Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Confession time....

Image result for knit by god's hand confessions

.... OK... I get it... congrats & all.  But I REALLY REALLY REALLLLLY dont get the whole Beyonce thing. How her having these twins is like the 2nd coming of Jesus.  Why is it such big news?  I mean, it was in the top headlines of the National News.  Really? I mean, I get the world needs some light news, but does it have to be ALL Beyonce ALL the time?  I just dont understand the craze.  Maybe its all just a sign that I'm getting old.

... I honestly could eat a quinoa salad from Panera every single day of my life.

... Speaking of Panera, Ricky made a good point. It's funny they has changed their menu for healthier items & got rid of sweet tea & gotten rid of ketchup because of high fructose corn syrup... yet, they have a whole side of their entry full of sugar filled pastries & cookies. Because those are healthy.

Image result for confused gif

... this is the day that I always dread.  The beginning of summer. & not because it has anything to do with summer. But its the day that the sun starts SETTING 1 minute earlier every day.  NOOOOOOO. I like sunlight. I like sitting outside & reading till nearly 9pm. & I know its awhile before its really dark before 7, but I know its shifting.  I hate so dang much the drives into work when its dark too - that's beyond the worst.  So I'm going to be out enjoying the longest day of the year.

... being away at camp, it was kinda crazy coming home & getting caught up on news. I was so detached from all the latest happenings in anything news related.... & once I saw the news again, I wish I was back at camp totally unplugged.  I get why people avoid the news now.  #ignoranceisbliss

... I get that people like leather seats because they dont stain, but I gotta say, black leather seats + shorts/short skirt/dress = 3rd degree burns waiting to happen. OUCHHHHHHH! I keep a blanket in my front seat all summer long so I can sit down without the need to go to the ER.  That's some dangerous stuff.

Image result for leather seats meme funny

... my vertigo has been on a kick for weeks now. ALL THE DIZZY!!!!!.... If I get pulled over & have to walk a line for a alcohol test, I just need to know now whose going to come get me out of jail because I'm totally going to fail.

.... every time Kroger has their Starbucks K-Cups on sale for $6.99, my favorite sales out first. The House Blend. I thought I found one hiding in the back, snagged it up & proudly purchased it... to get home & found it was DECAF.  #whatsthepoint

Image result for decaf coffee funny

Image result for decaf coffee funny
...I can't believe we have yet to see Guardians of the Galaxy... nor Wonder Woman.  My super hero loving husband is disappointing me.  ... but in all honesty, its my busy weekends that are disappointing him. We cant ever find a time to go. UGH.  He's already told me he's not waiting on me for the new Spiderman.

... & speaking of movies, with Beauty & the Beast on Blu-Ray now, I think this is a conversation that happens every night now
ME: Want to watch a movie?
HUBS:  What do you want to watch?
ME: Beauty & the Beast
HUBS:........... seriously?  Are you going to ask every night?
ME:  So do you want to watch it?

Image result for beauty and the beast on blu ray 2017

What's something you need to get off your chest today & confess?


  1. I'm with you on the Beyonce thing! I am happy for her but I don't know what it constitutes breaking national news! I also agree on the leather seats thing! My husband's car used to have leather seats and I hated it in the summer! Cloth seats forever!! :)

  2. Do you have any idea how much I adore your confessions! I said in my confessions post last week, Beyoncé is not a goddess! She's a regular lady who had twins, big deal. Sure their precious but it's nothing to freak out about! So get this, I have leather seats and I have to put a towel or a newspaper down every day or I burn my legs to pieces when I hop in the car at three. I hope you have a wonderful day you awesome lady!

  3. LOL! And see, I'm the complete opposite about today being the longest day of the year! I'm like, thank you, God, that starting the day, the days get shorter and we're one day closer to FALL!! You know how I feel about summer! ;) Good point, Ricky, about Panera!

  4. Totally hear you on the Beyonce thing. I DO NOT get the hype. I mean, I like her, but not enough to be completely obsessed about any part of her life. I don't dread summer, but its just so dang hot! But happy for the light evenings =)
    Happy Wednesday!

  5. That ecard made me laugh out loud-- soo true! And I love that convo with your husband about Beauty and the Beast! I still need to watch it!

  6. It'd be great if they could move all the Beyonce news over to MTV. I avoid the news too -- either the important stuff is too depressing or the fluff stuff is too mind-numbingly fluffy. You have GOT to see Wonder Woman. I'm not really a superhero fan but it was pretty cool. And (true story) I asked someone in the know why Captain America was in the movie and got a long detailed explanation about multiple universes and that Marvel and DC might do a joint movie, etc. ... only to find out by a second person that Chris Pine (in Wonder Woman) is not Chris Evans (Capt America). So never mind.

