Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Can you believe it? .....{One Sentence a Day / May 2017 Edition}

Didnt Jimmy Kimmel do a skit where he played videos of everyone on the news saying how shocked they were it was June?

... but really, CAN YOU BELIEVE ITS JUNE?!?!?!?!
Geez....nearing the half way mark of 2017. I dont even know how that's possible.

So here's a quick little look at how May 2017 treated me... one sentence at a time

1.  .... ANDDDD we're back to cold air.

2.  Couldnt wait to get under the hair dryer at the hair salon so I could finish my book One True Loves.

3.  Excited to celebrate with a Starbucks treat after hearing nothing has changed on my diagnostic mammogram & just have to come back in another 6 months to keep an eye on the spot.

4.  My parents found an old audio tape of me when I was 2 years old & its crazy to think that little voice belongs to me.

5.  I nearly had a heart attack while the guy delivered my new treadmill & had no clue what he was doing.

6.  Never got out of my sweats all day except for a shower & to put on fresh ones.

7.  Got to see Beauty & the Beast for the 3rd time with my Joysters!

8.  Did my grocery shopping on a Monday totally throwing me off my life schedule.

9. I'm pretty sure someone drugged me when I got home & laid down for a minute & fell asleep at 8:30 & slept through the entire night.

10.  Headed out to see my nieces last tennis game of the year right as I got a text from my brother that the other school didnt have it on their schedule & it was canceled. #dangit

11.  I was all about the Riverdale Season Finale!!!

12.  Spent my Friday night throwing away half of the stuff in my bathroom & scrubbing it down getting rid of clutter.

13.  So enjoy running a 5k much better than 13.1 miles

14.  Celebrated Mother's Day!!!

15. We have officially turned on our AC for the summer.

16.  Got another Jury Duty notice, but this time it wasnt for me but for the hubs.

17. Still taking advantage of the humidity free evenings to sit on the back porch & read & spent time with the dogs.

18.  My daddy got 2 stents in his heart which had me ordering some new heart healthy cookbooks for him. #lifestylechangesahead

19.  Loved it when my MSM girls came down from the street to sit & chat for awhile

20.  Timed a photo session right down to the minute before a hail storm & tornados came rolling through.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, tree, child, outdoor and nature

21.  Sat outside to finish reading a book so I could bask in the finally cooler temps.

22.  I am kicking myself for buying a bag of caramel filled Hershey kisses.

23.  Had to take advantage of the weather once more for a little 2 mile run.

24.  I was miserable all day long when I pulled, ONCE AGAIN, my shoulder/neck muscle.

25.  Happy Red Nose Day

Harvey Dent is a diva when it comes to getting him to look at the camera
26.  I'm amazed that just a 'quick trip' to the grocery leaves me $137.00 poorer.

27.  I cant believe I read through a whole book on my Saturday.

28.  Kicked off our new study with our Joysters & loved seeing new faces join us.

29.  Found a time capsule while cleaning out my closet while enjoying a Monday off work for Memorial Day.

30.  Just enjoying sitting in our cleaned up sun room where the bugs cant eat me up but I can still feel the fresh air.

31.  Tried out finally a new restaurant that has been open for awhile & found out they have a great black bean quinoa burger.. & amazing veggie pizza.

So CAN YOU BELIEVE its June either?

Tell me the best thing about your May!!!

Image result for one sentence a day knit by gods hand


  1. I lol at your grocery shopping on a Monday threw you off. I usually go on Mondays. When do you usually go?

    I've never had the caramel kisses but I LOVE the cherry cordial ones. Have you had those. I can only find them around Valentines day (which is probably a good thing..lol).

  2. I saw this on another blog last week and I am SO doing this for June! And yes! I can't believe it's June, too!

  3. That veggie pizza looks delicious. Yummy! I love a good veggie pizza.

    I've done more reading lately too. I seem to take it by spells. Nit getting any crafting done though. Guess you can't do everything. 😊

  4. It's so crazy that 2017 is almost half over! Getting groceries on Monday always throws off my week too. Everything just ends up feeling like the wrong day.

  5. haha, I can totally related to the going grocery shopping on Monday throwing you off and the amount of money that groceries are these days! Yikes! Yay for reading, I need/should pick up a book and read, hehe.

  6. Oh my gosh that skit of the video clips-- so hilariously accurate! haha. Your sunroom looks so relaxing-- fresh air with no bugs is the best of both worlds :)

  7. The treadmill fiasco seems like it was sooo long ago. I can't believe it was last month! Even post half-marathon and with the injuries, it looks like you had a good running month! I love Harvey's diva shots!!

  8. I have not seen Riverdale.

    It is indeed June. June that feels like April, but nevertheless...June.

  9. I always love your upbeat posts and pictures. You have a sweet soul. :)
    Caramel Kisses...they are soooo good. I have a big bowl of them sitting on the kitchen island, but I'm being good just one or two a day.
    The best thing about my May? School ended and no cancer in Tim's bladder!

  10. I know... how is it already June!!? Ahh, this year is going by so fast already!

  11. OMG that Disney throwback photo is a GEM!! Jimmy Kimmel cracks me up, that's such a good compilation! This post is so fun - what a good way to look back at the month.

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  12. I love the one sentence a day posts. Fun to look back at the month.

  13. Another fun post that brought back memories of your blogs about all those things. My May was crazy busy and we got a lot of stuff done around the house!

  14. I am so glad to hear your appointment went well! I love that Disney throwback pic! The floral romper does look similar!! Completely unrelated but I would love to see more of your beautiful professional pics and any tips you can share. Lighting is my biggest struggle and I can never seem to get it right :/ Beautifully Candid

  15. So glad you were still able to enjoy your treadmill... even after that crazy delivery. :) And Red Nose day; that is so cute. I love it. Also do you do the study every week with your Joysters?

  16. What did you think about the Riverdale finale? I am ready for next season!!! One True Loves...oh how I loved that book!

  17. Love that you do these! I actually watched Riverdale recently, I didn't realize it was only 13 episodes. We finished 12 late at night and then we were like... oh I guess we're staying up for another 45 min. LOLOL The finale was crazypants. KC totally called Archie + Veronica a few episodes earlier. The very very end was shocking. The ice. The diner. WOAH! I like that all of the characters have faults, but that overall you like all of them too if that makes sense? It was such a fun little show to get me out of a watching rut. We just started Stranger Things last night. So I'm sure we'll be done in a week or two. We've got lots of evening plans so it won't be done ASAP. haha I love the flashback pics of you guys at Disney. They are just precious! :) I really want to read One True Loves and Lara Jean. Waiting on the latter at the library! Xo - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  18. I love this post! Can I just say you have the most fun life ever?


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