to come to your house.

481 / Sharing Beauty & the Beast.  I got to put on the movie & have it for our movie night viewing.  Of course, the boys said, "EWWW" & they didn't like it, but the whole movie, I saw little boys sitting on a couch totally enthused with it.  & I get it - if they had a choice of Super hero movies with Pappy or Disney movies with me - I know who wins that battle. But I was glad they got to see the movie with me. (& yes, I was secretly glad to watch it again for the 582nd time myself)

482 / Julie modeled for me for my Etsy knits. It was nice to just put it on her & click away instead of me having to set up my tripod & do all the work.  I need models ready & willing to help me out every time.  She made my knitted things look extra cute too!

483 / Watching Ricky & Luke together.  I love Ricky with all his grand sons but to see him & Luke together, its just really neat.  Luke is so much like Ricky, its scary.  I never tire of sitting back & watching them interact with each other.

484 / Getting to see my nieces.  Just finished up 5th grade & heading into official middle school.  My heart hurts a little at that.  I love they still are kids at heart & think boys are yucky.

487 / McAlister's Lunch.  I love they have their pecanberry salad back out for the summer. The roasted nuts they have on it is enough to want this salad.  It's delicious.

488 / My new Starbucks mug surprise.  Julie had to go to Seattle for a business trip & she bought me home this surprise.  A mug with the original Starbucks logo. Apparently the original shop in Seattle is the only place you can get this in.  I love it!  & I didn't know that Starbucks opened in 1971.  Along with Disney... along with ME! :) Good things happened in 1971.

Loving my new #starbucks mug that my family picked up in Seattle. The original design. ☕ #oldschool #original #coffee #coffeemug:

So what good things have happened in your life this week?


  1. Beauty and the Beast - my favorite Disney movie. One can never be tired of watching it. Such great things happening in your life this week - Thanks for the party and I couldn't remember if I posted last week's post so if I did, well duplicate.

  2. It looks like you had a great weekend. Loved the pictures of the kids. I can't believe I never even thought to take pictures of my grandkids when they were here. They're gonna revoke my grandma card! LOL

  3. I love sitting outside watching the rain. It's so relaxing. I actually haven't seen Beauty and the Beast in so long. I should start a Disney movie collection.

  4. Oh, that Starbucks mug is great! And I agree, as a vegetarian peanut butter is great. I keep meaning to branch out and try other nut butters but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

  5. Is there any better surprise than a coffee mug surprise? No, there is not.

  6. So much goodness in this post-- the coffee mug is such a nice gift! Looks like you guys got in some great family time recently!

  7. I felt like your "one sentence a day" post was a little rainy and dreary for May, but your thankful post this week is SO HAPPY and energetic! Yay! I love that Starbucks mug and I love that the grandkids in your life show such love for all your animals!

  8. Ahhh, summer is just the best! Playing outside, cookouts, thunderstorms - it's my favorite :)

  9. HUBERS!!!!! I haven't been for probably 5 years. SO JEALOUS!

  10. I've been waiting for a storm to roll through for weeks now! We finally got a little rain while we were at my parents house on Monday but I guarantee if we would have been home we wouldn't have gotten anything. I swear it never rains up on our
    Oh, PS. I'd want to hang at papa's and yaya's too and see the horses!

  11. I've been waiting for a storm to roll through for weeks now! We finally got a little rain while we were at my parents house on Monday but I guarantee if we would have been home we wouldn't have gotten anything. I swear it never rains up on our
    Oh, PS. I'd want to hang at papa's and yaya's too and see the horses!

  12. Here's a confession for you...I've never seen Beauty & the Beast...not even as a kid.

    I got to grill pizza last night! Which I had on my summer bucket list & it was just as delicious as I had hoped. & it meant I didn't have to turn the oven on & heat up the house. & the weather was so nice out last night I was out on the porch til almost 10PM.

  13. Your grands are so lucky to have you and Ricky!

  14. Busy week here too with end of school activities and Memorial Day. I'm embarrassed to tell you this ... but my daughter's school choir sang 'Be Our Guest' in their final concert ... and my 12-year old darling girl said she had never seen 'Beauty and the Beast'. I felt like a failure considering how many times I remember watching it. So we plopped down and popped that DVD in within 2 minutes. The expressions on her face as she was watching were the best! But I still couldn't believe she hadn't seen it. :(

  15. Fun pictures, adorable children, a fabulous Starbucks gift....what a great weekend and so much for which to be thankful! I'm thankful that I can taste and smell today!! After 10 days with this stupid cold! Thankfully I turned a corner with it! Hooray!

  16. awww lots of good things happened in 1971! that is awesome! that mug really is fabulous though. and now i need to watch beauty and the beast again lol

  17. Iced coffee is the best. I haven't ordered hot coffee in a looong time now, even when it isn't warm outside. Drinking coffee at work (hot) is not my favorite (even with the crazy cold AC!).

  18. Oh what a fun mug!!! I love that the boys sat and watched Beauty and the Beast with you. I mean, it has a talking teapot and candlestick. Who does that not appeal to? Haha. I love listening to the rain as well. I really hope that my next room either has a sunroom or a covered porch where I can truly enjoy the sounds.

  19. The cookout looks so fun friend!!! I am an almond butter girl myself.. like eat it EVERY day!!! With everything. At all times. Nom Nom

  20. Love that Starbucks mug; heck, I love just about any mug! :)
    Peanut butter is definitely my's my #1 sandwich.
    I thought about thankful things this week, just didn't get around to writing the post.

  21. It's the small joys that are really powerful. :)

    A Day in Durham

  22. That's such a cute new mug and that photo with the horse - gorgeous!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  23. Iced coffee is always, always, always on my thankful list! ;-)


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