Wednesday, February 01, 2017

A new ride begins... One Sentence a Day: January 2017 Edition

The turn of a calendar... its always exciting!  
The idea of new beginnings & new starts.
& then life slaps you against the face & reminds you that nothing really changes with a flip of a page.
Life just continues on in its up & down ways.  
The beauty of living.

Saying all that - here's the ups & downs of the first month of 2017!!!
It's been a doozy

1.  After a VERY late New Years Eve, I woke up at 10:30am & stayed in PJ's all day long with a movie marathon kinda day.

2.  Headed to the grocery store to load up on some healthy food & get rid of all the sugar & junk in the house.


3.  First day back at work & on schedule had me in bed by 8:30, but after getting my hair done, I at least went to bed early with great hair.


4.  Went to get my oil changed & found out a critter had apparently made his home in my air filter for awhile.

5.  Our first snow day of the year... & winter season.

6.  The cold is ridiculous.

7.  Made it to Nashville for our final Christmas of the year & got to celebrate Luke's birthday a day early

8.  Left Nashville before the sun rose to make it back to MSM to kick off the year.

Rebecca Jo Vincent (@rebeccajoknits) • Instagram photos and videos:

9.  Kicked off my training for my 8th Half Marathon.

10. Hanging on with winds up gusting up to 45mph all day long.

11.  Had to have the cable company come out & do some repairs.

12.  We had a youth leader meeting to go to but after getting home & working out, I just couldn't make myself travel back out for another 30 minute drive away & just called it an early night.

13.  Finally got my Christmas stuff all tucked away & the house kinda looking back to normal.

14.  Fell in love with The Crown.

15.  Baptism Sunday at church is always just so emotional & beautiful.

16.  Realizing there's just not enough hours in a work night to get everything done.

17.  Ricky locked his keys in his car so took Bruno with me to drive a key down & then let him travel in the Pet Store for a special treat.

grumpy old man to the rescue .... His daddy locked his keys in the car so we drove back down the hill to take him a spare key.... Only to get there literally 3 minutes after AAA. UGH. #rjvdogs #cairnterrier #totherescue:

18.  Had a piece of a cashew stuck up in my gums & thought I was going to have to do an emergency dentist appointment with the pain but after a dozen tooth picks & some salt water rinses, it all worked out ok.

19.  Going on Day 11 with no sunshine... but whose counting?

20.  Glued to the TV all day watching the inauguration even though I didnt think I would watch a second of it.

Image result for donald trump inauguration

21.  Loved I was able to get outside & enjoy the warm weather for a long run.


22.  Our JOY group finally finished the book we have been reading for what seemed forever!!!  #butilovedeveryminuteofit

23.  Pretty sure my insides hated me when the stomach bug hit me full force.

24.  Stayed in bed the entire day.

25.  Tried to make it to work but came home after being there for nearly 2 minutes.

26.  Made it through work & came right home & put on PJ's & got back in bed.

27.  Skipped my regular Friday grocery trip since I didnt eat anything at all during the week so the kitchen has stayed stocked fairly well.  #needmoresaltines

28.  Knitting & TV are the themes of the day.

29.  Happy to go to MSM & see all my girls as we get ready to head to Believe next weekend.

30.  Monday #thatsaysitall

31.  Pretty sure Monday got the stomach bug & threw up all over Tuesday because it was a Monday to its core.

& now we're off... into the 2nd month of the year.
Strap in... I'm sure its going to be another fun ride.


  1. I can't believe it's the second month of the new year already. Wasn't it just thanksgiving???

    You know I love how you recap your month in a sentence. I started writing things down in my planner each day but you know I miss a few days here and there.

    That's such a lovely picture of you during your long run. I love the trees and the path. Where was that taken? Your driveway?

  2. seriously, time is just FLYING. how are we in february already?!

    i love all-day pjs and movie days. today might be one (sort of) as i get ready to leave tomorrow.

  3. I'm sorry that the end of the month wasn't the greatest for you - here's hoping for a great Feb! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I am so happy its February! One month closer to spring & 23 days til my birthday :D I hope you feel better.

  5. January seemed to go by quickly and usually it seems like it drags on forever! I hope that February is a much healthier month for you!

  6. January FLEW by. Always an odd month, still managing to ride the post-holiday high for the first week or so, then I'm all aboard the health train, and then usually end the month all sad and gloomy because there is no sunshine. And every year I think it's not that bad, and then January hits and it's terrible.

    So yeah, it's already February, and hopefully we're one month closer to some sunshine.

    And I'm glad you're feeling better (except the eye thing I saw on Insta) that bug had you down for the count for longer than I realized!

  7. I can't believe January is over... where is the time going?!

  8. I love this! We're starting it back up on February over on The Blended Blog. And your last funny. Hope things are better today and that Monday and Tuesday can be jealous of all the fun on Wednesday.

  9. It feels like January just started, but it always feels that way to me. One moment I'm complaining about how slow time is moving and then ... bam! I hope you're feeling a bit better. The stomach flu is the worst. I love that picture of you jumping with your MSM girls - so much joy there!

  10. Haha all of our grocery carts looked like that the first week of January, right?! I need to start The Crown, I have heard such good things!!

  11. Your hair looks beautiful! I love how you feel so good after a cut/color! :)

  12. All in all, it doesn't sound like to bad of a month. At least you had great hair for it all!! Glad you're feeling better.

  13. A doozy indeed, so glad it went fast! Baptisms are so inspirational especially when the youth are getting baptized!! Bring on February and May it be great!!

  14. I love love love that you document the days. Isn't it so fun reflecting back? I hope February starts better than January ended :)

  15. This is such a fun post to wrap up each month. Wishing you a fabulous February!

  16. Eek about the critter in your air filter. That would have freaked me out. Such a bummer you were sick at the end of the month. I saw the photo of your eye today. Are you doing OK?

  17. I got sick in January too. Boo! I hope you're on the mend...and that eye gets better quickly!

  18. Hope you're feeling better!! i saw your FB pic. Yikes!

  19. I hope February is more healthy for you :)
    And I NEED to start watching The Crown!

  20. Sorry you were sick and had some unpleasant things thrown into January... Hope February will be better!

    I've been curious about The Crown - I'll have to check it out!


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