Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Not the Christmas post.... UGHHHHH


I just can't....

I spent 40 minutes doing a post...with pictures & details & the longest post...

I mean, its Christmas...

& I dont know what happened. The opposite of a Christms miracle?  Because I hit a button on my computer - not even sure WHAT button - & it erased the entire thing. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I just cant do it all over again.  It's late - I'm exhausted & I've got to go back to work & that's always depressing anyways.

& plus, half of it is going to be on my Thankful Thursdsay post anyways.

DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just know, Christmas was wonderful... the hubs birthday was fantastic.... & we still have 2 more Christmas celebrations & one birthday to go....

& I'll just leave you with the latest picture of our growing boy with his big brother....

& in case I dont say it again... DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(It was a really good post too)

Come back on Thankful Thursday to see more pics & details & to hear how my Christmas weekend went....


  1. Dang it all..technology..ugh! Dang button. I have been there and I have no doubt it was spectacular because all you do is spectacular! Hope your Christmas was awesome!

  2. It hasn't happened in a while but that used to be a regular thing with my old laptop. It was one of those trainable ones. I never knew how it got trained to do certain things or what action or motion (dang thing sensed motion near the pad) made it do what. I spent a lot of time redoing posts for quite a while. The day I got rid of it was one of my happiest ever!

  3. Uggh! So sorry you lost all your hard work. I know how time consuming blogging and doing pictures can be!

    I am so glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Oh no....this is why I've put off writing a recap post.

    I'm glad you had a great weekend though!

  5. Sorry for the mishap! Sounds more like my luck than yours, but I'll look forward to reading all about it on Thursday!

  6. I hate when that happens! Hope you had a Merry Christmas and the dogs look so darn cute....

  7. Oh man - that super sucks! But at least for me the pictures of the pups are enough :)

  8. Gosh, I hate when that happens too! Love how that sweet little pup is growing so fast! I always look forward to your thankful posts, so on to Thursday!

  9. Ughhh. Technology!!!
    The puppy brothers are a very very cute substitute, though ;)
    Hope it was a merry Christmas (and your new few celebrations are, too)!
    Can't wait to read more on Thursday!

  10. I hate it when that happens :( And the new post I come up with is never as good as the first one. But puppy photos always guarantee that it's a good post!

  11. Oh no, that is the worst!!! I'm glad you had a nice Christmas though!!

  12. I hate when I lose a post. I am always unwilling to recreate it! LOL

    Glad it was a good Christmas!

  13. no no no. that has happened to me and it's the WORST. I am so sorry! I hope you had merry Christmas


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