Thursday, December 22, 2016

Making work feel like home, Christmas fun & I can't duck face.....Thankful Thursday #103

Image result for grateful
This week I am Thankful for:
{The numbers go with my One-Thousand Gifts / just ignore them}

1082 / Space Heater at work.  I freeze all the time & my little space heater gets a full workout sitting next to me at my desk. I hate to leave the area where it heats to walk to the bathroom. I want to run so I can get back to my warm space

Image result for Freezing Cold Office Meme

1083 / Got Ricky's Christmas shopping done.  Its so hard to do your spouses shopping when you're with him all the time. I love taking off a day in December to get the job done.

1084 / Slept till 9am! WHAT? That's one good way to know this sinus stuff has been getting to me - I never sleep that late.  I actually woke up, but didn't open my eyes, & was so mad because I thought Ricky left for work leaving the lights on in the bedroom. (He's done that many a time) & then I open my eyes to see the sun shining through the windows & not the bedroom light after all. I can't tell you how long its been since I slept in well past sunrise. #heavenly

1086 / Shopping with my momma.  I talked about that on Monday - love this December tradition we've done the past 4 years.

1087 / A warm day.  Saturday, it was in the 60's & it felt even warmer because the days before was in the single digits.  It came at a price - horrible storms & flooding & tornado watches/warnings. But it felt good while it lasted... those 12 hours.

1089 / MSM Party.  I just love my girls. They are so special.  2 of my girls have birthdays while we're on Christmas break so I had to bring a little birthday gift for them too - they were so genuinely surprised & grateful... making me grateful to have them in my life.

1090 / My Vincent family.  They are so wonderful. Every single one of them.

When you make your 15 year old niece laugh when you attempt a duck face selfie

Much better

1091 / Night with my JOY Sisters. We kept missing our regular scheduled dates because all the ickies happening but it worked out really well to meet Monday night after work. & 3 of the ladies had dinner prepared for everyone & it was so delicious & beautiful.  We had a fun little scarf swap too & then had some time for some good discussion. I just adore these ladies.

One of the ladies made these cookies... aren't they beautiful?!?!?!

I love watching the kids from our Joy Sisters growing up together too

1092 / Keurig at my desk. I found this baby out when I was shopping over the weekend - for $53.00!!!! The exact same one is on sale at Target for $89.  I have all sorts of coffee & teas now right next to me that I can grab any time.  This could be dangerous.


1093 / Nap after work. I typically hate naps but the night before, I couldn't sleep for ANYTHING. I did the work day on less than 3 hours sleep & was MISERABLE towards the end of the day. I honestly felt like I was going to fall asleep driving home. It was scary actually. I walked in the door, took off my coat - but got in bed with everything else still on - even shoes - & slept for 2 hours. It was like medicine.

So what good things have been happening this week for you?

Image result for knit by god's hand thankful thursday


  1. what? a keurig AT YOUR DESK?? we're not allowed to have any appliances in the office unless it's battery operated. like, what small appliance has that? i'd have to buy a freaking CAR BATTERY to run that shit.

  2. I have a Keurig at home, I should get one for my office, too!

  3. This past summer at camp we put a coffee maker right in our office and it was magical. We got fancy coffee and it was the best treat to have!

  4. I came home Tuesday night and took a nap after work. This working a full day wears me out more than I thought. Of course, I haven't worked an 8 hour day since June. Now this morning I woke up with my sinuses hurting. So I took some meds and am relaxing and will go in around 11 or 12. Hopefully the meds will kick in.

    That's the same Keurig I have at home. Love it.

  5. I napped, but because I'm sick. But it was much needed. Thankful I have today off so I can rest and maybe wrap some presents. Maybe.

  6. I love these grateful posts! :) I'm grateful for warm coffees and work spaces too. It's hit or miss here in the winter. Those cookies... ARE gorgeous... :) I totally identify with how hard it is to purchase/wrap/etc. spouse presents when you're always together. That's us too. Last night KC gave me an early present.. and guess what it was??!?!??!!? YOUR SCARF!!!!!!!!! I'm wearing it today and I LOOOOVE it! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  7. OMG I love those cookies! I so have to make next time!!!! LOL love your duck face!

  8. Yay for sleeping in and napping to hopefully help you kick your sickness once and for all! Those cookies are so pretty and how awesome to have a Keurig right in your office!

  9. Every day I say i'm gonna take a nap after work and it never happens!

  10. Taking a day off to do your spouse's Christmas shopping is GENIUS! I ended up ordering mine from Amazon, so it was fine, but that's not as fun! Haha. Woooo yay for a Keurig at your desk! I know we said this yesterday, but Merry Christmas AGAIN!!!

  11. Our offices are chilly too because we are an art museum and the temperature and humidity have to be controlled for the art. One office has three people sharing it and there are three space heaters in there! If I want to warm up my lunch, I have to first ask them to shut down before I start the microwave, or we trip a breaker. Always fun!! LOL

    I forgot to post a link to Thankful Thursday! Please forgive me! What was I thinking? I know...someone coming to look at the house and it is a Christmas cluttered mess!! Oh well. I enjoyed your thankful list! Blessings abound!

  12. A Keurig at your desk sounds perfect! And I'm so glad you're finding the time to get together with all your family and friends- even with the sickies going around!!

  13. That nap sounds perfect. A keurig right at your desk also sounds amazing. There are so many flavors to pick from. We have space heaters in both rooms of our apartment. Gotta have em, I'm always freezing.

  14. So much good stuff here. It is so hard to shop for my husband as well. We are always together. I online shop for most and then had to leave him at home with the girls last weekend to get some stocking stuffers. I wish I could have a space heater at work, but they don't allow them. Boo. And yay for a Keurig at your desk!!! Merry Christmas!

  15. Wonderful things to be thankful for and those cookies are so pretty. I've got a batch in the oven now (new recipe) that might end up tasting okay, but I'm pretty sure they're going to be ugly as sin. :/

    May you and yours have a blessed and Merry Christmas!

  16. Love that you have your own setup for tea and coffee at work - that's so awesome! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston


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