Tuesday, March 28, 2017

10 Oscar-Award Winning Flicks

So I'm going to be joining in with quirky pickings as she's kicking off Tuesday Topics that counts down from 10 to 1 every week of fun different topics.  Be sure to click & join in if you want to jump in the fun.

Today's top - 10 Oscar-Award Winning Flicks.

Me & my little get around the rules kinda gal, I'm like, does that include the ones that won Best Song or Musical so I can really get in some of my favorite movies... which usually means cartoons. Yes, cartoons - or to be more MATURE - "Animated films" ... yeah, so what? I love my cartoons even still.

But I'll play fair & go with solely the movies that won for Best Picture... though Beauty & the Beast got ROBBBBBBBED ...

Fun Fact - looking through the list - I've never seen Rocky... but have seen Rocky 3 & Rocky IV is like my favorite... hmmm
& never seen The Godfather.  & I'm Italian. I feel like I should hand over my Italian card.
Honestly, there's a lot of Oscar Winning movies that I've never seen... nor really heard of.  I still am rooting for movies like The Avengeres or helllooooo - the new Beauty & the Beast to win....

Anyways - let's do this ...

1939 - Gone with the Wind... I can remember watching this movie in school.  It was so long, it litearlly look all day long with lunch & breaks in there. But I really enjoyed it.  & couldnt believe they actually used the word "damn" in it. Wouldn't Clark Gable be shocked with the language today?

Image result for gone with the wind meme

1965 - The Sound of Music - this is a favorite of Ricky & I.  We always watch it when its on TV.  We even had the 2 set VHS because it was too long to fit on one VHS.  We've seen it on Broadway - with Marie Osmond playing the lead role of Maria... I have the soundtrack (on cassette too) - How do you Solve a Problem like Maria is still one of my favorite musical songs (How do you catch a moon beam & pin it down...that speaks to me)... I never tire of this & its Vaseline lens on Julie Andrews.

Image result for how do you solve a problem like maria

1994 - Forrest Gump - Classic.  "I just felt like running"... If this is on TV & I pass by it, I have to sit & watch it. Everyone knows a line or two... or 10 ... from this movie.  JENNNNYYYY!!!

1997 - Titantic - JUST SCOOT OVER ROSE!!!!... you know we all are in agreement on this fact.  But this is ANOTHER movie that we had the 2 VHS set on. I remember seeing this in the theater & SOBBING - like UGLY CRY - at the ending. Like I didnt know how it was going to end?  It was such a beautiful film.  & to this day, I still dont get out of a car with a hat on & not do the Rose head tilt with the look up to the sky.

Image result for titantic movie you jump i jump

1998 - Shakespeare in Love - I actually really loved this movie.  Maybe its because of Joseph Fiennes & his droopy eyes - or a really young Ben Affleck - but I thought this was so cleverly done on how they came up with the Romeo & Juliet story.  I need to watch this again... I forgot how much I loved it.

Image result for shakespear in love

2000 - Gladiator  - Again, not a typical movie that I'm drawn too but I thought this movie was so beautifully shot.  & it just had me on the edge of my seat.  I loved the music in it too - weird, I know, but it just is so enchanting.  Russell Crow is just the best in it. Maximum forever.

Image result for gladiator

2002 - Chicago - Gotta love a good musical.  & I was super impressed with Catherine Zeta-Jones & Renee Zellweger.  I still need all my the musicals brought to the big screen please.  Wicked, I'm looking at you!!!

Image result for chicago musical movie

... sorry... I can only come up with 7... I'm telling you, the Oscars dont know how to pick good movies.

So I'm once again breaking the rules & looking at the Best Animated Film... Here's my language.

Movies like Brave, Frozen, Inside Out, Big Hero 6, Happy Feet, Finding Nemo, UP! ... this is my world.

So to finish it off, I'm going with 3 of my favorite Animated winners

2004 The Incredibles - This movie is still one of our favorites. I mean - its SUPER HEROES!!! With a SUPER FAMILY.  & SUPER SUITS!  ... still one of the best Disney Lines ' Honey - Where is my Super Suit!!!!!" ... I need NEED another one of these. If we can get a new Nemo/Dory movie, we should be able to get this!!!!

Image result for incredibles 2 funny

2007 - Ratatouille - This is such an under rated Disney movie. It's SOOO good. I actually didnt see it when it first came out because I thought it was going to be dumb. & now, I watch it every chance I get.

Image result for Ratatouille gif
My spirit animal?

2016 - Zootopia - another Disney movie I missed at the theaters because I wasn't too sure what it was about. But when I saw it, instantly fell in love with it.  Such a good point to the movie - & such a cool looking animated film.  Total thumbs up on this one.

Image result for zootopia

So what's some of your favorite Oscar winning movies? 

Are you like me & prefer the Animated category? ... & think the Oscars are too snobby & pick weird movies?  Bygones.

Like any of these?


