Monday, July 04, 2016

One Sentence a Day - June 2016 Edition

Well this is just awkward... a Monday post with the One Sentence post?
Well, I figure its the 4th of July & no one is on regular schedule anyways...
& its still 'technically' my weekend, so I'm doing my weekend recap post on Tuesday
& sliding this one in here.
its just all topsy-turvey - as such as life as been lately anyways

All that to say - here's my June review....
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!

1.  Excited to start carrying my camera around with me for my June project. #ProjectLife

2.  Had a little date day with the hubs to see Captain America: Civil War & we argued the whole time since I was #TeamIronman


3.  I went to cry alone at the movies watching Me Before You

4.  Being a girl born & raised in Louisville, it was just sad to hear of our hometown legend Muhammad Ali passing away.

5.   Loved getting to spend time with our original 5 at JOY Bible Study.

#VincentsRockSunday 06.05.16

6.  It was truly a Monday when I was angry at the world less then 15 minutes after getting to work.

7.  Had a weird kind of hair day when my stylist helped me with my vertigo by putting my color on my hair but sent me home to wash it out so I didn't have to bend my neck back over their sink.

8.  Drove over to my parents house to make sure they were alive when no one answered a phone all day long.

9.  Spent the evening in Immediate Care Center with Ricky & his hernia.

10.  Pizza Night.

11.  I had a colorful morning doing a 5k with my friends.

Color run:

12.  Reminded that our world is so out of control when 50 people are killed in a shooting in Orlando, Florida for senseless reasons.

My poor hubby... hoping he gets his hernia surgery done soon, but always nervous for surgery. I just want him to feel better. 😯❤ #VincentsRockSundays 06.02.16:
#VincentsRockSunday 06.12.16

13.  Got a summons in the mail for Jury Duty.

14.  Another hit in the head with vertigo on a really really bad scale.

15.  I sat on the front porch for 2 hours finishing the 3rd book about the wacky messed up world of Oz with Yellow Brick Wars & look up & there's a rainbow across the sky.

16. I made it through the day in thanks to Alleve .... &  a trip to Hobby Lobby.

17.  I just wanted to get home & lay on my couch to start off the weekend after feeling horrible all day.

18.  On a mission to get some straining tools to start making my own cold brew coffee at home.

19.  Celebrated dad's for Father's Day

When the hubs orders my #starbucks while I run to the bathroom & gets it wrong. ... but actually, sshhh, it tasted better  #VincentsRockSundays 06.19.16:
#VincentsRockSunday 06.19.16

20.  One word sums up the day: Sucky.

21.  Tried to sit outside to finish reading my book but bugs attacking my legs made me forget that plan.

22.  Finished reading PS I Still Love You to find that there is another book in the series coming out, reminding me why I HATE starting a series until they are all out!

23.  Tried potatoes on a pizza for the first time in my life.

24.  I mowed the grass so late in the evening that the motion lights came on when I was pass by the garage.

25.  A hot & humid miserable day calls for a day in AC on the couch knitting & cleaning off the DVR.

26.  I got to hold my grandbuddy, Caden, during the whole church service making my morning so much better.

When it's hotter than hades, I go for #starbucks peach green tea lemonade. .. the hubs heads straight for ice cream 🍦 #VincentsRockSundays 06.26.16:
#VincentsRockSunday 06.26.16

27.  Feel so bad for Ricky who has surgery scheduled for Thursday & now has a head cold with a awful sore throat & a cough that wont be good with stitches in his low abs.

28.  After 8 weeks of waiting to get in with the ENT, it was a worthless trip to find out nothing, except my health insurance sucks.

29.  Trying to pass the night before surgery by working out nerves by playing board games & watching Big Brother.

30.  Hate seeing my husband in pain after he had his hernia surgery.


We that's it - we're officially half way through the year...


What was the thing that stood out the most for your June?


  1. I told myself I wanted to do the sentence a day for the summer months but I failed!

    I hope things get better with this vertigo you have!

  2. Sure hope Ricky is healing well and feeling much better! I always enjoy your recap posts!

  3. Happy 4th! I'm glad Rickey had his surgery, hope he's feeling better and on the mend!

  4. So sorry to hear about your vertigo, I have had it bad several times, really bad once. NOT fun...hope you have gotten help for it. I hope Ricky is doing better since his surgery!
    You are looking great my friend...

  5. Hernias and vertigo ~ you poor kids. Ugh. I hope you both are feeling 100% sooner, rather than later.
    Your color run pic is adorable.
    #TeamIronMan - right there with ya!

  6. Yay for sentence a day, I did mine today :) I had no idea there were more books in the P.S I love you series, I think I just watched the movie...perhaps I should go read the books, but not until they are all out, I totally agree!

  7. I feel you on being angry with the world 15 minutes after getting to work. Darn Mondays!


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