Wednesday, January 24, 2018

3 Things....

I always love these things & love when awesome blog friends come up with new topics every month.

This month, Jana took over & offered up some 3 things to share & join in on.... Thanks Jana!

So here we go...

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3 foods I hate & refuse to eat
1. Cereal (I literally gagged typing it)... or the C-word as people refer to it around me.
2. Peas - gross. Mush.
3. Corn - again, something about it just grosses me out. I will say, it is in one of the veggie burgers I eat & I try to pick each kernel out for each bite but every now & then, one sneaks in - & I shutter every time I chew into it.

3 foods I love & eat more than I should
1. Cadbury Eggs.  This is the season too baby!!!
2. Cashews.
3. Crackers. Any kind. I can eat a whole sleeve of Saltines without thinking - & any kind of small cracker in a box? Forget it - I can eat it all like inhaling air.

3 chores I avoid until absolutely necessary
1. Dusting ceiling fans
2. Cleaning under couches
3. Ironing

3 chores I always do
1. Cleaning & sweeping the kitchen floor. Hello dogs!
2. Vacuuming. Hello once again dogs!!! & long hair peeps like me & the hubs.
3. Laundry.  With a husband that wears like 7 shirts a day in layers for the cold - yeahhhh - lots of laundry.

Image result for laundry funny meme

3 wardrobe staples
1. Leggings. Love all my Lularoe leggings.
2. Cardigans. Give me all the cardigans in every color
3. Good fitting jeans.

3 things I dont spend money on.
1. Manicures & pedicures
2. Car washes
3. Expensive make up. If it's over $15.00 - forget it.

3 things I do spend money on
1. Coffee shops
2. Yarn
3. Any sort of pen or paper supplies

Image result for yarn addict funny

3 TV shows I frequently watch in reruns
1. Friends
2. Say Yes to the Dress
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

3 movies I love that might surprise you
1. Gladiator
2. The Man in the Iron Mask
3.  The Count of Monte Crisco - I LOVVEEEE that movie!

Image result for the count of monte cristo movie
Fum little fact... look at the guy in the middle. That's a REALLLY YOUNG Henry Cavill - ... aka, the new Superman!!!

Image result for henry cavill

3 genres I generally don't read
1. History books
2. Self-help books
3. Sci-Fi

3 things I'm looking forward to this year
1. Spring time temps!!!!
2. Learning more & growing at my new job
3. Stepping back from some things & enjoying some slower times in life

So feel free to grab & answer with us!!!


  1. So ... you know that your 3 favorite foods all start with C, right? So what if people are referring to Cadbury Eggs as the C-word, just so you don't know they're eating them all. ;)

  2. This is so much fun!! I may have to do it, too!!
    I never cared to wash my car until I got a new one. My husband just got a new truck and is so obsessed with keeping it clean that he washes it almost every day. Insert eye roll.
    Leggings all day every day!!

  3. Before Alise got on her BH 90210 binge, she asked to watch Buffy, but I had never watched it so I wasn't sure! I hate sci-if books, too!!

  4. I feel the same way about peas!! I'm a pen-aholic!! Can't have enough of them! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. My husband refuses to eat corn too. He says he is allergic to it, but he eats tortilla chips like crazy so I know that is crap lol. I wont spend money on manicures either. I saw the Easter candy was out the other day and I turned my cart around so fast and ran the other way before I loaded it with all the eggs.

  6. Such a fun post! I can't believe that you don't like cereal though?!? I don't really spend money on car washes unless it's the winter and I can't see out of my windows anymore because of the salt. I would much rather do it home. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  7. LOVE these posts and read8ng more about what makes you tick! Cadbury Eggs....I’m so ready! I liked Gladiator too, it’s my husband’s fav of ALL TIME!

  8. Count of Monte Cristo is a favorite of mine too. Corn is one of my favorite vegetables. I like peas too and even the 'mushy peas' they serve in England. I'm picky about my cereal, and I don't like much milk on it at all. Hubs drowns his and it's so soggy. shudder!

  9. I love these kind of posts too and told Jana yesterday that this would be my post tomorrow. :D It surprised me how many veggies are foods you don't like. That's what happens when I stereotype a vegetarian! I love cereal but rarely eat it because I'm hungry an hour later. I despise ironing and refuse to do it. I have to pay for car washes because we're not allowed to wash our cars in the apartment garage but I go so long in between car washes, it's almost like I never pay for them. LOL!

  10. Love this! Last Friday I posted a pencil store, a whole store that sells different kinds of pencils, go take a look at the video, it had me drooling, haha. And I just threw out a cabury egg from last Easter over the weekend, haha! :) I had the best intentions to eat it, then the thought of that much sugar scared me off, LOL.

  11. I don't like peas either. There's not much I won't eat, but peas is one of those things.
    I enjoy laundry, so I do it often. Lol. Also, I think I wear jeans every single day to work and on weekends. Lol

  12. I hate cereal too! Also peas. Gross. This is such a fun post...I might have to do it too!

  13. You don't like cereal? Any kind of cereal? That's like a staple in my house. We will make a run to the store if all we need is cereal! I can't believe that 11 year old little boy :) in that top photo is the same man in the bottom photo! Wow!!

  14. No cereal here, cardigans all the way with coffee of course. I hate all dusting but I love these posts! Hope to it on a regular monthly schedule or do you email out the questions?

  15. Wait! You're suppose to clean the blades on the ceiling fans??? (Just Kidding, I do but probably only once or twice a year..haha)

    I always give my husband heck for putting 3/4 of a sleeve of Saltines in his one bowl of soup! There is food I don't care for but I don't think there is really anything I hate or makes me gag (except certain kinds of meat i will never eat)

  16. Corn is about the only veggie my hubby will eat without complaint. This was a fun post!

  17. I love seeing everyone's answers to these!

    I don't clean the ceiling fans until it's way too late either but I maintain that I'm just too short to do it.

  18. I am a cardigan queen! I love them and cannot live without them.

    This reminds me, it's probably time to clean my ceiling fans.

  19. Fun post. I agree with the peas! I'm with you on the cashews. All my tops are LuLaRoe. I do get a pedicure about every six weeks. I just can't do it myself anymore. I'm not into history either. Slower times sounds like a great plan of action.

  20. The new Superman being in Count of Monte Cristo? I think my mind just got blown... (and I love that movie too, by the way. Fun fact: I actually like the ending of the movie LOADS better than I like the actual ending to the book.)

    Mmm...Cadbury eggs. 'Tis the season, indeed!

  21. Omg cereal? You might be the first person I have come across who hates it. Too funny girl!

    Also, I don't do sci-fi either. I just can't!

  22. This was a fun post. If I had seen it earlier, I would have participated. I love all the foods you hate. lol And I don't do Cadbury eggs. Have never like them!


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