Monday, April 10, 2017

The weekend that left me limping but not slowing me down....

Whew... another weekend that had me on my toes... or blistered feet....

That will make sense in a minute.

Regardless, it was a hectic one... which freaks me out because this is one of my slower weekends for the next 3 weeks.  I figure I'm going to collapse at some point. Hopefully after 3 weeks.

Let's see if I can recap this weekend without dragging it out too long or too many pictures... yeah, right. Did you all laugh with me?

Friday, did my grocery thing with the hubs  Our Friday tradition.  He cracks me up because he's becoming so aware of foods & ingredients now.  I mean, Mr. Diva has to have organic pop tarts now. haha.  I love that though.  High Fructose Corn Sugar - be damned!

I ran over to the little craft store & picked up some stuff for a project I was working on over the weekend... & then we headed to Penn Station for some dinner.  Who wants to cook after the grocery?

I got home & finished up knitting some dish clothes that I need to put up at my Etsy store....

Sometimes its just the simple knitting that makes me happy 🐑❤  #rebeccajoknits .  .  .  .  #knittersofinstagram #knitstagram #knitdishcloth #dishcloth #knitter#etsy #etsysellers #etsyshop:

& then for some reason, I totally got sucked in the Mama June show ... binged it all. That's almost embarrassing to admit. But it was like a car wreck... you have to look no matter how horrible it seems as you come up to it.  I'm still not sure what to think about the whole thing.... but I do have to say, I ended up loving every scene with her trainer in it & he totally made me laugh with his comments & made the show for me.

Image result for kenya mama june
This jump rope scene was the FUNNIEST thing I've ever seen in my life

I ended up not going to bed after midnight getting caught up in this show.  Again... the thing you admit in this world on blogs.... #shame

I woke up on Saturday just glad it was supposed to warm up & feel like spring again. Though my allergies aren't happy about it feeling like spring again.  Oh mercy.... my head is ready to explode.

Ricky had some work to do in his back garage, so the whole morning, I cranked up some worship music on Spotify & dug into my Bible Journaling.  I am so excited about Easter being next week & really wanted to spend some time in my Bible at the start of Holy week.

If you follow me on Instagram - I did a step by step IG Story on how I did this page

The artsy bug was in my system at that point & I went ahead & started a project that a precious friend asked me to do.  I didnt have any confidence in myself to do this but she gave me the biggest pep talk & told me she knew I could make her something she was wanting to give to her sister for a gift.

I just let the creativity come out & see what happened....

I got so far after waiting paint to dry & needing a paint pen that would make my life so much easier so had to put the rest of the project on halt....

& then decided to take advantage of the warm weather & get in my long run.

Except my long run didnt like me.  Or my new shoes didnt like me. Put it that way.

I was supposed to do 8 miles... but I got to a little over 7 miles & I had tears in my eyes. BLISTERS.  Sweet baby Jesus.... I forgot how bad blisters felt. I was limping back to my car on the side of my foot. It was awful.

why do I look like I'm ready for a bootcamp class?

I still can't fully walk on my foot.  I did my foot up good.  Needless to say, these shoes wont be back on my feet for any long distances for awhile.  There's got to be an easier way to break shoes in.

All I wanted to do was get my shower & get off my feet for the rest of Saturday.... which is exactly what I did.

Sunday, I had to get up early because I was going to be church jumping.

First stop.... I was so excited to go to one of my Joyster's church where she was getting BAPTIZED!!! A lot of my JOY Bible Study friends go to this church so it was just so nice to be at church together with them all. I told someone we need to do church together more often. It was nice to worship with them & take communion & all that good stuff.

But it was just so heart warming to see this precious girl make the decision to take the dunk... & she had her childhood friend in the tank with her helping her come up WASHED CLEAN IN JESUS.  I get so emotional at baptism... lest someone I know.

This is the sweet girl that just went on a mission trip last week... spent a week building houses in another country. YEAAAPPPP - God is going to use her in incredible ways!!!

I had to jump in my car & head to my MSM group right afterwards....

& man oh man... I know, I KNOWWWW - I say it every week... but these girls. They are just the best. We had the BEST conversation ... & it was funny how it took a turn from the topic of the day but just what I could tell needed to be talked about. & at the end, we even had a girl ask about getting baptized.  Baptisms for EVERYONE!!!!!

I felt cool when my sandals matched 2 other girls in our group

I left from church to go pick up some stuff at Target... & by stuff, I mean goodies for the dogs.  Spoiled dogs.  They get more yummies & goodies than we do every weekend....
& was able to stop at Michael's for the last stuff I needed to finish up my project

Thank goodness Target has a Starbucks for some energy to get through theday!!!

But got home & got my inner artist on....

Finishing up my first hand lettering canvas.

I have to say, I was pretty excited how it turned out.

& I'm excited that I bought an extra canvas in case I messed up my first one... so I may have to try this again.

... & its got my brain working on some other things I want to make now too.

A monster may be unleashed - just saying....

I spent the rest of Sunday still not able to walk well with this stupid blister... but sat outside as much as I could.  It's that horrible decision of wanting to feel the warm air on your face... but not breath the pollen that comes with it.  #firstworldproblems

I felt like I went non stop this weekend... but loved everything I accomplished... & seeing the awesome decisions being made for God... all at the start of Holy Weeek.  My favorite time of year.  Easter really is my favorite thing to celebrate.... CANT WAIT TO SUNDAY!!!!!

So how was your weekend?

Are you an allergy sufferer?

Do you love Easter?

& Honest question....Should I make some of these canvases for my Etsy store?


