Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The usual things I miss so dearly....

Funny story...

So I have one of the girls in my MSM group that brought her best friend with her to our middle school youth conference we went to back in February.  Her best friend was just ADORABLE & I just loved talking to her &getting to know all about her.

I had invited her to come visit us at our church but she already attends a church with her family she goes to & I was thrilled to know she was involved anywhere -  but I told her to please visit me with her friend any Sunday so I could see her again... & we said our goodbyes.

Well, the Sunday before last, who should walk in but my MSM girl with her friend.

I was so thrilled to see her & was once again amazed how fast middle school kids seems to grow up. It's only been 4 months since I had seen her but she looked like she's aged at least 2 years.  Funny what some mascara & lip gloss can do to a preteen girl.

Though when I put it on, it doesnt make me look like I'm 13 years old... dang it.

But this was her first time coming to our church so I had her fill out a visitor card with all her info on it... follow protocol & such.  I'm nothing but a leader that follows rules.

I take a picture of the info just so I can have their names in my hand if any of the kids come back.  I had 5 new girls that day so I was going through the names & placing faces with each card so I could remember... & then noticed something on the card.

That address... why did she have MY address down for her address????

I stopped & looked again.

It was my street but at second glance, it wasn't my numbers... but I knew those numbers.

& then it hit me.

I had written those numbers probably more than I wrote my own....

See, me & my friend were big on mailing cards to one another even though we lived just houses apart from each other.

It was the address of my best friend's home.

Yep...this young girl lives in the house that Stephanie lived in.

What are the odds?

I just had to laugh.  Truly had to laugh.

I text her friend, my MSM girl, & told her that her friend just lived a few houses down from me  & that I used to walk down to that house nearly every night...

My MSM girl thought that was the coolest & now she cant wait for a sleep over at her friends so they can walk down to my house... I'm expecting knocks on my door all summer long. Totally up for some front porch talks with these girls.

But man... what timing.

My friend Stephanie is so on my heart right now... not like she's not most days anyways - but today is the 10 year anniversary she's left us.

A decade.

That just blows my mind.

This picture always makes me laugh... I said, "I'm playing piggies with baby Jesus toes" & Steph said,"I'm patting Joseph on the back to let him know he did a good job  stepping in" ... we're always good at cracking ourselves up.

I know I've done so many posts through the years on missing her & what she's meant to me... & they all still hold up exactly how I feel.  Even 10 years later.  Probably more so.

It's funny how usual the day was to walk down to her house for dinner with her knowing I wasn't a cook in any way so she & her husband Jack always made plenty to share with me & Ricky

... & it was so usual to know that every Saturday morning, we were going to try & drive up to the yarn store & maybe sit for awhile to  knit in the shop talking with the owner of the store & talking to every person who came in the store. We needed to know what they were making & if we needed to make one too.

... & it was completely usual to expect that every birthday or holiday, we needed to schedule time together to celebrate with our own families together.

Steph with my niece Sophia

... & it was 100% usual to know if a Christian concert was coming near by, we'd be there with our hands held high, singing loudly, not caring how off tune we could be.

... & it would be usual to know that a game night was going to be held every few weekends with Steph & I against Ricky & Jack... & man, we each were good teams against one another.

... & it so usual to get a phone call in case we didn't make it to one another houses to just get a check up on how the day went.

... oh my heart...

I think that's what I miss most of all.

That DAILY friendship.

I am blessed with so many amazing friends in my life... amazing people... great friendships.  But those friendships that involve those daily catch ups or those phone calls to just say, "I hope you had a great day"... or even a "Turn your TV on channel 4 & watch!"... I miss that so much.

I always say I wish I had a sister because I think that's what a sister relationship would be like... & that's exactly what it felt like.  Family through & through.

It's been 10 years since I've had that kind of friendship.

It hurts even still... more so I think... because I know even more how valuable those kind of friendships are. How truly special they are.

She wanted to kiss their noses

I always remind myself that I am blessed that I had it, even for a short while....

I miss that lady every day.

I drive by every day to go home & have to pass that house & memories flood back.  They can be so fresh that they make me smile or laugh as I drive by.

... but isnt it cool that when I drive by that house now, I look for my new little friend that lives there.  I always get stuck behind her bus when it lets her off from school & now that I know exactly who that little girl is that gets off the bus, I will roll down my window & yell "HEY" to her & give a wave....

life goes on, doesn't it?

It's never the same... but you cherish the memories that you have & know you are blessed to tuck them in your heart.

Miss you dearly my friend.... always will....


  1. So sorry for your loss! It's never easy losing a friend, but it's good to focus on the sweet memories.

  2. You shared so many wonderful memories and I don't think that's a coincidence at all that the little girl you know lives there now! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Oh - I'm so sorry for your loss. Cherish your memories of your friend though. She'll never be far away because of that. Friendships like that are simply wonderful and God-given. Thinking of you today -- and really, how neat/coincidental that your friend's friend lives there? Another God-wink. :)

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss! But I love that the little girl lives there now. New memories can be made =)

  5. Oh Rebecca... this is so sad and so hopeful all at the same time. What are the odds that a young friendship has blossomed in the very place where yours once lived? Perhaps a little divine intervention sent you that young, sweet heart that now lives down the road. I'm glad you're now tying some happy new memories to a place where they once lived. Hope those girls come a'knocking soon!

  6. Oh so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose someone that you love. Even 10 years later! What a funny little bright moment though that this girl lives in the same home. That's meant to be! Thinking of you! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  7. <3 My heart is heavy that we have to say 'Goodbye' on this earth to some of our most precious friends. It looks and sounds like God so graciously brought you two together in such a beautiful way. It's going to be amazing when we reunite spending our eternity with Jesus. <3

  8. OMG, this post! All the feels!
    I had no idea you had lost this friend. I am so sorry. What a blessing that you have now a met a little friend who lives their that is someone else's BFF. There must be good vibes in that house!

  9. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and even more so for the memories that you didn't get to continue. Keep holding on to the ones that you did have. I can completely understand about missing that friendship and connection. God works in mysterious ways. I got chills when I read that that girl now lives in her house. Sending you hugs today <3 Beautifully Candid

  10. If only makeup could turn back the time for us ... LOL

  11. That is soooo sweet. I would miss her dearly too. It definitely is the little and unusual things that bring back those memories. I can't believe its been 10 years. I hope your heart feels a little better today reminiscing about Stephanie.

  12. I am so sorry for this loss :( I am so glad you have all these amazing memories together! I know 10 years can still feel like yesterday

  13. I love this post so much. Your friendship sounds so special. I'd love to have a friend like that. I'm so sorry she's gone. But your memories are wonderful.

  14. Oh friend, I am so sorry for your loss! How incredible that your new young friend lives in her house, though!

  15. She was as blessed with your friendship and you were with hers. This post is such a beautiful tribute to your dear friend and all you shared. Hugs.

  16. So sorry about your loss. It sounds like you truly were like sisters and she will live in your heart forever. It feels like a sign of some sort that that girl now lives in her house!

  17. I am so sorry for your loss. I totally believe in signs and patterns and fate and whatever so I think that is awesome that girl lives there! I had all the feels reading this!

  18. What a beautiful tribute. It looks like you two had a blast together! I'm sorry you lost such a dear friend.


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