Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Three Things September

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Lately, the awesome Stephanie has been posting questions every month with topics for you to pick out your top 3... so I'm hopping in for September.

Three experiences I recommend 
Sitting outside reading until the sun sets.
Riding with the windows down, singing to the top of your lungs.
Life with Jesus in it.

Three pieces of advice for everyone
Dont chew with your mouth open.
You dont have to top or one better someone's story - sometimes you just need to listen.
Nutrition matters - let food be thy medicine.

Three things I'd give up in a second
Having to work outside of home.
Dog food with carbs in it.
The way a body changes at 45 years old.

Three things that are always in my fridge
Simply Bliss Coffee Creamer (usually in Sweet Cream flavor)
Lemon Lime Sparkling Seltzer Waters
Sweet Earth Veggie Burgers

Image result for sweet earth veggie burgers

Three things that are always in my freezer
Broccoli florets
Outshine Fruit Bars
Bird's Eye Protein Blends (Italian Style)
Image result for birdseye lentil bean spinach
Put some hot sauce on this... crunch up some tortilla chips in it - its a perfect meal for one that is delicious & quick!

Three things that are always in my pantry
Jif Natural Peanut Butter
Black beans
Some sort of tortilla chip - on a sweet potato tortilla chip kick lately

Three most often used makeup products
Eye Shadow - not picky on the name - just a light nude color
Mascara - I change usually every time I buy a new tube
Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Dark-Circle Roller (My MUST every day)

Image result for dark circle garnier

Three things I'll spend money on
Pens/Markers/Journals - all things stationary
Dog Food/treats

Three things I won't spend money on
Apps for phone
Name Brand clothes just for the name... give me Target clearance any day!

You relate on any of these?
Feel free to snag & answer for September's 3 Things


  1. Hmm, i'm gonna have to try those birds eye protein bags. Never thought of crushing tortilla chips on them.
    The thing I spend the most $ on is definitely dog food! I don't buy clothes just for the name either.

  2. I can so relate to pretty much all of these. :) I'm all about the clearance racks -- Target, Old Navy. Fashion is nice but I prefer basics and then stock up on cardigans. Makes it so much easier in the mornings before I've had my coffee too. I LOVE those Protein blends! the Southwest version is my favorite but the others are good with salsa mixed in.

  3. Fun stuff and many answers would be the same! No way am I paying for a pedicure when I have ticklish feet and can do it myself, lol!

  4. I am so with you on the Jif and Bliss Sweet Cream creamer. I wont pay for a mani/pedi either. I haven't been in years. I might need to try that eye stuff out! The dark circles are out of control these days in my perpetual state of tired.

  5. Love this!! And your answers! We are so much alike!

  6. I honestly could care less about what brand of clothing something is. As long as it's cute and it'll last, then I'm all about it! Also love your advice on just listening! So important!

  7. Your 2nd point of advice is spot on!! I have a hard time spending money on pedicures as well! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. I love those Bird's Eye protein bags - when I'm doing the grocery shopping next time I'll need to remember to pick some up!

  9. Oh I love this! I could care less about brand name clothes too, like Cara as long as it's cute, I'm in! :) I think I'm going to have to do this next week!

  10. I'm all about the Target clothes, too! I also definitely agree about listening. Sometimes we just need someone to talk to :) What a great post topic!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  11. I don't spend much money on clothing. Only for a coat because well I live in New England but even then I won't spend more than $300. I don't find expensive clothing to be any better.

  12. Just discovered those protein blends a few weeks ago! They're delicious!

  13. Those veggie burgers look delish!
    "You dont have to top or one better someone's story - sometimes you just need to listen" Something I really, really, really need to get better at and pay attention to!
    Also, the advice about reading until the sun sets. I always get frustrated when I realize I'm squinting at the page, lol!

  14. Yay! I love reading answers to these.

    Every time I'm on the road and see everyone with their windows up I am sad for them LOL

  15. I love that you said riding with the windows and singing at the top of your lungs!



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