Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What's Up.... BE WARNED: contains a year book picture!

Mix & Match Mama

What We're Eating This Week

This Butter Bean Salad with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Kalamata Olives, Feta, and…
I got all the goodies for this & making it later this week
Anxious to try it. I love anything basically with feta in it, so excited to see how this tastes.

What I'm Reminiscing About

I pulled out my year book when I found out last week that a guy that sat next to me in homeroom my entire high school years passed away unexpectedly.
It was crazy to look back through my year books & see the memories... all the hand written well wishes.
It was funny because everyone commented how funny I was or how much I made class so much more fun.  I guess even then, I liked to make people smile.

Photography, Contemporary Novels & Creative Writing Club
.... yeah, you know I was going to be a blogger even then

What I'm Loving

 Honest Company
I am picky about my vitamins - I rarely take any, but my doctor has gotten on me after some MAJOR deficiencies they found.  So I stumbled on these & these are the BEST for calcium + Vitamin D.  They are delicious. I use them for my 'dessert" every night.
& plus, they are made by the Honest Company which I love their standards.
So these are vegetarian & gluten free as well.
& yeah, their labeled "for kids"... but I laugh at that.

What We've Been Up To

The hubs is still working on his little part of the world in his garage... his go-to spot.
Me? I've been working on more hand lettering. I got some really nice card stock paper in a frame-able size & creating some prints I can sale in my Etsy shop for a few dollars a piece.

What I'm Dreading

I think I said that last month too - but its never really hit.
We had maybe 3 or 4 days of humidity but then its been a really nice summer so far.
But I know its coming.  My HAIR knows its coming.

What I'm Working On
Teaching Bruno the word UP.
With him being blind, he keeps bouncing into things & then turns & bounces into something else.
So now, I've gotten in the habit of taking him out on a leash... he can get around the kitchen & the living room fairly easy (with the gate up so no more stumbles down the stairs.... that story) but to go outside, he gets confused with the small steps of the concrete patio & the steps into the house, he bounces with his head & thinks its a wall or object & turns around. So I've been teaching him on his leash when I say "UP" he'll step onto or over what he's at.
He's doing really good at it too.
Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks!!!

What I'm Excited About

The new Spiderman movie coming out!!!!

Image result for spiderman homecoming poster

What I'm Watching 

Image result for anne with an e

I've been plowing through Anne with An E on Netflix.
I grew up loving Anne of Green Gables on TV - & really like this version.
This little girl is an amazing actress.

What I'm Reading


This isn't a typical book that I'd read, but one of my buddies actually WROTE THIS BOOK!
That is so cool to me. I am so excited for her.
So I got to preview it & I finished it last night.
I may have blushed a few dozen times reading it, but loved the premise of the book.
So proud of my friend!!!

What I'm Listening To
Image result for that sounds fun podcast

Annie Downs hasn't posted a lot of podcasts back to back but this month, she's been on top of the game... & its included the one & only Steven Curtis Chapman, as well as Lisa Harper & Sadie Robertson that I just loved so much listening to.

What I'm Wearing

June looks

What I'm doing this Weekend

Of course, I have a photo session...
& I am going to try & get some things taken care of around the house.
I really want to try & talk Ricky into going a huge flea market that is held on 4th of July weekend.
He probably wont feel like walking it & we dont need any more STUFF in our house but sometimes its just fun to rummage.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

July is full of photo sessions & my dad's birthday
... so I guess that's some good to look forward to.


  1. I love that 60's-looking high collar dress! And too awesome that you and Bruno are working on some new tricks! Doggies are so smart- at any age, really!
    I love your lettering! You are amazing at it! Every new creation is so gorgeous and inspiring!

  2. that year book photo is all kinds of awesome! the hair! LOLOLOL. Looking back at my old pictures always makes me laugh.

  3. Your yearbook picture is gorgeous! I remember my senior year was the first year they had a dress code for senior pictures. Girls either had to wear those off the shoulder wraps they provided (like you have on) or a plain solid color V-neck shirt. Those wraps were new to me and I didn't understand them and a lot of us were ticked off about the "new dress code" so we didn't wear them. I ended up borrowing a top from a neighbor's sister. My photo came out horrible (my hair was awful too).
    Years later when I got my college pictures done it was mandatory to wear those tops. Those pictures came out much nicer and "classier". Wish I would have listened back in high (sorry for the long response).

  4. Aw you look adorable! It's always fun to look back at old yearbooks. I quickly realize I wasn't as "grown up" looking as I thought I was lol.

  5. Look at you in high school - love how involved you were!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Love, love, love your throwback pic! Still beautiful as ever, girl! Maybe I should find my senior picture, too!! And those vitamins!! Where can I find them? My doc prescribed calcium and Vit-D and I have yet to buy any. Gotta put it on my to do list!!

  7. You pick the cutest outfits Becca, and I agree that the throwback photo is beautiful, and you are still just as beautiful with such a deep Christ like joy about you. And those vitamins look tasty.

    Also, I love that you're teaching an old dog new tricks. :) Never too late to teach them. <3

  8. The butter bean salad looks delicious. I love feta too, although I'm not a fan of sun-dried tomatoes. I'd have to replace them with grape tomatoes. Oh, thanks for the vitamin recommendation. I need to take calcium too and would prefer a gummy over a pill. Love the class picture, although sorry to hear about your classmate. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Go Bruno!

  9. You are so stinking cute! And that you've got me craving butter bean salad as well as I sure do love my beans! Just as beautiful in high school as you are now! Bring on July but no humidity of course!

  10. Loved seeing your yearbook photo but am sorry about the loss of a classmate. As always, I enjoyed your post!! Thanks for the grins and giggles!

  11. Your yearbook photo is absolutely gorgeous!!

  12. I had never heard of Annie Downs until last week. I ran across a Youtube video of her at a Liberty University Convocation. I really enjoyed her speaking.

  13. That yearbook photo, love it. I need to start watching that show, it is one of my recommended shows. Sorry about your classmate that's always hard.

  14. I enjoyed this little catchup and am happy you're doing well. Thanks for the recommendations :)

  15. If you are vitamin D deficient, you might want to try sublingual drops. The body absorbs those better than when it comes from a pill. Our area has so many cloudy days and on top of that I seem to have a problem holding on to D and without taking supplements my levels are critically low. My doctor had to get them up first by having me take 50,000 I.U.s twice a week for 6 months or so and now I take 5000 I.U.s per day to maintain. Low D levels can really mess up a lot of things.

  16. Your yearbook picture is gorgeous!!! That butter bean salad looks so good. I'm a huge fan of sundries tomatoes in salads like that. Don't even get me started on the humidity. Woof!!!!

  17. I loved seeing your year book picture! But I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Life is so short and can be so unexpected. Your hand lettering really is so beautiful. Let me know about the Etsy shop. I would like to buy one for my office. I love subtle conversation pieces like that.
    Beautifully Candid

  18. Love that coffee shirt lady! :) You and your lettering, you are on a roll and I LOVE IT! :) I am also dreading too much humidity and heat. I want to start Anne with an E so badly! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  19. Your lettering is really looking great! I love seeing your new stuff :)

    Also, I need to check out Anne with an E since I watched all of the old tv series on it over and over and over again as a kid!

  20. Yes to the yearbook photos. I think we all need to share ours too.


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