Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Favorites {05/26/17}

Image result for friday favorite knit by god's hand

Favorite Dress

Navy Bailey Midi Dress:

My client from my photo session had on a dress in this line & it was ADORABLE!!!!
She even had people ask her a few times where she got it at & I can confirm it is super cute in person too.  I had to go to the site myself & check out their dresses.
Some of them are on sale right now too for around $35.00!!!

Favorite Drink to Try

ACV DRINK - Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe / Join my Microbiome Group on Facebook!

I love me some Apple Cider Vinegar... I can drink it plain in water
But this just looks & sounds so much better!

Favorite Beauty & the Beast

Tale as old as time - Beauty & The Beast baby girl outfit:

If you have a daughter & you're not dressing her in this...
then we need to talk!

Favorite Crafty Item

Ohhhh - my Washi Tape heart is loving this thing!!!

Favorite Home Decor

Yep... I need this in my camera room.
& they sell like 6 different styles of cameras...
wouldnt it be cute to have them all on a couch?
& cheap enough too - under $8.00 for each pillow!!!

Favorite Art

Isnt this Disney painting so beautiful.
I love seeing Anna & Elsa as real little girls.

Favorite Peencha

Morning Random Picture Dump 37 Pics:

Favorite Funnies

Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 35 Pics:
Morning Funny Picture Dump 37 Pics:

Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics:

Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 38 Pics:

Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics:

Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 38 Pics:

Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics:

.... when I turn on Netflix

GIPHY! ( May 16, 2017 at 07:27AM

... when I try a new Pinterest project

GIPHY! ( November 2, 2015 at 01:30AM

... how it feels when I knit

GIPHY! ( November 11, 2016 at 11:45AM at 4:00pm today

GIPHY! ( April 24, 2017 at 02:56PM

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!


  1. Ahhh how your Friday favs makes me smile!!! All so Rebecca and fun!!! I hope the weekend treats you right beautiful lady!!

  2. Wow, that Anna and Elsa painting is so beautiful! I love how cute they look.

  3. Oh gosh. So many good things as usual, Rebecca Jo. :D The Beauty and the Beast outfit is adorable. I'm going to check out that Lemon Berry ACV drink. I've been wanting to start drinking some sort of ACV drink and that not only sounds delicious but perfect for warm weather! The Tina Fey meme is so me. I want to go out but I'm in m pjs's and sitting on the couch watching TV .... and it's late. :D And my hand is raised. And I am scared! Have a great weekend!

  4. My first time to visit your blog! Happy Hellos from North Idaho :) What a pretty dress your client was wearing, perfect for the hot days of summer! Yes, it is Friday, enjoy a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend :)

  5. oh my gosh the empty stomach one, so me right now! Need to get ready for the summer, but all of the yummy food makes it super hard! Fridays are my favorite blog reading days and yours is one of the first I go to! Happy long weekend friend!

  6. Oh my goodness, Zoe needs that outfit right now!!!!! I am on it! I love that floral dress too. SO pretty. Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Oh thanks so much for posting that Lemon Berry ACV drink, I so need to try it. I can't stop laughing at your funnies esp the one about 10pm. haha that is so me. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I love the tape dispenser! And that dress is so pretty! You'd look great in it! I, too, have not had an empty stomach for years ;) I need to check out the ACV recipe. I know that stuff is GREAT for you but I've never investigated recipes or drinks!

  9. I love that knitting gnome - so cute. Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. The cooking of the dog food kills me. Ha. I want to try that drink too. That dress is just beautiful. Love it all. Have a great weekend!

  11. That dress is so cute! And that little knitting gnome is so adorable. Have the best weekend! Beautifully Candid

  12. Girl! I want the dress, the drink, the onesie and why the heck not the washi tape too! haha :) I'll take one of each please ;)

  13. Yup, I heat Baylee's food up in the microwave!

  14. Ok that's hilarious. The dog food on the stove is genius. Also, that meme about being an adult. Oh boy, I feel that so much, almost every single day.

    I feel like I need coffee for medicine right now; so tired this week, and sleep hasn't been great, but God is good and so gracious. <3 I'm thankful for His sustaining grace.

    That little knitting gnome; I can see you knitting up a storm like that. :)

  15. Oh girl, these posts always cheer me up. It was a great way to start my Saturday and MY FIRST FULL DAY OF SUMMER VACATION!!!
    I'm going out to find some ACV at the local Amish store later. My grandfather swore by the stuff so much he used to make huge vats of it and I'd sit by the road selling it during the summer, but I've never been able to drink the stuff. That lemon/berry drink just might be the ticket.
    I've never tried cooking the dog's food, but I have put it on the table and pretended I was eating it so they'd want it.

  16. I know ACV is really good for you, but I just can't drink it in water so I'm going to give this recipe a try!

  17. Cute dresses. I will definitely try the ACV drink. Love the tape dispenser too. What a precious Disney painting. Enjoy your weekend.

  18. 10 at night ha ha ha ha ha. Leaving the house past 5pm isn't cool. After that, we should all be heading home.
    My dogs eat or starve. If they get human food on a day when they're being picky, it's purely coincidental.

  19. Oh my gosh - I NEED that dress. So pretty!

  20. Ok, I am totally trying the dog food on the stove fake out trick!!! Genius!


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