Tuesday, February 14, 2017

For the love of books on this Valentines Day.... {Show Us Your Books}

Image result for knit by god's hand books

I know its Valentine's Day... the day of love...

But in all honesty, I'm not a huge Valentine's Fan.
I mean, I love love.  But I think love should be showed every day of the year.
& I cringe when prices rise on flowers like 500% just because of the date on a calendar.

So I am glad that today happens to fall on the link up for one of the things I love - BOOKS!
Excited to roam around all the linked up blogs & see what the best reads are lately.

Here's how my past month has gone... a little bit of everything


Kathy Griffin's Celebrity Run-In's
5 / 5
I can't help it.  I love Kathy Griffin.  Something about her is just funny. I know she offends a lot of people but she makes me chuckle.  I actually did this one on audiobook because I wanted to hear the words straight out of her mouth. It didn't disappointment.
Side note - I've learned the only books I can do are biographies. I cant keep up or stick with regular audiobooks - but biographies? I LOVE hearing them out of the mouths of people that lived the stories. Its like someone is telling me their life story... 
ok - moving on
I know in this audiobook, hearing Kathy's voice made it even funnier.  Her laugh & her personality in her stories... I seriously had tears in my eyes from laughing along with her.
& it was fun hearing the stories of all the different celebrities. It really did make me love some people more than I didn't think twice of before & also cause me to want to give side-eye to some other people that i really thought was pretty cool before.
To sum it up - I 100% enjoyed this audiobook. Cant tell if reading it would do the same justice.

The Sun is Also a Star
4 / 5
I loved Nicola Yoon's other book, Everything, Everything so was excited to get into this book.
This one didnt grip me in as much as the other but I still enjoyed it.
I didnt think I was going to... the story of 2 different people who cross paths by accident & one convincing the other that they were supposed to meet that day& fall in love.
By the end of the book, I was like, Yeah, this book is going to make me angry, but its the kind of the book that the prologue totally saved the day for me.  If I didnt read it, I would have given this probably a 2.  Epilogues & prologues can make a world of difference in a story apparently.

Not a Fan
5 / 5
I adored this book.  If you are wanting a book that challenges you on your relationship with Jesus & if you really are following Him like you should - or just sitting in the stands rooting Him on like a fan, then you want this book.  It is full of great examples, some eye opening thoughts & even has some great humor in it. If you read it, you gotta read the footnotes on the pages.  They are hilarious.
I can't recommend this book enough. Seriously.


Forget Love 
2 / 5
Meh... that's how I reviewed it on Goodreads & yeah, that sums it up well.
It's taking the same idea of What Alice Forgot but does NOTHING as good as that book - which is one of my favorites. This one just drug out in places that was so ridiculous slow & needless & useless infomration & then the next chapter, there'd be such a skipping of information & jump that it was just aggravating.  It wasn't horrible.  I did read it all, but would I say you HAD to read it?
No - I'd tell you to read What Alice Forgot instead.

The Princess Diariest
2 / 5
OK... I felt really bad not giving this a good review, but I honestly didn't care for this book at all.
I didnt even really know anything about it until Carrie Fisher passed away & then people were talking about it.  I guess because I'm not a over the top fan, I just didnt care much about the story. But I think the over the top fan would be aggravated because I dont think she told much of anything about working on Star Wars - except about how she didnt look like the every day sex symbol or pretty girl.  It got old. Quick. ... & the affair with Harrison Ford?  Let me jab a fork in my thigh... it was just so much of nothing that she talked about. Not that I cared, but if you're going to take half of your book to tell ONE story, make it interesting at least.  Now that I think about it, I probably should have just given it 1 star instead of 2... but I'd feel like a heel doing that so I'd stick with 2 star rating
... but I wouldnt recommend it at all.

