Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dollar Bins, bad knees & I'm Elsa... {Thankful Thursday #82}

In what ways has the Lord been good to you? Psalm 13:6 “:

This week I am Thankful For:
{The numbers go with my One-Thousand Gift Journal / so just ignore them}

657 / Bad Knees.  I was out at lunch & saw a man in a wheelchair with what looked to be like a condition he has probably dealt with his whole life.  He was getting along just fine, but as I watched him cross the street in his chair, I thought about my knees. They may hurt & I may complain a lot about them, but they are able to let me walk & do things some others may never get the chance to do.  I immediately felt grateful.  #perspective download free The free information was a big help overcoming physical pain This ended my suffering:

659 / Groupon!  We got Krispy Kreme deals & tickets to a concert we were wanting to go to. With Ricky not working, we can use all the deals we can find at this point.

661 / Our boy being 3 years old.  He truly is our baby. Spoiled baby at that. He got lots of treats & extra frisbee tosses for the day.

Harvey Dent:

664 / Bonnie & Clyde's Pizza. Yes, I talked about it yesterday as well. It really is a treat when we get to have it.

665 / Air Condition.  When it feels over 100 degrees & humidity is pretty much air so thick you can cut it, walking into a house with air conditioning HAS to be the small but similar sensation of what its going to be walking into Heaven.

666 / God's grace. Yes, I'm a number nerd so when I got to #666 in my One Thousand Gift journal, I made sure that that number had GOD written all over it!  & yes, I AM thankful for the grace given to me every single day.

668 / Starbucks gift card.  My sweet friend surprised me with a Starbucks gift card for doing headshots of her husband.  It was SOOOOO not expected & I didnt want anything for taking 3 pictures, but she blessed me with it anyways.  Y'all know that was used up on Saturday night. haha  Didn't even make it in my wallet for 24 hours.

670 / Target $1.00 Bin. Do you stop & look every time you walk in too? I get so caught up in those bins.  But I found those alphabet stickers, perfect for my Bible Journal - & that Weekly pad that is a mouse pad. Its perfect for work.  The journal wasn't $1.00 but I'm always thankful for a new journal too.

Fun stuff:

672 / Celebrating my daddy's birthday!

673 / CAKE for EVERYONE! I didn't know my niece (that has diabetes) was going to be at my dad's or I would have brought something sugar free for her, but she was allowed a piece of birthday cake to join in the celebration.


676 / Ricky emptying dishwasher.  It's nice having a house-husband ;) He's been emptying the dishwasher for me.  He even straightened up his bathroom closet this week. You can tell the man is bored out of his mind with recovery if this is happening. But it sure makes my life easier.

677 / Bookstore. So I recently discovered that I can get to a bookstore at lunch & spend a good 30-40 minutes in there at work. This could be dangerous. REALLLLLLY dangerous.

What good things have happened in your world this week?


  1. I do look in the dollar bins when I go,but I haven't been in quite a while. I like that mouse pad/to do list. Pretty handy!

  2. Okay, so I know you said to never mind the numbers on these posts but I have to ask, what happens to the numbers you don't post? Like where is gift #671??

    I actually avoid looking in those bins at Target because I know I will walk away with stuff I really don't need!

  3. yes, totally grateful for being mobile and able to do things.
    i love the $1 target bins! i always go there first whenever i'm in the states :)

  4. I love perusing the Dollar Spot just to see what's in there!

    Cake for all sounds good to me.

    So thankful for air conditioning, the humidity has been insane.

  5. The dollar spot at Target is my jam and I must hit it every weekend before my grocery shopping. Happy Birthday to that sweet doggie!!!!

  6. AC in hot summer days really is something I'm thankful for! And that bookstore knowledge is truly dangerous :)

  7. That $ spot sucks me in every time & everything is always so cute. Love that weekly mousepad thing.

    Yesterday I came home from work just to turn my window unit on before I ran to the library for more books. That way when I got home for real my room was already cool. That was pretty much the best idea EVER.

  8. Ooooh, I want a bookstore within walking distance! (WAIT- I have one! Haha! It's just a little non-franchise one... but thanks for the reminder!)
    I love the dollar or 3-dollar bin at Target. It's my weakness and a blessing. It helps me craft up fun Xmas gifts for my co-workers!

  9. I saw your bookstore photo and it makes me want to buy more books! Must resist. Or not lol. Maybe I'll hit up the used bookstore this weekend. Target bins are awesome. I would love if they got some planner stickers in there. Walking into the ac in my house after work feels amazing.

  10. I tell you this every week, but I always enjoy your Thankful posts! My week has been more stressful than usual with the auditors here asking for information all the time, but it is going well and will be over soon. I had to look twice when I saw that your bad knees are a blessing....but my goodness, how right you are. If we just look around us - open our eyes - we are blessed in so many ways. Glad Ricky is feeling like doing things around the house. That's good news! Hugs for you both!

  11. So much goodness here. This makes me want to run over to Target asap- love those stickers. Love all of the little things-- they really mean so much, a gift card or an empty dishwasher :)

  12. I love the dollar bin at Target! It's almost as dangerous as the rest of the store, especially when I want to buy one of everything. :)

    Number-nerds unite! ... I got 666 as my bib number for the Rodes City 10k last year and freaked out. I know it's just a number but I didn't want it -- but then I decorated the bib with Bible verses and drawings. I know it wasn't visible in the photos but it was for my peace of mind.

    I love your perspective on working out -- so many people can't but want to or won't because they think they can't. I'm going to try to be more mindful of this - so thank you for that reminder!

  13. The first one--so true. I love notebooks from Target! Love that your baby got birthday treats and extra frisbee tosses!

  14. Air conditioning, next to electricity and donuts (hehe), is the best invention ever. Especially in a car.

  15. Definitely a lot to be thankful for. I definitely am thankful for the AC, donuts and Target dollar bins.


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