Monday, October 03, 2016

The weekend that was all about celebrating birthdays....

Image result for weekend that knit by god's hand

A long weekend... how nice they are... how much they throw me off on what day it really is.
Seriously, how does missing one day of work throw you into such a confusion?
I'll take the confusion any day though.

& even though it was a longer weekend, that just meant more to cram in... here's to another busy weekend.

Here's some of the highlights.

... if you know me, you know I'm always stopping at Starbucks on Friday to kick off the weekend.  So with Thursday being my last day of work, I made the appropriate changes.  Thursyay works for Friyay.  & Ricky benefited too when I bought him home a drink too.  Winners all around!!  Plus, it was National Coffee Day so it was a perfect celebration.


... I have given up on 'sleeping in'... on my day off, I'm up at 7am.  I guess that is technically sleeping in when you're used to getting up at 5am

... Finished reading my latest book.. the MOST DEPRESSING BOOK IN THE WORLD


... I got to pick up my nieces at the bus stop on Friday & have our own "girls night out" to celebrate their birthday that isn't until next week - but they're going to be 12.  They are having friends over & going to the movies with them... so good ole Aunt Bec ain't going to compete with that so I made sure to get them early.  Plus, we wanted to see Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children at the movies on opening night.


... Don't bother seeing this movie.  It's a total thumbs down.  I knew going in with the character's 'peculiar talents' not matching the book, I was going to have issues. But man, the movie was just BADDDDDD.  They changed so much of the end - like, I'm not even sure what they were doing. They basically made up a ridiculous ending that is NOTHING like ANY of the books. So I'm not sure if they consider that the end that was at the end of the 3rd book?  I dont get it. It was just dumb.
Like, there was a 'battle scene' that you can tell was supposed to be serious - there was a lady laughing so hard, I thought she had lost her mind. I dont think anyone knew how to react.
I will say - I did love the girl that played Miss Peregrine... even though the book made her out to be such an older lady. Bygones.

Image result for miss peregrine's home for peculiar children

... poor nieces though - the Hallows in the movie totally freaked them out.  Especially when they were eating a pile of eye balls.  #notkidappropriate

When I asked them how they felt seeing the Hallows...
Sophia & her drama... yep, she's my niece alright

... I took the twins on a shopping spree. They are at that age where I'm not attempting to buy their gifts. I told them if it were up to me, I'd be buying Disney dolls & Belle dressess for them.  Yeah, I got eye rolls on that.    They did make me happy though when they both picked out a book to get.  #readersrock

... Sophia picked out some combat boots.  Are those back in style?  They looked adorable on her though.

... We had to wait in line at McDonalds for 15 minutes for an apple pie & a hashbrown. Seriously?  & when we got it, the apple pie was COLD & then the hashbrowns had 2 thrown in - not even in any paper or anything - just tossed in.  McDonalds? What is wrong with you?

... Saturday, poor Ricky had to work.  Boo... boo... booo...

... & Saturday was also a day for celebration - my momma's birthday!!! YAHOO!!!!!  I had gotten a cake & my brother & his gang came over & we got to sit outside enjoying the beautiful weather... & making sure none of their new rescue cats got out of the house.  One escaped & I was freaking out thinking that little baby was going to run in the woods - or right out to the street.

Just peek out the door! No coming outside little girl!!!

... Sunday was church & MSM, where I was a total fail at paper airplane making. Drats.  I made a plane & got picked to get in a challenge & my plane basically made a loop & came back to me every time. If Boomerang planes were the winners, give me the award!  #dontworkthatway

... Went to Old Navy to take back the dresses I ordered online - only to find two more dresses that I LOVE!!!

... Headed to do a Senior session.  I did her brother's senior pictures last year & just instantly loved their momma, so when she got in touch with me to do her youngest daughter's pictures, I was thrilled to see them again.  I so love when I get comeback business. I truly do become invested in all my clients.  It ended up being such a perfect day for pictures with cloud cover & cool temps. It doesnt get any better than that.

Cellphone pic - not camera picture

... Picked up some Chuy's for dinner for Ricky & I

... Time to upload pics & start editing.  Senior pictures are so tough to narrow down.  Teenagers are just naturally photogenic & I know parents want all the memories.

And now, we're back to Monday. It is Monday, right?

How was your weekend?

Finally feeling like Fall in your area?

Does your McDonalds make you wait FOREVER?

Did you see a new movie this weekend?


  1. Aww sorry to hear that movie was a bust! I was looking forward to seeing "The girl on the train" this weekend but found out it didn't open till next weekend. I'm so exhausted already that i'm looking forward to next weekend already!

  2. Oh I love Thursyay- if only it could be every week, haha. It seems like people either really hated that movie or really loved it- I've heard both reactions, but definitely will wait for it to be released. I still haven't read the book yet!

  3. That's so disappointing about the movie. I remember LOVING the books. :(
    It was PERFECT weather for sisters' weekend...FINALLY fall weather!!!

