Thursday, December 28, 2017

#sorrynotsorry - this is a long one.....perfect for the last one of the year {Thankful Thursday #156}

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand

This week I am Thankful For:
{Numbers go with my One Thousand Gifts Journal - Just Ignore}
* be ready - this is covering Christmas week - its a long one this time around

875 / Ricky drive Ernie down.
Bless Ricky's heart. We had an vet appointment for Ernie's next worming treatment & instead of me driving all the way home, Ricky went home &got Ernie after work & drove down to the vet so I could just meet them.  Saved me a good hour of time.

Big boy at 10.5 lbs ... then... cant wait to see what he is now. We go tomorrow to find out
878 / Know downtown roads.
My first day of potentially being REALLLLLY late to work with a wreck on the expressway - but I was able to get off on a different exit & weasel my way through downtown & got there just 1 minute late when I heard on the radio it was a back up of 25 minutes. Whew!  Glad I know my downtown roads.

879 / Starbucks coworkers
I loved that some coworkers asked me to walk with them in the afternoon for a Starbucks run on a beautiful day.  I loved it, of course, for the Starbucks, but that I am getting to know my coworkers & see how awesome they are.

883 / Retirement parties.
Two people are retiring in our Finance Department at the end of the year & the firm had nicest parties for both ladies.  One of the ladies has been with the firm for 45 year!! That's how long I have been alive. She said her first day of work, she remembered she wore a white & pink polyester dress & white go-go boots. How awesome is that?

885 / Yeti Cup
I've never had a yeti cup - never ever even SEEN a yeti cup - but was so surprised when our manager gave our department all personalized ones. & I was the only one with this color & LOVE IT!!! It's so bright & pretty!

886 / First Staff Meeting
I loved it that our department meets to get updates what's going on & even better? There's praise & pats on the back for what's going RIGHT. I just love that. Communication is key & appreciation is even bigger.  Can you tell I'm loving my new job

887 / All the work celebrations
We've had 2 retirement parties, a Christmas lunch for the whole firm & then we got another Christmas party for our floor.  It was so nice - the managers of all the departments brought in food & drinks for everyone & we just all took the last hour of the day to just relax & talk about the holidays.

888 / Time off work!!!!
Yep... one month in & I already have PTO time off.  I didnt want to use it because I just felt funny, but when my manager heard I was so far behind on shopping, she talked me into taking at least a half day to get some shopping done. Who does that? The best manager ever!!!! It was even nicer because Ricky was off work so I got to meet up with him & we just enjoyed a good day together getting a lot accomplished.

890 / Coffee date with a friend.
My sweet friend commissioned me to do two canvas pieces for her family for Christmas & we had to get them to her before Christmas - obviously... so we were able to meet up on 12/22 to have some coffee (or tea for both of us) & we ended up talking for 3 hours. haha. We honestly could have talked longer but both husbands were calling us reminding us its Christmas & there's a lot on the calendar & schedule.  I just love this lady!  

891 / Joysters.
OK... I was totally overwhelmed & speechless.  I got home from my coffee date & find a package for me from the Joysters.  It was just the most thoughtful thing ... the present alone was wonderful, but the thought that they wanted to do something for me to leading our group? I honestly was in shock & cried & just kept saying to Ricky, "I dont know what to say"... haha... I dont receive presents well. I love to give them - but I'm just not good at accepting.  I sat for the longest time just so thankful for such sweet friends who are sneaky & got together to do this for me.

893 / Live Nativity Scene.
It was so nice to stop by our old church & see this beautiful sight & hear the Christmas story read & get to see some old friends.  What a beautiful tradition they are doing with this nativity every year.

895 / Ricky's Birthday.
Always thankful for my hubby's big day & thankful for another year in his life.

896 / Winner Winner!
Ricky got a lottery ticket on his birthday... & ended up winning $100... it might as well be $10000 because he was so excited. So fun.

897 / Lunch with the baby.
So glad Lindsay came in town for Christmas & we got to spend time with her.  & bless her heart - she snuck to the waitress & paid the bill for our dinner on Christmas Eve to treat us both for our birthdays ... so nice.  Ricky was so mad at her though :) haha

Lindsay was so excited to meet the new Pup-Pup too (as she called him) :) haha
900 / White Christmas!!!
I can't believe we had snow on Christmas Eve & into Christmas morning.  I'm not a fan of snow but it is kind of magical to have it on Christmas!

901 / Family Christmas.
I dont take it for granted to spend another holiday with my family.  It's truly a blessing to not overlook 

902 / Christmas Morning.
I just love Christmas morning - even as an adult. It's not the same jumping up at 4am to look for presents... now, its sleeping in & enjoying a yummy breakfast & sitting by the glow of the tree & just relaxing into the morning.  Reading the story of Jesus birth & really remembering what its about... its just the best.

