Thursday, January 18, 2018

8 years, 10 dollars, 35+ years .... lots of numbers this week {Thankful Thursday #159}

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This week I am Thankful For:
{Numbers go with my One-Thousand Gifts Journal - just ignore}

23 / 8 yrs old.
I can't believe the middle Grand turned 8 years old last week.  I feel like he was just born.... he's growing up so fast.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
Snagged Julie's picture

25 / Q'Doba
I'm still venturing out at work & finding new places for lunch... & I'm super happy that Q'doba is just across the street.  A good vegetarian bowl is top notch for lunch.

27 / New Bible Study
Excited that our Joyster group is starting a new bible study..  & our girls bible study is also starting a new study. I'm just waiting for the book to come in.  Funny thing is, our girls group is doing a study on JOY.  I'm going to do good not to get confused all up in here with my JOYSTERS & doing a study on JOY with my girls.

28 / Candles
I just love candles when its so dark early - gives the home such a cozy look. Plus, the yummy smells.  I love when my house smells like apples pie or cinnamon without me having to cook anything.

29 / Gift card from work
So apparently on top of everything else my work has done lately, I got a gift card for my birthday. They give them out to all the employees on their birthday.... mine had gotten missed in the hustle of the end of the year, but they made sure to get it to me.  Isn't that just the nicest thing?

I didnt realize the pic was blurry & you know this girl already spent the gift card to take another pic ;) 
30 / Family being close
Soooo.... it was weird. Our alarm went off on our house last week... & our front door was open.  We saw it on our security camera that Harvey was just sitting looking at the cracked door.  Not sure if someone tried to break in or what, but I was just freaking out thinking Harvey was going to go out the front door & leave.  The good thing?  Family is near by & they were over at my house right away to check the house & make sure the door was shut.  ....Side note - it was all weird this happened because the two days before, I saw this reallllly strange car driving really slow by the house at 7am... & there was just some weird things that happened with them .... & then Ricky actually saw them driving by later that evening. Their car was VERY noticable. It had like pieces of cars that didnt go on it - like a blue door on a beige car.  I just had a really weird feeling about it & then all this happened with our alarm & door. Hmmmm.....

31 / Survived grocery.
Geez. I really didnt plan on going to the grocery because of the snow storm - it was just the most convenient time to do it... but MANNNNN, it was a nut house. I was in the grocery store for nearly 2 hours.  I never wanted to run & scream more in my life.  But I survived.

32 / Off work early
I'm so glad that my new job is really aware of bad weather & they kept us updated all day long with emails on the status of the roads & then when they knew it was going to be bad, they gave us a time we could leave.  & it was perfect timing. The roads were just starting to get really bad on my drive home. I cant imagine staying another hour & a half & taking those roads.

Leaving the office
34 / Home all day
Let me tell you - I so appreciate the days lately that I have had no where to go & nothing to do. They are few & far between. I had plans for Saturday but with the weather, everything got changed & it made me appreciate the lazy day snuggled in the house.  It really is making me rethink my schedule for the year.  I've got to cut back on things. I have to not be so overwhelmed... I need to enjoy some slowness & relaxing in life.  I'm learning this.

38 / Old church friend
I walked into church Sunday to get to my MSM meeting & as I'm walking by, I hear someone say a name.  It's an unusual name - not crazy - but different. & I dont know what made me stop - but I stopped dead in my tracks & turned around & went back to see if it was the same person I knew by that name. It totally was.  This lady actually was a teenager in the church I grew up in & she was in my parent's youth class.  I looked at her & told her who my mom & dad was & she just hugged me - she remembered me immediately.  Come to find out, we are back at the same church together now.... about 35+ years later... isn't that crazy?  She has connected with my parents on Facebook now & I love that the world can be really small sometimes.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I continue to be impressed with your new company! They are super duper!

    I connected with an old friend I saw at the Vet yesterday. We exchanged numbers because she asked about getting together for coffee. I texted her last night to tell her it was great to see her but I have not heard anything back. It really worries me when people don't text back because I know how everyone is So attached to their phones. It's like, are they ignoring me?..haha. But I do worry that maybe I copied her number down wrong.

  2. kids grow SO FAST! there are days i think "how is K 9??". yay for gift cards; it feels so good to know your hard work is appreciated.

  3. I would be so paranoid with the open door/strange car driving by. Hopefully it's just a freaky coincidence and nothing bad comes of it. I have started saying 'no' to more things so I'm not so rushed on weekends. My weeknights are crazy busy, but I'm prioritizing my weekend activities now. If it doesn't involve a book or coffee on Saturday, it's most likely getting a 'nope' from me. :)

  4. I love Qdoba! I have a friend that works there that told me their tortilla soup is also vegetarian :) Ok, the alarm and the open door thing sounds really sketchy. That's great that there was family nearby that was able to go over and check on things.

  5. That's super scary about your alarm. It's good thing you have one because it likely scared them away. My parents live in the country but are nestled in a group of homes where everyone knows each other well. So any stranger is immediately noticed. Their other neighbor is a bit further away and has been robbed several times because country homes can be easy targets, unfortunately. It great, though, that you had family nearby who can check on things and make sure everything is fine! Love that your new employers sound like really good people to work for - always makes it so much nicer to go to work!

  6. I've totally enjoyed our time at home and the older I get the more I'm happy there. So glad you have an alarm and that no one got in and that Harvey didn't take off. Wow!

  7. Wow those roads look icy - what a good company to send you home early. Also, Q'doba is the best - I just saw that they have new owners, so hopefully the quality will remain the same!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  8. Whoa! I’m so glad your house is ok! Something similar happened to us a few years ago. I saw a weird car parked out front with some sketchy people. A few hours later, I was in the kitchen and heard someone trying to get the door open. In broad daylight! I crawled to a window and saw one of the same guys. He finally gave up and left. It scared me to death!

  9. That is awesome that you got a gift card for your birthday and haven't been there for that long. Awesome company!!! I can't believe what happened with the alarm. I hope no one tried to break in. that is so scary!

  10. Your company is just amazing! Do they need someone to work remotely? lol. You have so much Joy going on with your groups and studies and I love it. Candles are my favorite. I can finally leave them on now and not have the boys run over and sing happy birthday and blow them out.

  11. Your work just spoils the pieces out of you! That's amazing!
    I love candles, too! Fall & winter is my favorite time for candles :)
    So weird and creepy about the door being open! We used to the camera to check on the dogs one night and heard an alarm going off. We don't have a security system but we decided it was the Carbon Monoxide detector in the garage & we asked my father-in-law to pop over. Turned out to be nothing, but it was still weird!


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