  7. ...Beyonce had twins? I didn't even know she was pregnant! LOL

  8. I seldom ever watch the news. The proof: I didn't know anything about Beyonce and twins. 😂 Don't think I care to find out either. I mean I'm happy for her, but I don't need to know.

    I need to get Beauty and the Beast. Oh honey!... I need something from the store...said in a sing songy voice.

    Oh my. I think I didn't get enough sleep last night. My comment even sounds goofy to me. 🙄 Think I'll stop now. Goodbye

  9. We watched beauty and the beast for the first time (the new one) and loved it!! I'm just happy Summer has arrived in Boston LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  10. Great confessions! I love Panera and don't get there that often so Monday when I was out with a friend and we were shopping right next to one I thought I'd lucked out, but nope...she had chosen Monday to get serious about her diet again. She does 16 fasting and avoids all "whites." Ya know...sugar, bread...anything made with flour, sugar or starchy. Crud.

  11. Eeek, I know I asked this before but how do you find time to write 2 blogs? I got kind of use to reading your fitness workouts on Tuesdays when you did them (I wouldn't mind if you started doing that again so I can find you all in one I hope I can continue to keep up!
    I'm probably the only person on the planet that had no idea Beyonce had her twins and do I care? Probably not. I understand the feeling of being so disconnected from the news and stuff while on vacation. I feel like that too! Have a good day!

  12. This is how old I am... I had no idea about the Beyonce news. On the one hand, I feel like I should pay more attention but on the other, like you said, maybe ignorance is bliss. I'm with you on the leather seats. I hate them and would always choose cloth seats :)

  13. Panera got rid of my fav sandwich and I don't understand the going to healthier with all those sweets either, lol. I can't wait for my sis to get back so she can see it. She didn't make it to the theaters. :( Ignorance is bliss but I like my little Skimm snippets I get.

  14. I need to start keeping a towel in my car for leather seats.

    So I had no idea Beyonce had her babies. I forgot she was even having twins.

  15. Oh man leather seats in the summer are not to messed with. Always gotta have a towel in teh car, otherwise its just HORRIBLE. I too don't get the whole Beyonce thing. She is not the first to have twins and well, I'm just not that crazy about her. Still haven't seen Beauty and the Beast! I didn't even realize it was out on DVD. I gotta see it.

  16. TOTALLY agree about the Beyonce thing. Great for her, but I don't really care... lol.
    Oof- I feel like getting caught up on the news after almost a week away from it would be like a punch to the face!
    GO SEE GUARDIANS. Right now- stop whatever you're doing and GO! (But seriously, I need to see Wonder Woman still, too...)

  17. I feel the exact same way about the summer solstice - very sad. And YES to leather seats!

  18. Beyonce. Meh. Who cares, people have kids every day. That is a hilarious point you make about Panera and all their sugary pastries. Sort of contradicts their "image".

  19. I must live under a rock because I haven't heard anything about the Beyonce thing. And that coffee sending a singal, hilarious! I have yet to see those two movies and want to! Hoping to see some soon!

  20. I don't get the Beyonce thing either (though I did think the news has made just as big of a deal of George Clooney's twins, too). UGH to the sun setting thing. It was the worst when we lived in Chicago because we were on the eastern edge of the Central time zone.

  21. Um, I didn't even know Beyonce was pregnant/had twins, so...that just shows how much I embrace the #ignoranceisbliss movement, ha ha.

  22. I have to confess that these hot summer days kind of make me want to lay around and read a book all day, but that just wouldn't be feasible. I also have to confess that I love how much you love Beauty and the Beast, and the conversations your husband and you have about it.

    Speaking of sunsets, we saw the most AWESOME sunset tonight. The sky was so beautiful. You just couldn't capture it on a camera. God's glory is everywhere around us; isn't it wonderful.

  23. hehehe yay for B&tB being out!! :) I didn't know that you had vertigo. My MIL does and it gets her pretty badly sometimes. : / The news is so hard to take for me most nights. So many horrible people out there being hateful. It's good that there is good too, but I just can't fathom what brings some to do the things that they do. It makes me want to cry. XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  24. That is why I have light gray leather seats. Or even tan ones because it is so much easier on my legs on hot days. I could eat their quinoa salads daily too! So good. And the Beyonce news, Ugh. Don't even get me started on that.

  25. Passing through, catching up! My car has black are SO right!!


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