The Mistletoe Project
3 / 5
I read a Richard Paul Evans book every Christmas & always enjoy how light & easy they are to read.  Especially at the holidays.  I got around to reading this one the week into the new year & I guess loosing the holiday spirit, it had me loose a little spark for the book.
I did like this one because it involved the hunt for a blogger... gotta love a blogger... but it was predictable, nothing really special.  I do enjoy RPE writing but this is totally my least favorite out of all the books I've read of his.
Maybe next year, I'll make sure to read it when Christmas spirit is oozing everywhere.

The one to pick up?
If you want to laugh & love celebrity gab, check out Kathy Griffin's book
If you want to challenge yourself in your walk with Jesus - Not a Fan
... could my 2 top picks BE more polar opposite... perfectly describes me as a person.

The one to skip?
The Princess Diariest
... even the most adamant fan I dont think would care less what's in this book.

What are you reading right now?

Is there a MUST read book you have read lately? ... Share with me.

Life According to Steph


  1. I haven't read any of these, but I always see The Sun is Also a Star pop up-- you really can't miss that cover!

  2. I haven't read any of these - but I'm about to finish up "The Shack" & I love it. PS: YES to Garmin! I love my Vivoactive.

  3. i do a variety of audiobooks but memoirs and the like are definitely my favourite. just something about hearing them talk makes it enjoyable. i don't know much about Kathy Griffin but i might check that one out.

  4. The Sun is Also a Star is on my TBR.

    I don't do audiobooks but I think if I were to do one, it'd be memoirs and biographies, especially if they're read by the celebrity or person who wrote it.

  5. Audiobooks are the only way I can really do biographies or nonfiction. I enjoyed reading Fixer Upper but I probably would have rather heard Chip and Jo talk to me instead. I have gotten in to fictional books on it though but it does take some focus! I will have to check out her book!

  6. Definitely too bad about the Carrie fisher book. I love your honest reviews. Happy Valentine's Day beautiful!

  7. I often wonder the same things about audio books and if I would be just as into it if I read the actual book.

    Hey, have you read "What You think you know" yet? Just curious.

  8. I really want to read both of Nicola Yoon's books, and I LOVE Kathy Griffin so I need to read her book too!

  9. Everything, Everything was only OK for me...not sure if it was enough to read more. Not a Fan sounds RIGHT up my alley, definitely adding that one. Currently reading Girl Meets God- I've been in the mood to read more about my religion lately.

  10. I'm sold on the first 3 books. I keep forgetting Kathy Griffin has a new book out. I've read her other ones. Very entertaining for a quick read!

  11. I am not an audiobook fan but I do think they would work well for memoirs or biographies because it would feel like the author is just talking to you. Both Everything Everything and The Sun is also a Star are on my TBR. I've heard great things about both. I wish there was more time to just plow through my TBR!

  12. I've been on a Mary Kay Andrews kick lately. Four in a row. She is funny and the books are quick paced and the characters so darned likable. I needed a bit of a breather, though, after so many in a row and am now reading an older Nora Roberts I picked up at a used book sale, "Divine Evil." It's dark. Really dark. Not my normal read at all and Nora hadn't really perfected her craft yet, but still, I've got to know how it ends.

  13. I read The Mistletoe Secret in December. I thought it was a nice Christmas read. I just put The Sun Is Also a Star on hold at the library.

  14. I felt the same way about The Sun Is Also a Star. Everything, Everything was so much better!

  15. I just picked up Everything, Everything from the library. You repeating how much you enjoyed it makes me excited to jump into it!

  16. I'm sad you didn't like The Princess Diariest. I haven't read it, but I thought it looked good.

  17. Ok, you've got me wanting to do the audiobook of that. I've found I can only do bios too in audiobook.

  18. Thank you for the book recommendations and the one to skip.

  19. Seems like a good reading month. Bummer that you didn't love some of these. I have been wanting to start at least one of Nicola Yoon's books! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  20. I love hearing biographies read by the author, too. It's like just listening to them telling a story. Everything, Everything is on my list to read. I hate when books talk about nothing. I felt that a little bit about Mindy Kaling's first book (haven't read the second), but at least it was slightly entertaining.


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