Thursday, November 16, 2017

Needles, timing & support in so many ways {Thankful Thursday #150}

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand

This week I am Thankful For:
{Number go with my One Thousand Gifts journal - just ignore}

744 / Clarity.
Having the 2 different jobs to choose from, I was praying so hard on which job to take... & then something happened that made it PERFECTLY clear to me which one to take, & as soon as I accepted that position, I've had the best sense of peace about it.  Thank you Lord.

747 / Best support.
I've had the most supportive words & prayers from so many.  Ricky, my parents, my Joysters, & my sweet friend Nathalie, who would send texts about updates about the whole process & helping me figure things out. & all the comments & messages sent yesterday as well just made my heart swell!!! It has made the whole idea of transition so much better knowing people are lifting you up in prayer & supporting you however they can.

751 / BARGAIN!!!
So I just bought some knitting needles for a hat that I cant find around the house. I had to buy them online for like $13.99 a piece.  & then when I went to Hobby Lobby this past week, I found these in the clearance section. $1.99!!!!!! Are you kidding me?  The exact same needles in the package were there for $12.99. I was digging through for any other needles.  Didnt find any, but glad to have these for my stash!

752 / Blood work OK.
So it's been a nightmare with - guess it - health insurance. My doctor wanted to run some scans on me back at the beginning of October.  My wonderful, delightful insurance denied it. Like they know what's best for my health?  They said, "It looks like she's healthy - she doesnt need it".... so do healthy people not have troubles or get sick ever?  Geez... it's been a fight - the doctor called & ordered ANOTHER test - which the insurance company DENIED AGAIN! .... (& you wonder why I'm leaving my job for another one for health insurance?  There you go).... but the insurance finally settled on a blood test - which actually was a battle on where I could go to get the one little vile of blood taken. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!??!!?!?!?!??!??? ....
all of that to say, the blood tests came back fine & clear...

753 / Support for Ricky.
I am so thankful that my dad went to the funeral home to sit with Ricky for awhile & that Ricky's sister Sherry came & stayed for the funeral to support him.  It's never easy to go through hard stuff alone & poor Ricky's heart was just BROKEN & needed that back up in his life.

756 / Bruno OK.
Just so thankful that he didnt cut his leg right when we left Saturday for the funeral home & he was home by himself for 6 hours - but it was only less than a half hour before we got home to stop the bleeding for him.

757 / Celebration Sunday.
Celebrating another bible study accomplished & done & getting to chat & catch up. So thankful to see our Joyster Elaine who had to miss the last few get togethers & realllllly excited for our new Joyster that will be starting with us!

Missing about 10 people here - WOW!!! We've grown!

760 / CANCELING INSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my employee packet that shows my health insurance starts December 1... so I was one happy camper calling my provider & telling them to take my insurance & TRASH IT!!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!

762 / Happy & Yummy Mail!!!
My adorable friend Meranda did a post not too long ago about these whoopie pies she gets locally. I had never had one before & mentioned it to her... so what does she do?  She buys some & sends to us!!!!! HOW CUTE IS THAT? & how YUMMY is that? Well, I can attest that it is VERY Yummy!!!!!.... I am glad I dont have these near me. I'd want a pumpkin whoopie pie every day!! THE BEST!!!!

What are you thankful For this week?

My morning view this past week... just so hopeful to me seeing the sun rise - pushing the darkness out of the way.
I just felt such happiness seeing this....
Grateful for sunrises in all areas of life!!!


  1. Aww I am so glad you are enjoying the pies!
    I still can't get over how awful your insurance is! Are you still with the old one or did you ever do that Medi-share thing?

  2. Yay for a new job that offers insurance! It's one of those things I think about a lot these days. While I'm fortunate to have greater choice than you did for insurance plans, the price went up significantly this year. Last year, it actually went down a couple of bucks.

  3. Heck yesss for canceling that insurance policy! That had to feel SO good.
    So sweet of your daddy & Ricky's sister to sit with him and lend a shoulder.
    Soooo glad Bruno-baby was ok and has healed up nicely!!

  4. I had to giggle at the Whoopie Pies! Hooray for your new job and for the new insurance!! So happy for you!

  5. Glad your test results came back good. And I agree insurance is a real pain in the butt. That’s the main reason I’m still working after 41 years. Because there are rumirs they may do away with the retirement insurance ive been promised all these years. Originally mine was to be free and hubbys was a nominal fee. They’ve already done away with spousal insurance and I now have to pay to get it. Rumors are that now they may do away with it all together. So for now I keep working until I have that peace from God that you talked about, as to what I should do. He’s never failed to take care of me yet and I know He won’t start now.

    So cool you got such a great deal on those knitting needles. And I’ve never tried pumpkin whoopie pies. Hiwever I love the chocolate ones.

  6. Love you, sweet friend! <3

  7. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow on your last day at this job!

  8. Oh gosh I missed Bruno cutting himself, so glad you guys got to him when you did! Ugh, insurance. My sister made sure to work the average hours to get insurance only to find out it's still going to cost her a pretty penny but at least she'll have it. Yay for awesome deals on things you'll use!!

  9. Clarity is a gift, I swear.
    Good luck on your last day!

  10. Support is such an important thing when making a big life change, and I am glad you have so many wonderful people in your life! Seeing the path you need to take so clearly is such a blessing!!! I hope your new insurance is the best ever because girl, you deserve it after all this crap you have been through!

  11. I'm so grateful that you guys have such a wonderful support system around you. It's great when times are good, bad, or you're making decisions. Just awesome 365 isn't it?! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


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