  4. I love that your nieces chose books for their gifts! And I kind of feel like combat boots are always in style :)

  5. I so wish I worked only 4 days a week. Haha I work 6 and am starting to really hate it. Sorry to hear that the movie was disappointing. That is always the worse. I always feel like I just threw money away when that happens.

  6. Sometimes McDonalds is a hit and miss =/ I get iced caramel coffee from there often and most of the time it's great... but when it's bad it's really bad!
    I love that you snagged your nieces for a fun day and got to celebrate your mom! Perfect!

  7. I definitely think combat boots are back in style. I have a pair of combat-ish boots that I love. So I hope I'm speaking the truth.

    I don't ever see movies on opening weekend. Or really on any weekend night if I can help it. There is something about hoards of people - most of whom are never paying attention to their surroundings that just make me want to punch a wall.

    Also, the last time I went to the McDonalds near me, I stood in line for over 12 minutes, before I finally just walked out. It was especially ridiculous because I was in the FRONT of the line. Like - no one in front of me. And in 12 minutes they couldn't even manage to take my order - which BTW was just for an ice coffee. Still mad about that. Don't think there is one close to me now that I've moved. Which, might be a good thing.

  8. How in the world do you survive being that busy. I'd have to take Monday off just to rest up before going back to work. lol

  9. You are the best auntie! I had to laugh at your Starbucks tradition, I am off on Fridays, so I will stop by Starbucks on a Thursday night and grab my coffee that I heat up on Friday mornings. So sorry, the movie wasn't better! When I see a bad movie it's like oh man I wish I would've waited till It was on video, ha ha! I hope you have a great start to your week sweetness

  10. Hurrah for kids who pick out books! Happy early birthday to your nieces and happy birthday to your mamma.

    I love combat boots.

  11. What a great weekend - happy birthday to all your family!! So sad to hear about the movie - I'll cross that off my "must see" list. I hope you have a fantastic week!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  12. Tuesday or Thursday is usually the day I stop for coffee too just to have something to look forward to those days! Yay for finding two more dresses boooo for that movie stinking. Hope you have a great week!

  13. No movies. I rarely go to McDonald's, unless it is to pee when we are traveling. It still feels like hot and humid summer here in Florida. My weekend was good and is in my weekend recap blog! Have a good week!!

  14. Happy birthday to your mom! That kitten is DARLING. I want it!! :) Love that pick of you and Ricky. I want to celebrate all of the "yay" days. Always. Bummer about Miss Peregrine. Apparently it's getting a lot of flack for lack of diversity too... as in everyone is white... except for the bad guy... hmm... I do like Eva Green a lot. She was one of the bond girls, I think she's beautiful! :) Thanks for the head's up on the book. Sounds and looks interesting... but I'm not into being depressed.. LOL! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  15. I was off on Friday too and had a "long weekend" which definitely didn't feel long enough! I have a feeling this week will feel extra long now since I'm not off on Friday!

    Yes, I did see a new movie this weekend too. The hubby and I watched The Conjuring 2. It was okay, but not great.

  16. Bummer that the movie wasn't great. I was looking forward to that one!

  17. Ending your week with Starbucks sounds perfect! :) Happy birthday to your momma! Old Navy has been killing it with their dresses lately! I want so many of them! Also, Chuy's is super tasty. :)

  18. You are such a fun aunt! What lucky nieces those are. PS You might also be the busiest person ever, but you do it so well!

  19. That kitty is so precious!! I do not understand why they totally change movies from the books. That's just dumb. I saw Sully, and loved it!

  20. If you didn't celebrate national coffee day that would have been bad!! Happy Monday girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  21. I was going to watch that movie, but I think I will skip it now. The same woman who played Miss Peregrine was in the movie "Dark Shadows"; which I thought was okay for one watch.

  22. Wait the Miss Peregrine movie is different from the book, vastly?
    I was sooo looking forward to the movie, but ughhh I hate when movies do that! It was such a good book series!
    They did that with the Beautiful Creatures movie, changed it so much from the books they couldn't do anything with it and it bombed...
    Sorry the other book you read wasn't great! I hate when I read a book and it doesn't hit my expectations!

  23. Wow it looks like you had a busy weekend. Yay for coffee on Thursdays. Sounds like you had a great time with family this weekend. I didn't know combat boots were back in style either, but I never know that stuff. Haha. Sad that the movie wasn't as good as the book. I hate when that happens.

  24. I still need to read Miss Peregrine. I'll stick to the book and not the movie.
    I forgot the kitties names, but that little Calico in the picture is just too precious.
    Happy birthday to your nieces! and momma :)

  25. Getting caught up from last week :)

    Thank you for your review of the movie! I still need to read the books but I won't waste my time/money on the movie now.

    Any day is a celebration of National Coffee Day for me! Nectar of Life! :)


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