Thursday, June 15, 2017

Not here... but still lots to be thankful for! {Thankful Thursday #129}

Image result for knit by god's hand thankful thursday

Yep....I am still away with a few hundred middle school kids at camp learning about Jesus...

But I did want to post something in case others wanted to join along... I love my faithful Thankful-friends that link up with me on this....

So this week, I am thankful that:
{numbers go with my One Thousands Gifts... just ignore}

395 / Chai Tea Lattes.
I love that the little local coffee shop that I pass coming home from work has the BEST chair tea lattes.  Some days, I just gotta mix it up.

397 / Might Nest.
I've talked about them before but I just LOVE this subscription box.  Every month, its a earth friendly item. This month, I got a sandwich & snack back - reusable. You turn them inside out & hand wash or put on the top rack of a washing machine. Plus, they are super cute. I just love these neat ideas to save the planet.  $10.00 a box.  I look forward to what I'm going to get every month.

398 / Oil Change.
I love when its not too hot to sit in my car & get my oil change... plus, there was no wait. Pulled right in so had it all done within 15 minutes. YES!

399 / Fuel Points
Thanks Kroger for 50 cents off gas.  I hope we never get back to $4.00 a gallon ever again!!! Those were some crazy days of fuel.

401 / Kindle
I havent been using my kindle in probably 3 months. I've had a book shelf of books that I buy & never read & was making it through them, shelving my kindle.  It was nice to pull it down & charge it up & start reading the books I've got on there that I havent read yet.  (I have so many books on both shelf AND Kindle that I havent read... I could not buy a book for a year & still have plenty to read)

402 / Church in my back yard
I skipped church this week so I could sleep in since we didnt have MSM & I knew I'd be leaving for camp... & it was heavenly to take my bible & bible study out in the back yard in the morning air & just have time with God this way

Bruno enjoyed us being home too

402 / Bruno bath.
Our poor little guy has such bad skin allergies & was just scratching & itching so this is what makes a man sexy... when he picks up the dog & gives him a bath on his own.  Bruno loves his skin getting all clean & rubbed on

Ricky saying, "You're not really taking a picture of this, are you?"
... to which I have to remind him for the 1000000th time, "I'm a blogger. Deal with it"

405 / Luggage.
So... proof Ricky & I havent been anywhere in forever.  We cant find our luggage. Last time we went somewhere, like a real trip, its been maybe 8 or 9 years ago when we went to Gatlinburg with Julie & our then only ONE grandson. WOWWWW... so we cant find our luggage & I needed a piece for camp.  So grateful for my brother for lending me his brand new bag he just bought for his vacation they went on a few months ago.  I told Ricky we need to plan a trip so we can use some luggage soon... & he reminded me we'd have to get a piece big enough to hold a 75 lb Australian Shephard.

What good things have happened in your week?


  1. That is a really good hubby that will bathe the dog. Loving my Kindle too. I have tons of books to read on mine. Hope you're having a blast at camp.

  2. I love that Kroger discount for gas. It makes my day. That sub service is such a great idea. Love that! My boss would love that.

  3. I'm thankful for the friends and support network I have here. It's STILL odd to me that I've been able to make friends in a place that is so far from home because I'm not an outgoing person. But it's so nice to have support.

    I rarely buy books so I love my Kindle. I'll buy ebooks with no regrets :)

  4. The way you take care of your sweet doggies is so sweet. And I love that you were able to get gas for such a good price; that's always a huge blessing. :) An oil change in 15 minutes is really fast too! That's wonderful.

  5. Love the pic of Ricky taking care of Bruno! Hope you're having a wonderful time at Camp and can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. I am so glad you posted that picture of the reusable lunch bags since I need to get some for my daughter for next school year.

  7. Tomorrow is the last day of Baby Fox's Kinder year, I can't believe he is going to be in 1st grade, where did the time go? Hope you are enjoying your "girls" and having a wonderful week, yes you do need to go on vacation!

  8. I'm giggling about the luggage debacle! Whoops!
    So sweet of Ricky to scrub down little Bruno! And church in the backyard sounds wonderful! It was like a stepping stone for church at a camp in the middle of the woods!! Lol

  9. Enjoy that camp!!!
    Hope you have a great time, and with middle school age (hope you have a few rest days before you have to go back to work, LOL)

  10. LOL on the "I'm a blogger" #truth! :P Hope you are having a great time at camp. I need to read outside! haha If it isn't just really freaking hot. I've been wanting to try those reusable bags. Let me know what you think!! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  11. Ha ha I love that Ricky wants to take Harvey in the suitcase. Have you tried oatmeal shampoo for Bruno. I mean the oatmeal dog shampoo of course. That is supposed to be good for the dogs skin.

  12. I hope you are having the best time. I love chai teas from Starbucks! Yay for cheap gas. Way cheaper than here.

  13. I meant to email you, I finally signed up for Mighty Nest.

  14. Catching up and always love reading your Thankful Thursday posts!!

  15. I use my Kindle allll the time but I'm actually feeling like I want to read some regular books for a change. I like to go back and forth. That reusable sandwich bag idea is pretty cool. I admit I am wasteful with those. Hope you're having a great time at camp!


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