Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The latest haul in Amazoning!!!

It's been awhile since I've done one of these posts.

& I get nothing for this - I just like sharing the randomness that Amazon holds.
Its like the world's best place to get basically anything you need

... which reminds me, I need to go get some shampoo on order right now...

Enjoy my latest haul!

T-fal Nonstick One Egg Wonder Fry Pan

I'm all about making egg sandwiches for breakfast every morning - easy & fast to make & a good protein packed way to kick off the day.
I worn my other little pan down to where you could see the bottom of the stove through it basically.
I actually bought 2 of these.  They're so cheap on Amazon!

LG Electronics Ultra Slim Portable DVD/RW External Drive

I got a new laptop & it aggravates me so much that computers dont come with a DVD drive anymore. Who even thought to do that? SO DUMB!!!! & as a photographer that has to burn disks, I need some way to do that - so had to purchase this.  
I guess I'm going to have to start investing in flash drives because pretty soon, my clients wont have computers that can use the disks either.  So dumb.
How do you even watch all your DVD movies on your computer?  UGH... again... so dumb.

Sophia + Sam Mini Lap Desk

I have had many a lap desk sort of thing in my life but I needed one that fit in my lap just right.
With my bicep tendon, it KILLS me to sit with my arm at weird angles for long periods of time, so I needed something I can put on my lap & use my mouse easily with my arm more downward.  This thing is perfect. Not too big, not too small & a good smooth surface.  It comes in fun colors too but stuck with basic boring classic black.

Nikon Battery Door Cover
Proof once again you can find most anything on Amazon....
I use battery packs on the bottom of my cameras, which means you have to take the cover off & store for later when you want to take those battery packs off.... yeahhhhh....
they always go to battery cover heaven.
So it is super nice you can snag up some more covers when you need them.

Westcott Stainless Steel Office Ruler - 6 inch
I have been prepping up a Moleskin journal for a Bullet Journal for 2017
... which I need to do a blog post on... I dont know if I want to do a bullet journal or use another Erin Condren planner ... decisions decisions...
but this little ruler is the perfect little ruler for planners. Small. 
& has a cork base on the back side to hold in place when you're drawing lines.

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo

I did a review on this... total thumbs down from me.

Cinder & Ella

Cinder & Ella by [Oram, Kelly]
Haven't gotten to this one yet, but got it on stand by when I need a fun easy light read

OtterBox Defender Case for LG G5

I know most people buy those cute phone covers
& I'm always jealous of the fanciness of them all
... but I know me. I'm an accident waiting to happen.
& I can't afford a broken phone.
So I go for practicality ... & even still want to wrap my phone up in bubble wrap.

American Baby Company Cotton Muslin Swaddle Blankets
American Baby Company 3-Count 100% Cotton Muslin Swaddle Blankets, Gray, 47" x 47"

A weird order, huh?
I actually got these for my photography & for baby sessions.
That gray?  Perfect for unisex.  A gray, black, or white bow?  Perfect for a girl.
Totally works for a boy.
& you can lay the baby on a black or white or even pink background 
all while they are snuggled in tight.
I got these for a friend for a baby gift one time & loved them so much, had to get them myself.

So what's the last thing you bought at Amazon?

Go ahead - share the strangest thing you've gotten off of there lately


  1. Those are some good finds! Love those blankets and think they're great for baby photo shoots! I could shop from Amazon and Amazon only and be happy. They really do everything you could imagine.

  2. I haven't bought anything from amazon in a while. I usually by Baylee's vitamins through there. I had to laugh at the ruler. That's an odd online purchase :)

  3. I always love seeing what other people are buying on Amazon. Those blankets are so cute! I need to get a few new pots and pans. A few of mine have seen better days.

  4. I have that lap desk and the 6 inch ruler. I love that phone case as well. I have a otterbox symmetry case, and I love it. It's handled well despite not being an all over protection case. And it's also kind of cute compared to some of the other cases.

  5. I am in desperate need of new pans! Can you/have you thrown those in the dishwasher? I am just too lazy to wash things by hand these days!

