Thursday, February 16, 2017

Falling apart, airing out & the best Valentine's a girl could have....{Thankful Thursday #112}

Image result for grateful quotes

This week I am Thankful For:
{The numbers so with my One Thousand Gifts Journal / Just ignore them}

113 / Icy Hot.
Am I 95 years old? My body feels like it.  When you hurt yourself just sleeping, you know you're basically falling apart at the seams. But I did just that.  Woke up one morning with my upper back, shoulder area in so much pain.  It's been over a week now & I can just now turn my head without flinching.  Still working on bending my head all the way down.  But Icy Hot/Ben Gay/Biofreeze - all of them - have been my best friend lately.

117 / Treadmill seemingly ok.
Ever since it flinched on me last week, I've been a nervous wreck on it. I even got one the next day & turned it on - could hear the motor running but the belt wasnt moving.  I ended up taking one foot & moving it via old school skateboard style... & then it started moving. So I turned it off, turned it back on - & viola - so far so good. I guess that skateboard move is the equivalent of CTRL+ALT+DELETE for treadmills!  ... I will say, I am still skeptical... but at least I've gotten another safe week out of it.

Image result for falling off treadmill gif
this never gets old to me... ever...

120 / Fast snow.
I keep talking about how we're getting a break from winter, so I was shocked when Harvey came in the other night covered in snow. WHAT?  & we had big ole flakes. Enough to cover up the grass & cover up our porch.  But it was even more wonderful because it was all melted as soon as the sun rose the next day.  My kinda snow.

124 / Windows open in the house.
Did you know fresh air can work miracles. Its true. I seriously believe in fresh air.  & I even looked it up to see many many reports on how fresh hair can help rid germs & help lesson the spread of it.  So when it was in the 60's all weekend, I made sure to open a few windows in our house - alternating a few at a time. I read where 2 hours of fresh air can make a world of difference, so I would do 2 hours in the front of the house, then close it & then 2 hours in the bedroom & so on.... I'm all about airing out the house in case we keep carrying in all these horrid germs that just seems to be rotating in & out of everyone's houses this winter.

126 / 5 miles.
I haven't ran 5 miles in the longest ... & now, I'm a little freaked out thinking that I'm going to be adding a mile every weekend for awhile.  6 miles this weekend.  Be prepared to see that on next week's list as well.

Forgot to wrap my knees & was nervous the whole run... & did good except for one quick pain, but made it! 🙌 #pressonandrun #halfmarathontraining #running #ihavearunnersbody #run #irunthisbody:

128 / My Etsy support friend
I have the sweetest friend who is just the best at supporting my Etsy store. She's always messaging me & telling me, "Its payday, what new things do you have?" ... & she's just bought her 4th... or 5th?.. I'm loosing count.... from my Etsy store.  How precious is that?  That's what you call a friend who supports you in your ventures!!! Thanks Jenny for being just the BEST!!!!

132 / My ADORABLE husband on Valentine's Day.
Oh my gosh everyone.  I still am gushing at how sweet my husband is.  I always tell him not to do anything on Valentine's Day. It just kills me that the price of things are so jacked up on that day... so tell me how shocked I was when I walked in from getting my hair done to see Ricky standing at the door & telling me to come in the living room.

There, he had set up a table with dinner he picked up at the Chinese restaurant that I love... & he had Aladdin playing - which I know some of you will be like, "Why not Beauty & the Beast?" - but Aladdin was one of the first movies we went to see when we were dating... & while I am forever blue & true to BatB - "A whole new world" was always our song when we were first dating. (cue the ahhhhhs).... & he had me a Thomas Kincaid Tangled Puzzle - I have all the princess Thomas Kincaid puzzles except that one!!!... & he had me a white rose (always has gotten me white roses since we got married) ... & found me a speaking Belle Valentine's Card where she read a Valentine's poem.
HOW PRECIOUS IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

I laughed when I saw the 'ages' for the card

& he even had the lights dimmed down & had it so nice - I had to turn on the lights to get a good picture of it all.

He even thought of dessert & bought some chocolate pies for us for dessert.

I love he even wrote "Princess Rebecca" on the card envelope

& do you know, he sat in the living room with me & watched every bit of Aladdin till it went off.

I couldnt have asked for a better Valentine's Day... nor a better Valentine.  ... (cue the ahhhhhs again)

So what good things have happened in your world this week?

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand


  1. What a sweet Valentine gift for you. That treadmill video is just too funny. Hope you have a great day.

  2. aww Ricky is so sweet! i love that vday surprise...way better than a restaurant outing!

    and that gif - never fails to make me LOL. i love how his slippers go flying in the air HAHAHAHAHA!!

  3. awww you guys are the cutest! That seems like a great Valentine's Day to me!! I had to go try on a bridesmaid's dress... but after that we went to the Alamo Drafthouse (they're a chain but I don't know if there are any near you...?) - they play older movies and have movie parties and sing alongs, etc. in addition to playing new releases. We went to see Moulin Rouge which was a blast. I hadn't seen it in at least 7 years. heheh Plus they have yummy movie food. Soft pretzels with spicy cheese sauce, mozz sticks and real popcorn. yum yum yum! :) Glad you had a great day! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  4. That treadmill gif gets me every time haha, and the dad is just like what are you doing???

    Hope you're feeling better! I hate when I get a crick in my neck and I had to walk around like a lego piece where I can't move my neck.

    I should air out our house, because Kyle, Sophie and I have been sick back to back since the start of the year :(

    And super cute valentine's day, chinese food always the way to a lady's heart (stomach)

  5. Ricky did so good on V-day! He's so sweet! We were going to have Chinese take out for our v-day meal too but Scott had to go on a last minute business trip so maybe we'll have it this weekend!

  6. That Ricky. You know what? He might be a keeper. You'll just have to stay married to him for at least another 25 years to make sure. :D I love it and Aladdin does now make sense because B&B would be the obvious choice. But what I love the most is when a partner knows his sweetheart so well that he knows how to wow her and make her feel loved.

  7. I am a huge believer in fresh air! Looking forward to opening the windows this weekend.

  8. The fact that guy loses his shoes in the treadmill gif is amazing!
    What a romantic, that Ricky is!! You guys are the perfect little royal couple! Such a neat V-day surprise!

  9. Ok, so I seriously love how much you love the Disney princess stories; and what a wonderful, awesome quiet night with Ricky. :o)

    That treadmill gif gets me every time too. I totally imagine that happening to me every time I try the treadmill.

  10. I think it's actually supposed to get to the 60s this weekend and I cannot wait to get some fresh air! Rickey's Valentine's Day surprise was seriously the sweetest ever!

  11. Wow what an incredibly sweet valentine's day your husband planned for you!

  12. Your husband is sooo sweet. The disney puzzle, flowers, disney card and balloons with your favorite chinese food. You are very lucky! So glad you had a great day.

  13. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I love you & Ricky!

  14. Awwwwe! You really did marry a sweet valentine! What a guy!!

  15. I have a recurring dream of being on the treadmill at the gym and flying off into someone!


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