  1. Your canvas turned out great, why not try to put them in your store!

    Scott use to say that our dogs had better treats then we do!

    Next time try putting deodorant on your feet before running. I use to get blisters on long runs all the time and it didn't matter what socks or shoes or lube I used. It always happened. Then someone told me about using a stick of deodorant on my feet and I tried it before the NYC half marathon and I could not believe that I finished without one single blister! It was a runing

  2. Oh my gosh your canvas is soo gorgeous!! I love getting my crafty on too lol. Awesome job!

  3. Blisters are no fun... :'( But. . . you still smiled a lot, and there were so many reasons for joy. I'm glad you figured out that those shoes are a no-go for the half marathon. Praying for wisdom and strength to be able to do the half in a few weeks.

  4. AND YES; I 100% think that you should do the canvases for your Etsy store; it is so so so beautiful.

  5. That canvas is so fab!! You totally should add them to your Etsy store. Funny enough, I went on a long walk on Saturday and ended up with five blisters. Three on the top of my toes, and two on my ankles. What misery!! I feel your pain. I even used blister block on my feet beforehand. Didn't work at all.

  6. That canvas you made looks beautiful! And boo to the blisters. I had that happen a couple weekends ago. And I'm not even sure why because mine was when I was running in my old running shoes I've been using for months. I hope your feel heal up soon.

  7. I was going to comment and say YES you should make some of these for your Etsy store! They would look great with a variety of colors!

    Also, worth mentioning, I've NEVER had blisters, even with new shoes. If I did, I would probably just return the shoes & figure I needed to find new ones. :/

  8. GIRL YES, that canvas needs to be in your etsy store. I LOVE IT!!!!!!

    So sorry about the blisters, that is so lame. I got blisters the day before my triathlon a few weeks ago, no bueno :(

    And your hubs is cracking me up, but that is right - damn you HFCS!

  9. Organic pop tarts LOL Your canvas turned out so good!!! You should 100% make some for your Etsy store!!!! Love the colors and everything you used!

    Chris and I both have allergies, terrible ones. And we have obviously passed them to Zoe because the poor kids nose is constantly running too. Bad genes. Bad genes. At least shes cute!

  10. I really love your canvas! I thought it was just SO beautiful when you posted a pic online!
    Dang girl- if it's not your teeth or your knee it's your feet! You sure make that body work hard! Take it easy this week ;)

  11. Your canvas is so beautiful! You poor thing, blisters are the pits, especially for an active runner. I'm so sorry, healing prayers sent your way!!

  12. Your canvas turned out so good-- your lettering is so good! I could totally be part of that sandal squad too! And eeek blisters are the worst-- hopefully your feet heal up quickly and you don't run into (is that a pun? haha) the problem again soon!

  13. So sorry about your blistered feet. That is absolutely no fun!

    Congrats to your friend who was baptized. So cool!

    I love that canvas. You are doing so good with your lettering. That would be a great thing in your Etsy Shop. My daughter made one for me a few years ago and it's hanging in my office. I love it. I believe they would sell really well.

    Have a great day!

  14. You are so talented Rebecca Jo! I love the knit dish clothes but I'd be afraid to use them. Errr ... I'm kind of a mess and terrible at getting stains out! LOL! The handlettering project turned out beautiful too! Blisters are the worst. And they always seem to happen when you have to walk/run quite a ways back to comfortable shoes.

  15. I love that you got bit by artsy bug! Your canvas came out great along with all of your other projects. Haha I got sucked into mama June too. I just found you on instagram! I get emotional at baptisms too. It's such a beautiful commitment and even more special when it's someone you personally know. Beautifully Candid

  16. Wow! Your lettering is amazing - I would TOTALLY put those on Etsy! You could do a few up first and then also offer personalization for an additional few dollars. Baptisms always get me in the feels - how especially emotional that she just experienced the spiritual mountaintop that mission trips usually are too. I love it! Oh, but bummer about the blister though. The folks at Pacers and Racers have told me that a good pair of running shoes shouldn't need to be broken in. So far, I've been lucky in that the only time I've gotten a blister while running has been when I had to use cotton socks (gasp!) -- I hope it heals soon for you!

  17. Your lettering looks beautiful! Just in time for the Easter holiday. What a great weekend, and I hope your feet are feeling better soon.

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  18. YES to the canvases on Etsy. Because I would LOVE to buy one. That one you did turned out soo beautiful.

  19. I love seeing all of your art and lettering lady!! :) So cool! Bummer about the blisters, but glad it was a good weekend overall. That cracks me up about the poptarts. :) heheh XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  20. WOW! You are so creative and talented. Absolutely love the canvas and the bible page -- BEAUTIFUL!

  21. Your canvas is beautiful and I love the dish clothes you made! You are so creative, friend! I'm so sorry about the blisters-I hope your feet fell better soon!

  22. Love the canvas that you did!!! I am sorry your shoes gave you blisters. I hate that and it is the worst and always happens to me! My girls love the organic pop tarts too!

  23. I didn't watch the mama june special at all, but then I needed to see how it ended LOL! So I ended up watching half of the finale LOL xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  24. The arrows art is very pretty. I don't have allergies, but I hear that Allegra D works wonders.

  25. After seeing that hand lettering canvas, I predict some new things on etsy coming soon ;)
    I love the sandal squad. I need some silver/pewter sandals.
    You had me laugh when you called Ricky "Mr. Diva". He seems so un-divalike.

  26. I am so jealous of your hand lettering skills! I have THE worst chicken scratch--should I ever need to write in code, I'm set, haha. Love how it turned out!

  27. I keep hearing good things about Mama June show, now I have to watch it!!!


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