  6. I got a small pan like that from Home Goods once and it was the best purchase ever, I use it almost every day too! I wouldn't mind another one, so I will definitely check amazon.

  7. i LOVE Amazon! I shop wayyyy too much on there! I am Team Bullet Journal all the way! Not to be dramatic, but it changed my life. It's my fav...all the heart eyes!

  8. I don't really shop on Amazon and always forget about them. I have been on the hunt for an egg pan. Totally going to order one from Amazon!

  9. Ooh Amazon is the best and also MOST dangerous! : / hehe Looks like you've had lots of good purchases recently! I think my most recent non-e-book purchases have been stamps... I've started project life mini album-ing and I looove those Kelly Purkey stamps... eep! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  10. We just bought an electric lawn mower on Amazon! Haha. It never ceases to amaze me how much you can buy from them.

  11. I love Amazon! I just bought something today in fact but it was so boring, packaging labels. But I have like 50 things on my wish list. Those little egg pans are perfect I got my mom one and she loves it!

  12. i've been doing a bullet journal/planner hybrid for a while now and i love it! post something about yours soon.

  13. Here we are at another Amazon post of yours, in which I (ho hum) say I keep meaning to do one of these posts. THAT'S IT. It's happening. I'm putting it on my blog calendar.

  14. Those battery covers! Who knew you could find that stuff on Amazon! My most recent purchases were leggings for yoga :) I need to go snag a pack of Halloween socks for a little seasonal gift for all my coworker soon, though!

  15. oh i read cinder & ella ages ago. can't wait to hear your thoughts. i listened to it and think i would have liked it better if i had read it instead of listening as the narrator was awful. but anyway. hope you like it! it wasn't bad, don't worry. i mean, you might like it, you might hate it, i'm gonna shut up now.
    i want those little egg pans! so smart.
    excuse me laptops don't come with dvd drives anymore?! wtf?! i was upset enough when they removed floppy disk drive thingys. lol. my friend bought a car without a cd player, can you believe it? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO.

  16. That is quite a haul!! This week, Amazon packages came with vitamins, shoes and an Instant Pot pressure cooker that I haven't used yet but hope to this weekend!

  17. I'm all about the Otterbox too! I've never had anything happen to my phone (knock on wood), but I am too risk adverse for one of those super skinny cases!

  18. I so need an external hardrive - thanks for sharing the one you bought! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  19. Haha my amazon purchase list is so weird! I bought a bunch of random stuff for our cruise (magnetic hooks anyone?) and then loads of groceries that I can't be bothered to lug from the shops myself. Like tins of black beans, chopped tomatoes, coconut milk. Boring staples but things I keep running out of. Oh and maple syrup...!

  20. I blame it on Apple! Hehe, I know, I know, but the Mac I'm using doesn't have a cd rom drive and thephone I use doesn't have the traditional head phone jack either. I have a really old computer I keep just for its cd rom.

  21. Yep, you definitely can find ANYTHING on Amazon! The last thing I bought was a car charger for my HTCOne phone...the one I had all of a sudden didn't work; this one is specific to my phone.
    I also bought some laminating sheets for my school materials that I make for myself. I can never have too many of those!!

  22. I'm all about the egg sandwiches too. :) Just finished mine, actually (wheat toast, 1/4 avocado, 2 eggs - delicious!) And our pan is looking pretty rough - might need to look into this one!

    Latest Amazon purchase was the workbook for Uninvited - starting a Bible study at a new-to-me church next week. I could buy it from the leader or a bookstore for $13 ... OR get it from Amazon Prime for $7 w/ free shipping. Boom. Also found a steal of a deal on the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory DVD after Gene Wilder passed on. I love that movie!

    I've got a lot of stuff saved to my cart right now - waiting to see if I change my mind or decide it's something I can't live without. :)

  23. When I got my new phone last Christmas, I had this cute Kate Spade case on it and on Christmas day went to get out of the car and dropped it in my parents driveway. Shattered the screen on my brand new phone AND it had a tempered glass screen protector on it. Never again will I have a "cute" case!


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