Tuesday, October 03, 2017

All about Fall!!! ....{TBB ASKS}

Joining in with the ladies at The Blended Blog to get our Fall Feel on!!!

1) Favorite Fall Sweet Treat?
I'm all about pumpkin pie in the fall! mmm

2) Red, Yellow or Green Apple?
I used to be on a yellow apple kick, but lately, I've been about the Gala or Honeycrisp apples
... which technically looks red AND yellow 

3) Favorite Fall Sport to Play?
I only watch Tennis.
No tennis in the fall.

Image result for not a football fan meme

SIDE NOTE... I Just saw the question says PLAY & not WATCH
& I'm too lazy to change the answer above
... just know I dont play sports either.
Me & sports? Not friends

4) Best Drink for Fall?
    Chai Tea Lattes with pumpkin! 
It's funny because I've ordered that for years (by the recommendation of another bloggy friend)
& now, its on Starbuck's fall menu!
The word must have spread how amazing it is.

Image result for starbucks pumpkin chai tea


5) Favorite Fall Activity?
Photo sessions with changing leaves
... the most beautiful time of the year

6) Must have Fall Purchase?
All the vests!!!

Image result for old navy olive green vest

7) Pumpkins: Pick your own or store bought?
Store bought
... which is a shame since we live like 10 miles from a pumpkin orchard.
But my pumpkins usually are from Hobby Lobby ;) 
(see next question)

8) Real or Fake Pumpkin?
I love a good real pumpkin, but they usually end up rotting on my front porch,
so we dont typically get a real pumpkin.
Now, my brother used to paint some cute ones up & give us one & I'd love having those on my front porch, or on my table inside - but as for me buying one? Typically fake.

9) Favorite Halloween Costume?
I kinda liked my Pippi Longstocking costume I wore one year.
My hair actually help up all night long... thanks to coat hangers in those braids.
& I was pretty comfy all night in some good striped socks & combat boots.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, child and indoor

10) College Football or NFL?
Did we not see the Julie Andrews dancing meme at the top?

11) Fall or Halloween Decor?
I do have my Halloween decorations I throw in there,
but I typically do more "Fall"so I can keep it out till Thanksgiving.

12) Raking Leaves or no Leaves to Rake?
It's strange because we have trees in our back yard, but the leaves usually drop fairly early
& its like they just get blown away - we never have had to rake.

I think honestly, most of the leaves just get brought in from the bottom of the dog's belly & into my kitchen floor.
So its more like SWEEP

13) Favorite soup?
Image result for tomato soup

14) Favorite Fall Candle Scent?
I'm not picky
... give me anything apple or caramel, or pumpkin or fireplace or any kind of WARM smell, I'm happy

Image result for fall candles

15) Love or Hate Pumpkin Spice?
I like it in pie
The Pumpkin spice craze has taken a strange turn though... FO' REAL!

16) Short Booties or Tall Boots?
Tall Boots!
I've been a tall boot girl since I was little in the 70's... seriously.
I dig me some tall boots.
I've never owned short boots though - I think because they have a heel usually on them - I dont do a heel.
Tall boots can be flat

Image result for tall boots fall

17) Favorite Halloween Candy?
That's like trying to pick a favorite child

18) PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte): Yes or No?
Nope... like I said before - just give me the chai tea with pumpkin

19) Hayride or Corn Maze?
I love a good corn maze

20) Favorite Fall TV Show?
I'm waiting so anxiously for Halloween for 

Image result for stranger things 2


  1. Pumpkin pie is my favourite this time of year; I also love eating it during christmas.

  2. Definitely tall boots and tomato soup! I had no idea there was a pumpkin spice chai option now. I'll have to try that. I'm curious how it's different from their normal blend.

  3. Mmmm that tomato soup picture with the croutons looks so good right now! haha! I will have to try the pumpkin chai latte! I love a good chai latte. I did this link up today too, since I like to share my weekends on Monday.

  4. Honeycrisp apples are the absolute BEST! Those vests are adorable!! I always forget about vests!

  5. I love a good tomato soup with grilled cheese and all the vests! Jess at Just Jess

  6. Love this list! I used to be all yellow delicious - all the time ... now I'm all about the honeycrisp and gala. I have class photos of me in elementary school wearing tall boots - but now I can't find any that are for short people with 'robust' calves.

  7. Yay! So happy to have you onboard with our fall Q&A! So I totally think Chai gets overlooked and I forgot how much I love it so I'm ready for a cup of that on a cold day!

  8. I like tall boots but I struggle to find some that fit. I'm short so tall boots are often times too tall. And I have fat calves so that can be a struggle sometimes too. With that said, I found a pair of boots that fit and I love but rarely wear them because unless it's raining, I refuse to wear closed-toe shoes in LA. :D I'm somewhat meh on pumpkin overall, but I love apples so apple cider, apple crisp, caramel apples are what I look forward to in the Fall. And I'm 100% with you on the Sound of Music meme. I just don't care about football. Or sports!

  9. mmm Honeycrisp apples are my jam. so good!
    ew to playing sports. no. or watching them. no thanks!
    yes 100 times to tomato soup. all year long honestly!

  10. I love honeycrisp apples. They are the best. Love Pink Ladies as well. I am all about the tomato soup with grilled cheese!!!! I love football, but love the meme you put up about football. Ha.

  11. Putting wire hangers in those braids was genius! Did you think of that on your own, because you know there was no Pinterest then...haha.

    I love all food scented candles. How did I not know there was a whoopie pie candle?

  12. Vests all the way! I just got that old navy cream vest and I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing it all the time. Beautifully Candid

  13. Hehe... I'm guess I'm totally with the pumpkin spice craze. And I love fall decorations much more than Halloween. Halloween is just too creepy for me.

  14. Pumpkin Pie and red apples for me. Love those vests! Pippy Longstocking cracked me up. Good costume!!

  15. bahahaha- yup, I'm the same with football. Thanks for linking up!

  16. Love the Halloween costumes:) Oh and you do play sports your sport is running, you've done a lot of that through the years!
    So I got into stranger things and yes I am looking forward to the new season too! Meanwhile I'm still trying to get through the new season of Fuller House, I just need more down time LOL


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