903 / Sweet gifts.
My hubby knows me - lots of Beauty & the Beast stuff, some perfume that I refuse to pay for myself & a new cross necklace. & not just one necklace - TWO!! I've been so upset since I lost my last one he got me & I've had for 16 years.... so he found one that looked like my last one (the white gold & diamond one) & then found the other diamond with the sapphires in it later & really liked that one too so I have two to interchange or have on back up if I loose one again. (Please Lord, no)

904 / Christmas with dogs.
Just like my family - we appreciate another Christmas with our dogs... old & new.  Bruno loved the attention Ricky gave him for awhile... & Harvey & Ernie got worn out playing with their new toys... & Zoe?  She's always just around like an elf - she likes to stick around the edges of a room but not get involved with any doings.  She's my Golden Girl - for sure.

I ADORE this picture of Ricky & Bruno

905 / Japanese dinner with our girl... one last time.
We usually go to the movies on Christmas Day & was looking forward to seeing Star Wars but we ended up missing the showing with the crowds & was able to meet up with Lindsay for dinner before she flew back home.  It was nice because we've never ate at this Japanese restaurant & we really loved it.  & we were just glad to get in more time with our baby girl.

Teriyaki Tofu with vegetables - YUM!!!

Thanks for hanging in there with this one along with me.
What an amazing week.

& I guess this is really the last one of the year... WOW!

But I'll be continuing on in 2018 ... always thankful
... always appreciative of everything God blesses me with every day.

Would love to have you join me every Thursday!

What are you Thankful for this week?


  1. Wow, y'all really did get some snow for Christmas. We only got a dusting on Christmas Eve but I guess that's sort of magical!
    I am so glad that you seem to be so happy at your new job. Sounds like they are treating you very well which is such a big deal.
    My sister and husband both have those yeti cups and they love them!

  2. EL's Pleasures is one of my favorite perfumes, too!

  3. I love that cross with the sapphires - very nice! Glad you already have PTO! Your new place sounds like a dream. I don't get PTO at this new place - like most furniture manufacturers you get a week off at Christmas & July 4th & a handful of other holidays.

    I'm thankful that it's been really a quiet last week of work at my old job. I've been able to organize the electronic files & put together some cheat sheets for the person who has to do my job next. And I'm thankful that I just went ahead & did that even though apparently they didn't think that anyone needs to do my job (no I'm not bitter - ha!). However, the folks who will do the work had nothing to do with the decision to eliminate jobs so I didn't think they should have to suffer too :)

  4. I love your thankful posts. It looks like it was a warm and merry Christmas for you and the puppers! It sounds like you have found a job at the most thoughtful and special place! How wonderful that you were led there at the end of this year. So perfect for you!
    Those crosses are beautiful!

  5. That's great that the new job is going so well and was on the list several times :)

  6. Both of those cross necklaces are beautiful. I'm so glad to hear you are loving your job. It sounds like such a wonderful place to work. There's nothing quite like time with your family and your pets. Sounds like a wonderful week. You are blessed.

  7. Sounds like things are going great at the new office!!! Love that you are getting to know your coworkers, and that is an awesome Yeti cup! I have a knock off Walmart version that I take to work with me every day :) Those cross necklaces are so pretty!

  8. You had a great week!! I'm so happy your new job is feeding your soul (as well as you wallet!). Awesome!! Great necklaces and those puppies are adorable!!

  9. It was so amazing seeing how God brought snow to so many corners of the US and all throughout the US just for Christmas. What a gentle amazing Father we have.

    And I love how she paid for your bill; that's always such a sweet sneaky gift! :) That Japanese Food looks so yummy.

  10. What a month for you! I'm so happy you switched jobs.

  11. Oh my sweet goodness....I am in love with Ernie's eyes! I had a husky years ago that had one blue eye and one brown and we had a white cat once with one blue and one green. I guess I like the genetic oddities. LOL

  12. What a fabulous week! So much to be thankful for! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas and even a little snow. You actually had about as much snow as we did in Minnesota! It was a very cold but brown Christmas, which is kind of a bummer. :D I don't like snow but Christmas without snow feels weird to me. I am so thankful that I was able to spend time with family for Christmas. It just wouldn't feel right if I didn't go home. Happy birthday and Happy New Year!

  13. Looks like a wonderful holiday week! I just love your sweet pup!

  14. Your manager sounds amazing. I love your personalized yeti cup.. and you are rocking that green sweater!

  15. I am so glad that things are going well in your new position! When you have a place and a team that works well together it makes all the difference. This time of year is so amazing and I am sad that it's over. That live nativity looks like it was great too! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  16. Looks like you had a great holiday! I love your Yeti Cup. Also I just went online to buy the Jim Shore "Beauty and the Beast" Lumiere. I love it, he is my favorite....
    Happy New Year!

  17. I'm so glad things are going well at work! We also meet together at least once a week to talk about 'wins'. It's very encouraging! And the live nativity! Beth, Chuck and I were part of a live nativity at our old church and your picture brought back good memories. I'm glad you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!


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