Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Never stop trying new things....I'm not! NEXT UP!

Y'all know me... always starting something new.

Well, once again, I'm buddying up with my partner Nathalie whom we did the Hammer & Chisel program together.

We may be many states away from each other but she encourages me so much on getting through these work outs.

Accountability is a real thang!

We've even started a new hashtag for this round.  Nathalie thought it up - that clever gal. She is a teacher so she has a way with words anyways... but we did #chiseledknitters for our last round - so this time we're doing #hardcorpschiseledknitters

How's that for a mouthful & a hashtag?

But it works because we are doing the 22 Minute Hard Corp program now.

Image result for 22 minute hard corps

I'm looking forward to something new.

New programs are always exciting to me.  I'm the person who is always wanting to change things up & do new things.  That's why some work out programs aren't for me because I'm not the person who likes doing the same routine over & over & over & over again.

Saying that, I do see this one only has a few workouts that DOES seem to get repeated often.
That makes me nervous.  I'm hoping that I love them so much, I dont mind doing the same workout I did on Monday again on Wednesday....
... though the idea of that already turns me off a little.

But I'm going to PRESS ON & give it a try.

Image result for suck it up buttercup working out
I am looking forward to some Tony Horton in my life again. I know a lot of people get irritated by him, but he distracts me a lot of times from the pain of some of the exercises.  I haven't done any of his workouts since P90X3 which I LOVED as well.

Image result for tony horton

I'm also glad to see these videos aren't a forever long workout.  I'm good for a video that is about 35-40 minutes.  Anything longer & I'm moaning & groaning... though I don't mind walking or running for an hour.  Funny how that works.

& again, on the flip side, I am nervous that the full video is going to be burpee & burpee & some more burpees.  This is based off of a military work out & isn't that where burpees originated?

Image result for burpee funny

Kudos to me - I AM much better doing burpees than when I first starting working out.  But it doesnt mean I love them or anything, or look forward to doing an insane amount of them every day.

But again - that whole pressing on thing...

Anyhooooo... this is supposed to be an 8 week program which will take me through till my vacation in October.  Perfect timing.

So once again, a new program in front of me.  We'll see how it all goes.

How many new things have ya'll seen me start here on Training Tuesday.
I think I kicked this off with my half marathon training - check.
& then the Hammer & Chisel program - check.
& then another round of 21 day Fix Extreme - check.
& here we are again.

After this, I'll have one more program I'm starting in November that will take me through 2016

... & then back to half marathon training.

Full circle baby! Full circle.

Have you tried this program?

Do you like Tony Horton?

Are you a fan of burpees or not?

Image result for training tuesday knit by god's hand


  1. burpees are awful but we do them a lot at the gym as part of the warmup...actually we do warrior burpees so we partner up, partner A goes into a low plank, then partner B jumps over partner A (at the butt, not ankle) and goes right into a burpee. we do that for 1 or 2 mins straight (depending on how mean the trainer is that day)....back and forth you go until you die. then we switch #deathtoburpees.

    yay for new programs!

  2. Good luck with the program! I've never tried a Tony Horton workout and I am definitely not friends with burpees! But I do them when I have to :)

  3. I love a new challenge too! You so got this girl!

  4. I think it is great that you are always trying new things out because the worst part of working out is getting bored! I know you got this!

  5. You are amazing - your workouts are always so different!! I think it's great you are constantly confusing your body with new things! xo, Biana

  6. I am always impressed with how dedicated you are to such programs! Clever hashtags too!

  7. I love your hashtags, your motivation, and your encouraging inspiration! You got this! :) :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  8. I've never tried a workout program, though I've seen them work for others! I don't think I'd be very good at getting myself to do it every day. Then again, I dislike hitting the gym so many an in-home program IS the way to go...
    I think we're going to get a treadmill and stationary bike soon (and cancel our $$$ gym memberships) so maybe the TV in the new exercise room can be used for programs, too... Hmmm...

  9. I like burpees more than the average joe, I do like Tony, but HATED his Yoga video on P90X, super annoying! Otherwise I didn't find him offensive or anything...

  10. good luck girl! i haven't done a burpee in like 5 years and i am okay with that. i am with you on not liking to do the same thing over and over, i get bored immediately if i know what's coming, even if it is hard. just not my jam. it's different at the gym or outside running, i can repeat myself there, but at home on a video? i hate it.

  11. Way to go girl! I HATE burpees!!! ;-)

  12. Too bad Hard Corps isn't on demand. Can't wait to hear how you like it. I'm looking forward to November already!! :)

  13. Wow that was motivating... I feel like I need to go running now (and I don't run!) Ha. As far as burpees... I hate them... I'm more of a planks girl! :)


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