  1. Can you believe the only ones on this list I've seen were Forrest Gump, Titanic, and sound of Music?

    I too had the Titanic VHS set. Apparently it was the "special edition" although I don't remember what was so special about it. I do remember it was SUCH a big deal when the movie was finally released on video!

  2. I really don't even know what movies won Oscars, so I'll just have to go with the ones you listed. lol
    Of what you have listed, Gone With the Wind and Sound of Music are my favorites. Love them both. I liked Titanic when I saw it, but won't watch it any more because it is just too sad and I can't take being that sad.

  3. I remember watching Gone With the Wind with my mom. I think my dad was on a fishing trip so I camped out in their bed with my mom and it took us two nights to get through the box VHS (2-tape) set of GWtW.
    I've never seen the entire Forrest Gump or Shakespeare in Love, but I LOVE The Incredibles. It's one of my all time favorite movies. (I also like Chicago & Zootopia.) I prefer a good animated film or real actors any day ;)

  4. I love Gladiator and Forrest Gump. Every time they're on TV, I have to watch them!

  5. I'm with you on the animated movies, a big fan :) I loved almost all the Pixar movies though I'm not a big fan of the Cars movies. I really liked Moana last year.

  6. We had the 2 VHS set of Titanic too! Zootopia was so fun and definitely not what I was expecting.

  7. Ahhh love the classics! You have both mine (Sound of Music) and my husbands (Gladiator) all time favs!!! I cry during Titanic everytime Celine's song comes on.

  8. I'm in total agreement with the oscar people don't know how to pick good movies...it always has to have some catch to it...anyway, besides the point, I agree, most movies that are nominated aren't really all that great, maybe good, but not oscar worthy. I do like all the ones you picked though :)

  9. Is it sad that my favorite movie from this list is The Incredibles??? I cant tell you how much I love that movie and how many times I have seen it. And now that I think about it...Zoe needs to see it!

  10. Great list! Love Chicago, Titanic, and Forrest Gump. Haven't seen the others... shame on me. I saw The Sound of Music musical last month and LOVED it... now I need to see the movie.

  11. I love animated films too. They are some of my favorites. They are working on an Incredibles 2, which both delights me and scares me. Pixar makes great movies, although their sequels aren't quite as good. I have never seen Gone with the Wind but my Mom made me read the book one summer in high school. I wasn't happy initially but ended up loving the book! I am also the only female in American who has not seen Titanic. It just didn't interest me when I came out (not a big Leo fan) and still feel meh about it.

  12. Gone with the Wind has always been one of my favorites!
    I'm not really a fan of animated movies but I agree that Zootopia was hilarious.

  13. We hardly ever agree with the Oscars and rarely see the movies before the award show anyway (and never watch the award show). I didn't care for Chicago. Loved Forrest Gump, Titanic, and Gone With The Wind (but the book is better). I can't believe Wizard of Oz didn't win best picture! :)

  14. Yessss! We need an Incredibles sequel!

  15. I love musicals, but I've never seen The Sound of Music. Isn't that awful? I really need to remedy that! I was actually surprised at how few of the first 7 movies you listed that I've seen...looks like I need to branch out of my rom com / animated film comfort zone a bit :)

    And yes, I love Ratatouille (and totally think it's underrated, too). Then again, I'm a total sucker for any movie on cooking!

  16. I can't believe Chicago was in 2002 - seems like yesterday...I even remember the commercial lol. And confession. I think I am the only person in the world that HATED Titanic. Crazy I know!


  17. I actually just saw Zootopia last year while "glamping". My parents put it on for the girls while we made dinner and I couldn't stop watching it. Rory and I watched the whole thing there. This is a good list and some of my favorites!

  18. Gone With The Wind and Titanic are my top two of all time! Love those movies! And yes! I agree! Clark Gable is rolling over in his grave over the language today!

  19. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Forrest Gump! I, too, will watch it every. single. time that I find it on TV. I'm almost as bad with Titanic, but I have to be in a particular mood to watch it.

    Visiting from TT

  20. From your list only Forest Gump is a favorite. My own list would include...
    Ben Hur, Rocky, In the Heat of the Night, The Deer Hunter (it's about a bunch of guys from Pittsburgh...I can relate to the stuff before they went to war).

  21. hey! thanks for linking up. i'm LOVING getting a glimpse at how diverse everyone's preferences are. so glad you participated, and girl, i never said it had to be best pictures... it's about what you think the best oscar-award-winning films are. and an oscar is an oscar is an oscar...

  22. I wouldn't have been mad at you if you'd only listed Best Animated movies. I know those are the ones you love the most :) The Incredibles still gets a lot of screen time with our family when the stepkid is here.

  23. I'm not sure I could put a list together, I love so many movies. I do however love your list and Ratatouille is a favorite of mine too!

  24. I looooove Chicago! :) It's so much fun. I need to watch zootopia, but I loved the other two pixar ones. ;) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  25. We have such similar taste! Most of these are on my list as well. Although I've never seen Gone With The Wind and I just saw Shakespeare In Love a few years ago.


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