Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Favorites

Favorite Food

Cheesy Cauliflower Nachos

This sounds amazing to me.

Favorite Food - Part 2

Slow Cooker Quinoa, Sweet Potato, & Black Bean Chili - a protein-rich (and very tasty!) vegetarian chili recipe. Just dump it in the Crock Pot in the morning and dinner's made.:

I promised I'd put this up after talking about it yesterday.

Favorite Beauty & The Beast

Cogsworth and Lumiere Print Beauty and the Beast by InkistPrints:

Favorite Idea

Image result for teal pumpkin project

The Teal Pumpkin Project
I love this idea... you take a pumpkin & paint it a pretty teal color
& that signals that you are passing out items for Halloween that aren't going to cause any food allergies for kids that have issues.
I love the idea just because there's so much JUNK & SUGAR on Halloween - its great for all the kids.
But especially for kids that have to stay away from things for their health - even potentially dangerous things, like peanuts & products with eggs.
Plus, the teal pumpkins are just pretty

Image result for teal pumpkin project

Favorite Tee

I Need 3 Coffees 6 Puppies and Like 12 Million Dollars >> Change the puppies to cupcakes, and you got me like, YASSS!
OK... I'll be fair...I'll take 10 million... 

Favorite App

Image result for 21 day fix app

I'm so excited that the 21 Day Fix finally brought out an app for Androids.
it's awesome. Really keeps me in check with my containers.
If you've never bought the containers, you can find the size of each container online - & this app shows what each container can hold (though as a vegetarian, its a little different) but it would work for those who wanted to try this plan without investing in it completely.
& the app is free!

Favorite Peencha

--Posted to DESERT HEARTS Animal Compassion-- 10/3/2013 Phoenix, Arizona ---

Favorite Funnies

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 37 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 39 Pics:
This person must live with my husband too

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 38 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 43 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 43 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 43 Pics:

.... when I started playing with calligraphy pens & now want to learn more about it

... when I watch another round of political debates

... how I feel around carbs

... when I would hug random Ironman finishers

... me at 4:00pm today

Totally Starbucks though

Happy Friday Y'all!!!!


  1. Oh that clown comment is funny!

    If the copier jams at work I just sign out and walk away, I don't even try to find the jam and fix it anymore. For years I've walked away with black ink on me and ruined clothes, and for what? Just to make a few worksheets? I just don't have the patience

    Oh, and you will appreciate this one. I was reading a blog last week where this lady had to evacuate due to the hurricane and not only did she bring her marathon medals with her, she also brought her pets ashes! She said no family member gets left behind. Yes, I may have shed a tear reading that.

  2. hahahahaha we have ALLLLLL been that copy machine day. Ugh! I am totally pinning that chili recipe, it sounds delicious. And I really like the idea of the teal pumpkin. It needs to be more widely known.

  3. This has been a long week! So glad it is over. I love the teal pumpkin idea. Have a great weekend.

  4. Ooh... cauliflower nachos sound amazing! We made apple dessert nachos once and that was a good option too.

  5. That chili is calling my name - such a great fall dinner idea!! I also love that teal pumpkin. You're right, it's so pretty ;) but also such an amazing message. This will be our first year with trick-or-treaters, so I definitely want to have a bit of everything (candy as well as non-food items) to give out. Have a great weekend!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  6. Don't think I'll ever do a full on 21 day fix program. But I do like how it makes eating enough veggies simple. I may download the app! What an easy way to track. Might be nicer than MFP too. We shall see. Really depends if my phone has enough empty space with all the pics I take. Haha.

    I tried sweet potato black bean chili a year or two ago. I wanted to love it, but didn't I'll have to give this recipe a try. I WANT to love it. It's got so much good protein and veggies & is different from regular chili to mix things up!

  7. Those nachos look delicious! I think anyone who has worked in an office as seen toner go everywhere at least once. Funny photo! Happy Friday and weekend!!

  8. the meme about the husband -that's also what it's like with kids!

  9. I have that shirt!! Every time I wear it I get compliments :) Haha. I love that photo of the man with the cats. That'd be me.

    The toner explosion... If you haven't witnessed/been victimized by toner then you don't really work in an office. Ha. And my husband can't quite figure out the hamper either. Hahaha!

  10. Cauliflower nachos? Where have these been all my life? I LOVE cauliflower. PS. That Halloween image though. So funny!

  11. Yay I love that you posted about the Teal Pumpkin Project!! I've been following your posts on Instagram, so sending prayers your way for your mom!

  12. Cauliflower nachos? Okay I need to try these! We love nachos but eating alllll of those chips is definitely not the best dinner option!

  13. I just pinned the chili recipe - I think I have all the ingredients in my house right now! Except the jalepeno & I might skip that anyway... I'll just add hot sauce :)

  14. LOL that last gif. haha. the cauliflower nachos, yum! that beauty & the beast print - yes please! love the shirt too, but for real i'd be happy with 1 million lol

  15. That gymnastic one is too funny! The cauliflower looks amazing! Have a great weekend1

  16. Saving both of those recipes, the cauliflower and the chili. They look amazing!! I think I'd be a little scared if I handed out anything besides candy these days. I'd probably get punched or something! ;)

  17. Amen on those memes. The teal pumpkin is such a great idea! Pinned the Cauliflower nachos and am hoping your weekend is full of smiles!!!!!

  18. The cauliflower nachos look great! Thanks for the link. Love all the funnies too! Enjoy your weekend.

  19. I love the picture of the man and his cats. We were driving to work the other day (one of the days when Husband works the same hours as me), and we saw a man walking with a cat perched on his backpack. LOL at the jeans...mine puts clothes on top of the hamper. I took the lid off.

  20. Oh yes, our husbands must know each other too. In addition to the laundry, my hubby also won't change the toilet paper roll! Ha!

  21. Thanks for sharing the cauliflower nachos! I pinned it and would love to make them soon!

  22. Omg those cauliflower nachos sound delicious! And I love that Beauty and the Beast painting, Disney inspired art is the coolest! I just saw a bunch of really beautiful paintings at their Food and Wine Festival.

  23. Yummmm - all the food please. We had a game night and did a baked potato/sweet potato bar + chili. We tried a new pinterest one and it was pretty good! :) I read an article about all the live action disney movies in the works.... and I AM SO EXCITED! GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! LOL to all of those memes, but I love the one where the guy is saving the cats. My heart was so broken for all those poor animals in Louisiana. I am so grateful that there are good people in situations like that who go out and try to save everyone that they can, animal or human. :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  24. I always love your funnies on Friday. I felt like the one this is how my day went all weekend. I want to try those cauliflower nachos.


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